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5th Planet Games A/S

This is great for further customer attraction

44-2020 Update on Doodle Jump Mobile Game and Vikings Mobile Game and Investor Call invitation C

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Der røk stop los en min :man_shrugging:t3::man_facepalming:

My opinion: They expect to have at least something by 6th of october…so they have some good news to share .

Tintin: Launch was thankfully not a disaster like Dawn of dragons II. It receives good comments (4,5 by now) and will hopefully cross the 50.000+ downloads soon.

No one cares how many downloads it gets, you forget the only thing that matters…

And as usual, for every hugo game the results are the same:


Tok mitt lotto lodd her på morran, neste mld blir vel trulig launch av 1-2 spill ref siste melding, så da blir det uansett en boost i kursen, med mindre noe ufosuett o kjent Hugo still dukker opp da


Interesting numbers, could you provide me a link to this site?


Thanks Kona! To be honnest the game performs well; 4,8 score which is the highest of all it games. Compared to the last full hugo launch (DoD II) this is a success. The game needs some time to be able to catch up with its competitors (it is all about algorithms). It is too early to compare the revenue with existing games if it launched only three days ago. In most countries the game climbs the ranks, both in popularity and revenue.

tok litt fifth planet games på dippen idag

Tintin Match mobile game based on the Adventures of Tintin IP by 5th Planet Games was launched Monday 31st August on Android and iOS as planned
COPENHAGEN, September 4th , 2020: 5th Planet Games A/S (OAX: FIVEPG) is pleased to announce that the Adventures of Tintin Match 3-style mobile game was launched Monday this week on Android and iOS as planned.

We are delighted to inform that both Apple and Google appreciate the game so much that we already have been featured on multiple locations.

A few words about the game:

  • We have configured the game to be easy at the moment. We believe it is important to get a baseline progression speed that reaches many players and gives them the ability to progress in the game.

  • During the next few weeks, we plan to enable new initiatives that will encourage players to return to the game in order to build a good long term retention.

  • For now, we focus on a softer monetization scheme; because time invested is a bigger long term retention factor than money invested early. We have a potential 23 more albums in content to offer to the players with the future albums, the next of which will be “Red Rackham’s Treasure”.

  • We monitor the game thouroghly during these exciting days and based on the analytics we get in we are able to change the difficulty and even the level progression server side (no client update required).

  • We’re going to roll out live operations (events, or quests) where players get concrete daily and weekly goals to work towards, in addition to the basic progression of the game. We will also optimize further on the audio side and we will add a layer of rewarding effects and sounds on top of the game board to reward great plays audio-visually and emotionally.

  • We are also starting user aqusition actitivties where we work with several partners including Google and Apple and social media platforms as Facebook and TikTok.

About 5th Planet Games: 5th Planet Games is a mobile games developer and publisher located in Copenhagen and Berlin. We cooperate with strong IP´s as the Adventures of Tintin and premium sports brands as Cristiano Ronaldo and Nyjah Huston. We are proud to expand the world of the Vikings TV series, the legendary game Doodle Jump and our own IP Hugo. For more information see www.5thplanetgames.com or contact CEO Henrik Nielsen +45 27 200 200.


Ser ut som om spillet har greit med downloads men lite inntekter ? DVS , samme opplegg som for kick’n run

Noen som har fått med seg når Vikings skal lanseres ? Er det noen dato på dette ?

Ingen dato enda.

Tror det kan ta av når det kommer


Kølle med salg midt under det som skulle være vendepunktet for selskapet, jaja, blir ikke bedre dette


Er du overrasket?

På ingen som helste måte

Hvor mange vendepunkt har det egentlig vært nå? :100:

Jeg håper Hugo aldri går konkurs, børsmeldingene alene rettferdiggjør prisingen på ~150 mill.

Aksjonærene har fått mye Kølle gjennom årene.