Dette er vel i tråd med tekinvestors sine medllemers dom fra lang tid tilbake, og bekrefter at Hugo sitt case over lang tid har vert for dårlig i en vansklig verden
“Standard game engine”
… jaha, så spillet blir basically som alle andre slike spill, ingenting er spesielt med det? Nei, ser ikke for meg at det blir noen cashku
Tintin som et match 3 spill?
Lave forventninger. Finnes haugevis med match 3 spill. Tintin-filmen gikk bra, men en viktig årsak til det kan være at de voksne tok med seg barna sine fordi voksne har et godt forhold til ip-en. Samme triks bruker Disney med sin nye versjon av Løvenes Konge f.eks.
Lave forventninger. Finnes haugevis med endless runner type spill. Fryktelig vanskelig å bryte igjennom selv om IP-en trekker litt opp.
Synes det er trist å se. Har selv nå brukt titalls timer på Dawn of the Dragons: Ascension allerede og spillet er veldig underholdende. Reviews sålangt gir 62% positivt, noe som ikke er all verden, men likevel ikke helt borte vekk. Det virker derimot her som de har mer eller mindre droppet markedsføring og stolt på at det går av seg selv fra spillerne som spilte Dotd 1.
Inne i spillet kan en kjøpe Gems som gjør at en kan kjøpe kasser som har random loot som oppgraderer karakteren din. Jeg kan basert på progresjonen til de andre si helt sikkert at her er det ganske mange personer som har brukt mye penger i spillet. Derimot hjelper det lite når ( i følge steamcharts) max peak på antall spillere samtidig er foreløpig på 53. Jeg synes det vitner om at de har tatt for lett på markedsføringen. Her burde de heller dundret på med å betale for å få promotering på steam og ikke minst som funcom har gjort, få folk til å spille spillet på twitch. Det trenger ikke en gang koste penger. De kunne sendt ut et par hundre mailer til forskjellige streamere om de hadde hatt lyst til å teste spillet. Jeg er sikker på at noen ville gjort det også helt uten kostnad.
Sett i etterkant av meldingen de nå gav hvor de skal spare ca 1 mill NOK så burde de ihvertfall kunne brukt den type beløp på markedsføring for å i det minste gi spillet en sjanse. Det kan fortsatt være at spillet tar seg opp og gir inntekter, men muligheten for en boost ved launch ser jo ikke ut til å være der lengre.
Nedenfor er youtube fra en som prøvde spillet under open beta.
Hva betyr dette?
Bookkeeping stuff. If you decrease the value of your assets on your balance, you also have to decrease the value of your liabilities or owner’s equity. In this case the owner’s equity… . It is just about the nominal value and mainly important for the Danish government inspectors. Allthough this event may also impact the shareholders of course.
I do not know what to think now. Cost cuts were necessary, they were burning way to much cash… . Cash burn is halted, and now existing games (Ronaldo, Hugo casino, DoD,…) will provide revenue streams. As far as I understood from discord; they will maintain one employee to continue the work on the original DoD to keep generating revenue. Maybe the same person will maintain DoD Ascension in the future? The game is finished and some people seem to like it.
They should indeed focus on marketing. They always seem to think that the game will sell itself. No in most cases -and especially in this saturated market- it will not. I was looking for information about DoD Ascension almost every three days and I did not saw one advertisement for the game (even tough google, FB or any other datacollector should have shown me some).
i made some calculations and this effect should take place from januari on:
750k costs each month, makes 4,5 million DKK each half year. The half year revenue last Half year was 3,4 million DKK. With unchanged revenue, this would be a loss of 1,1 million DKK.
There is no reason to believe why the base revenue should drastically increase or decrease (maybe increase a little bit with a small group of players that keep spending money on DoD Ascension and the revenue from the casino game). It is about believing/expecting that Tintin and Doodle Jump will generate way more money than 1,1 million DKK -to close the gap between loss and profit (unless Henrik decides to acquire another company again, has another delay,… ). However we will already be well advanced in the first half before Tintin and DJ2 will be launched. We could also expect that another tranch of the ‘nice’ loan will be taken again. Despite their claim of a confortable cash position, the closing of Rockwell will cost a lot and if they take the launch of their game serious, they will spend finaly some money on advertisment…
34-2019 5th Planet Games - Decisions of Extraordinary General Meeting November 2019
COPENHAGEN, November 27th, 2019:
At the Extraordinary General Meeting held today in 5th Planet Games A/S (OMX:
FIVEPG), the following items was presented and unanimously approved by the
General Meeting:
Proposal to elect Henrik Nielsen and Peter Ekman to the Board of Directors.
Amendment of nominal value of the shares in the Company and capital reduction
by way of covering of loss.
Full minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting are attached to this
publication and will be made available on the Company’s website.
Nielsen is the CEO, Ekman the CAO. Nielsen was part of the Executive board, is the executive board in Denmark part of the board of directors or are these seperate boards? the soft launch of doodle jump adventure attracted without any publicity the amount of +10.000 downloads. The game seems to be constantly updated (every week/two weeks). The reviews are okish (in between 3,5 and 4 stars), but should improve over time. This is not enough for a succesfull launch, so I am glad they post-poned it.
