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5th Planet Games A/S

  • official forum seems quite dead.
  • 2,88/5 ranking for the game isn’t much to be excited about.
  • Still in Alpha, while good old hugo said at the aquisition time that it would be launched, or brought to market as the said, in q2 2019. In other words, a hefty delay.
    State as of 12. june apparently:

Game crashes a lot and there are placeholder items and text, as is expected, but it is slightly better with the most recent update.

New update is out (last week), game (dod: ascension) became way more stable and playable. The more recent reviews are improving. I do not claim that everything is alright now, but the US studio builds the game in a very structured and organised way. They will definitelly deliver a decent/good game. Regarding the progress of the other games: maybe we should send 5th planet games mails in order to remember them to communicate to us…

finally some news:

20-2019 5th Planet Games will Launch the Sequel to the Successful Dawn of the Dragons on August 27th
COPENHAGEN, August 7th, 2019: 5th Planet Games A/S (OMX: FIVEPG) is pleased to
announce that the official launch of the highly awaited game sequel “Dawn of the
Dragons: Ascension” will take place on August 27th, 2019.

Furthermore, an agreement of exclusivity has been made with the well-known
platform provider Kongregate. The agreement means that Kongregate will launch,
feature and promote the game exclusively on its growing Kartridge platform for
one month. On September 30th, 5th Planet Games will launch the mobile version of
Dawn of the Dragons: Ascension on the Google Play and Apple App Store.

The CEO of 5th Planet Games, Henrik Nielsen, is excited about releasing the
sequel to the loyal and dedicated fans of the successful Dawn of the Dragons.

“It’s great to be able to deliver the promised sequel to such a legendary RPG
(Role Playing Game) as Dawn of the Dragons has proven to be,” says Henrik

“The exclusivity agreement is also very valuable. The Kartridge platform fits
Dawn of the Dragons: Ascension perfectly and at the same time Kongregate wishes
to promote their rising platform through our game. It’s basically a win-win

Kongregate is an American mobile, PC and Console publisher, as well as a web
gaming portal with more than 15 million active portfolio players and more than
100 million game downloads. Kartridge is aiming to be the gaming platform of
tomorrow; it’s easy to use and without the technology constraints of traditional
web browsers.
Dawn of the Dragons: Ascension is a strategic, grid based, combat RPG with a
rich narrative and a focus on Guilds. It follows the style and gameplay of the
original Dawn of the Dragons game, which was launched in 2010 and has since
thrilled thousands of loyal players.

As a community-based game the original Dawn of the Dragons has succeeded in
retaining a dedicated userbase who are willing to come back again and again. The
original game provided a steady stream of revenue, and 5th Planet Games CEO
Henrik Nielsen believes that the new game has potential to follow that trend.

“The new game is great, and I know the players are going to love it,” says
Henrik Nielsen.

“This time around we will publish using multiple platforms, which gives us a
potential for a far bigger userbase. I’m confident that both existing and new
users will embrace Dawn of the Dragons: Ascension.”


Spennende! Blir ikke overrasket om denne kan gå fremover. Kongregatesamarbeidet er jo svært fornuftig

Ser at MCAP er på 41M nå - braaa med oppside om 5th lykkes her


Very high volume today. Great that they will first test DOD A on this smaller platform. If it isn’t well received they have a month to make changes before the launch to the larger audience on Android and Ios. If the game is good the stock should easily rise to 5.00

Nevertheless, an update on the other games should be made as well. So what about Tintin, hugo casino 2 and the games on hold vikings and doodle jump space chase, as well as the totally failed (and I suppose abandonned) kings of soccer… . Looking forward to the call and half year report end of august…

And what about the new stocks and their cashburn?
Personally I will wait until I see a possibility for a positive result on a year end. F2p games can be ok or even great but still not earn enough money.
If it dips below 0.6 I might take a little lottery ticket. :wink:


I mentioned that if the game is good it will help them… :wink: cashburn should be less of an issue compared to last year, regarding the fact that they still have the original DoD, generating some cash (these players throw a lot of money at those games). But indeed, they have everything to prove to us. We will see what happens. I think the stock will remain in the 0.8-1,2 range until the first results of the DoD game… . We should be able to assess these once launched in the google and apple store (were we will have crude numbers of the amount of downloads and a large amount of reviews).

Edit: By the way anybody who also noticed how big of a fail kings of soccer was: amount of reviews for that game on google play: 6,393. Compared to the earlier launch of Ronaldo Kick n Run: 169,429 and counting as even today the players are publishing new reviews…
I would be surprised if the Kings of soccer is not totally abandonned by now. In fact it would be a crime (theft of the shareholders investments) to further work on this game…

I am however looking forward to the tintin game. Until now no serious mobile tintin game has been published (so the fans will be very happy-the character has a very loyal fanbase).


