Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Aega (AEGA.OL)

conversion of convertible loan is also an emission!

Update regarding acquisition of solar parks

Not if the loan gets paid off in full, which I assume is the plan.

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What does it mean? Italy has a holiday lasting for the whole August? what holiday is this :slight_smile:

Dear Hillside:

The following questions on my part:

  1. what sales numbers do you expect for Q2? I think it will between 10 - 15 million (the electricity prices are high + production should be high).
  2. how will these sales numbers affect the course short and long term?
    The date for Q2 is 31.08.2022

If the share price is above the conversion price then the loan will be converted. Wouldnt be suprised if parts of the loan will be converted to shares first part of jan 2023.

“Långiverne kan konvertere deres respektive andel av Lånets hovedstol til aksjer mot en tegningskurs på NOK 1, i tråd med vanlige betingelser og vilkår, fra og med 31. desember 2022.”

So what you are saying is that the lender can choose between these forms of settlement (conversion vs back-payment + interest accrued)? It means that even if AEGA is repaying the loan the Lender can choose in favor of conversion?

I don’t know about the conversion details -not a lawyer.
But I read a consern in a sharewille post that todays energy prices may cause higher prices for solar parks, and Aega may have to pay more. Well, that’s funny as long as Aegas own assets are priced at a 30-40% discount. Maybe Aega should buy back their own shares instead?

Can you send a link for this Shareville post?

Ok, I understand that prices of solar parks rise. Perfectly logical. BUT … it means that the prices of solar parks AEGA already owns also rise. So AEGA has to pay more only for the parks to be acquired in the future. What do you think?

Why is investor’s interest in AEGA so weak! it should be higher: the production is high + electricity prices are high! What is your prognosis for Q2 results on 31.08?

Its a supertiny company.

Hence the lack of interest?

I would guess so.

does this mean that even good sales numbers on 31.08.2022 will not affect the course significantly?

don’t you think that considering all the circumstances the share price should be higher? take SCATEC and Norsk Solar in comparison for instance.

Seems there is no interest in selling cheap. Everybody is waiting for tomorrow!

Don’t quite understand Q2 results! Where does this huge loss come from?

Aega ASA – Vellykket kapitalinnhenting

So what’s now then? What can trigger upturn of the course? Acquisitions of new solar parks may be? Time?

If I was i charge of the company I would explore possibilities around building new solarparks for selling power at spotprice instead of buying parks stuck with long term annual contracts.
And maybe look outside Italy.

Right now in this recession market i don’t think there is much triggers short term. I sold Aega a couple of weeks ago and bought Zenith Energy instead. They earn a lot on energysales at spot price in Italy.

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