However I think the amount of downloads shows us that the game may attract a massive amount of players. A regio-restricted soft/beta launch (portugal or brasil-it is in portuguese) without any promotion able to acquire 10.000 downloads; this is a success on its own.
It’s a F2P follow up to a very popular mobile game. Downloads are not going to be a problem. retention and monetization are the hurdles they have to pass. And i am 100% confident that 5planet will stumble and fall on both of them.
They indeed have an issue with retention and monetization. With adding new levels constantly/enough content, retention should be high or sufficient. I would like to read the comments of the players able to play the game, but do not see a manner to get access (anybody who found a way?). It would shed some light on the replayability of the game. The real issue here will be indeed monetization. They are able to sell some stuff…but not enough. Sometimes I think it would be better to fire everybody after the launch of tintin and doodle and manage the portfolio of games with one or two guys/girls. This would at least generate some kind of money at minimal costs.
Btw I am surprised that people keep on playing and spending money on the DoD games, despite its current halt in development (edit: There is still someone working at DoD I, it remains a profitable game). Not that I am unhappy about that, but some of those guys are really spending loads of money on the game, that currently costs almost no money to Five PG. Hope they continue playing and enjoying it!
Ser dødspiralen funker, for innehaveren av spiralen, og ingen andre, sånn som det bruker å være i desse kredittkort fasilitetene til umenneskelige «renter»
Rip Hugo
Faktisk helt som ventet.
Rip de som har aksjer her.
Så eg ikke blir misforstått, så var det altså det eg mente
New face value 10.12.2019
Reference is made to announcement from the company 10.09.2019. The shares in 5th
Planet Games A/S will be traded with new face value as from tomorrow,
10.12.2019, on Oslo Børs.
New - Face value: DKK 0.05
Some accounting stuff, but shows the impact of the bad decission to acquire Five PG
Something different: I noticed that the Kings of Soccer game was withdrawn from the app stores. Any idea why? Do they have to pay licenses to the soccer team or are they planning to relaunch the whole game? I think gameplay wise the game was enjoyable. It failed in targeting a large enough audience.
Edit: I send the Five PG team an email to ask.
Most decisions made by Hugo/5PG the last few years have been bad. To me it seems like they are looking for short term gains instead of building a solid foundation for the company.
36-2019 5th Planet Games - Conversion of convertible notes
COPENHAGEN, December 11, 2019: 5th Planet Games A/S (OAX: FIVEPG) has received a loan conversion notice from Formue Nord Fokus A/S requesting the conversion of total NOK 300,000 into shares of the outstanding NOK 6,582,000 convertibles notes issued in accordance with the Credit Facility agreement entered into with Formue Nord Fokus A/S on May 24, 2019 (see announcement 3/2019 and 15/2019). Following the loan conversion, Formue Nord Fokus A/S has been granted 899,199 shares at the conversion price of NOK 0.33 incl. a 10% discount. The granted shares have been provided by one major shareholder in the company and no new shares nor voting rights have therefore been issued at present. The shares will however be issued at a later stage. The total outstanding convertible notes amount to NOK 6,282,000. About 5th Planet Games: 5th Planet Games is a mobile games developer and publisher located in Copenhagen and Berlin. We cooperate with strong IP´s as the Adventures of Tintin and premium sports brands as Cristiano Ronaldo and Nyjah Huston. We are proud to expand the world of the Vikings TV series, the legendary game Doodle Jump and Dawn of the Dragons. For more information see or contact CEO Henrik Nielsen +45 27 200 200
And another one… most important thing to notice is in the last sentences; they do not collaborate anymore with major sport brands like “FC Barcelona, Liverpool FC, Paris St. Germain” as mentioned previously in their announcements. So something changed about kings of soccer they did not communicated (yet) with the shareholders. I hope it cutted some costs at least… .
Ratings on doodle jump are going down… this is really bad; launch should be somewhere in between one and two months… will they be able to make the game work? A lot of one stars only, meaning that there is probably some error that makes it totally unplayable for 35% of the players.
An analysis of the future market for the Tintin game:
-Fb page 1,2 million (comparison Hugo 600k) - extreme popularity in the (Western) French-speaking world (Belgium, France and Canada). People are really looking forward to this game and are interested in it.
-Upcoming movie (2021?) and they will use the same name for their game (
-2 million albums sold every year, years after the death of Hergé - lots of people know the character. Occassional gamer may be interested.
-game will be family friendly
-box office of the last movie grossed $373,993,951
-Some people do spend crazy amounts of money on Tintin stuff. A hardcore fanbase literally spends several thousands of Euro’s on Tintin merchandise.
What will Five PG do with this? Will they focus on a more general audience (cheap ingame purchases) or will they focus on the crazy fans (expensive ingame purchases)?
Ubisoft showed that you can totally destroy a Tintin game (allthough there mobile versions were pretty good). Five PG has a very bad record in launching, marketing and monetizing a game. Maybe with the help of Moulinsart (family holding of the tintin family who sells all the rights/merchandising stuff and made a fortune out of it), they will be able to make the marketing work… .