COPENHAGEN, August 8th, 2019: In conjunction with the upcoming company investor call (see announcement 21/2019), 5th Planet Games A/S’ (OMX: FIVEPG) management would like to share the following information about the most important games in the company portfolio.

  1. Dawn of the Dragons: Ascension. The sequel to the successful RPG game is presently in soft-launch and will officially and exclusively launch on the Kartridge PC platform on August 27th. One month later, on September 30th, the game will hit Google Play and Apple App Store.

  2. Tintin Puzzle Game. The mobile game is expected to soft-launch on Google Play and Apple App Store in January 2020. Expected global Launch will be March 2020.

  3. Doodle Jump: Space Chase. In soft launch. The mobile game is being completed by a new team as a result of 5th Planet Games terminating its Nottingham studio (see announcement 05/2019). Expected launch on Google Play and Apple App Store in October 2019

  4. Kings of Soccer. The 5th Planet Games A/S’ management expect to terminate the game in late 2019 along with any further development on the earlier announced mobile e-sports version. As previously announced the mobile game has not performed as expected (see announcement 40/2018).

  5. Vikings. The management is still looking for the right partner, who will ensure the mobile game will be completed and published. Expected Release in 2020.

  6. Hugo Casino. An online slot game which is to be released in September 2019.


Begynner FivePG å se attraktiv ut ?

  • -Liker de legger KOS på hylla for godt.
  • -DJ space chase kommer kanskje endelig nå.
  • -Dawn of Dragons kan bli veldig bra hvis gammel fan base liker det.
  • -Macp er bare 42 mill kr.
  • -Annonsert en Aggressive M&A strategy i Mars. Dette kan vi snart få info om.

Kjøpte meg inn tidligere i dag på bakgrunn av siste info i dag.


Hvordan skal denne finansieres?

COPENHAGEN, March 11th, 2019: 5th Planet Games A/S (OMX: FIVEPG) has signed a Letter of Intent with Formue Nord, securing 5th Planet Games a strategic pool of financing needed for executing on the new strategy of strategic acquisitions, as previously communicated in last week’s announcement 02-2019.

The new option provided by Formue Nord provides 5th Planet Games with the option to draw up to 42 million NOK to execute this new strategy. The amount is distributed into 12 equal tranches of which the first 4 tranches are mandatory. The 12 tranches can be drawn over the course of the coming 48 months and each tranche will be constructed as interest free convertible bonds.

5th Planet Games CEO Henrik Nielsen is extremely pleased with the agreement because it gives the company room to maneuver.

Ah, stemmer. Husker å ha lest dette tidligere i år.

Det ser dessverre ut som et klassisk “dødspirallån” slik man blant annet har sett i Element. Ville vært svært forsiktig med 5PG…!


Ja vet. De har ikke historikk for å holde det de lover heller, men denne gangen tror jeg faktisk det stemmer med launch datoer spikret.

Liker også at ledelsen er tungt inne i selskapet.

@h3nk1 du kan jo tipse Funcom om at de har rettigheter for å lage Vikings spill :wink::joy:

Tar det til vurdering :wink:

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We are too close to the launching dates to allow for huge delays ;-)…and they should have learned at least something from their disastrous launches in the past :smiley:

Om 5PG kjøpes opp av Funcom selger jeg Funcom-aksjene mine. Da har det rablet for Rui,
Om samtlige opsjoner i dødsspirallånet konverteres til aksjer vil antall aksjer mer enn dobles, så selv en dobling i MCAP i løpet av dette tidsrommet vil jo ikke føre til et øre i gevinst. Har tidligere hatt noen småposter i Hugo som jeg har fått solgt med gevinst, men synes det er oppriktig leit å se hvordan de ikke tjener penger på noe av det de jobber med og holder meg uansett unna til jeg ser at de klarer å tjene penger på i hvert fall et spill.

Går nok glipp av de første prosentene da, men om de virkelig skulle tjene store penger er jo oppsiden veldig stor og vil jo da uansett få med seg en del prosenter.


Why are you talking about a death spiral loan? Is it possible for Formue Nord to go short on 5thPG? Otherwise it is just a big loan, with a lot of potential new shares (which is of course bad for those peope who bought shares a year or more ago…) .

Its called Deathspiral… cause that is what it is.

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Lavo.TV , Induct og Gaming Corps også. Nei hør på @h3nk1, her blir dere godt advart !

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