Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Axactor (ACR)

Axactor has acquired its first secured portfolio in Spain
Oslo, 22 June 2017 - Axactor has purchased its first secured
transaction in Spain. The portfolio is being sold by a large
financial Institution and contains roughly 600 assets with an
Appraisal Value of around EUR 50m. This purchase will allow Axactor
to access another large and growing market, where the existing
business in Spain already has some of the competencies required to
manage large volumes both on its own portfolios as well as for third
party clients. The diversification is expected to offer significant
opportunities given the continued trend in portfolio sales to
include a variety of asset classes, both when Axactor is investing
on it’s own or as part of a co-investment, where including secured
assets will make certain investments more attractive.
"This transaction has been an exciting project to expand the Axactor
model beyond the unsecured space and to allow the business to
benefit from the broader NPL market, not only in Spain but also
potentially across other European markets. This level of
diversification will allow the business to maintain the focus on
delivering healthy margins through access to a much broader number
of opportunities coming to market over the coming years. ", says
Endre Rangnes, CEO Axactor

“The Axactor team in Spain is delighted to close the first Secured
transaction for Axactor, demonstrating clearly the determination of
the team to develop the business across all NPL segments. The team
are also highly motivated to move into this new asset class,
increasing the profitability both on our owned assets and for our
third party servicing business.”, says Andrés López and David
Martín, General Managers of Axactor Spain.
This transaction will be funded from existing cash and credit lines.

For additional information, please contact:

Endre Rangnes, CEO Axactor
Mobile phone: +47 4822 1111
Email: endre.rangnes@axactor.com


Geir Johansen, CFO & Investor Relations, Axactor
Mobile phone: +47 4771 0451
Email: geir.johansen@axactor.com

About Axactor
Axactor Group specializes in both Debt Collection and Debt
Purchasing across several countries, with operations in Italy,
Germany, Norway, Sweden and Spain. The company has a Nordic base
and an ambitious Pan-European growth strategy, which targets the
market for non-performing loans (NPL) in Europe. This market is
estimated to be about 1,500 billion euros across Europe providing
significant opportunities for Axactor’s future expansion. Axactor
has approximately 875 employees.


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Oslo, 5 July, 2017 - Axactor has today signed an agreement with DNB
and Nordea (the Banks) whereby the banks will make a 5th tranche
available under the existing loan agreement. The 5th tranche will
make another EUR 40 million available to the company, and increases
the total loan facility with the Banks from EUR 120 million to EUR
160 million.

This 5th tranche will be earmarked for the financing of new NPL
portfolios and the Banks have agreed to allow for 100% gearing on
the NPLs acquired using this tranche. Furthermore, the Banks have
agreed to allow for 100% gearing on NPLs acquired using the
remaining portion of the 4th tranche, approximately EUR 22 million,
with the condition that approximately 50% of this amount will be
repaid as soon as the 5th tranche is made available by the Banks.

The above agreements will in total make another EUR 52 million
available for investments in NPL portfolios, up to such time that
the refinancing is in place This amount comes in addition to the EUR
24 million already available for NPL investments in Italy. A cap on
total LTV for the group remains in place.

As previously communicated the company has already started the
refinancing process of its entire loan facility with the Banks and
the parties plan to have this process completed within Q3 2017.


Investtech sin treffsikkerhet kan diskuteres, men man skal aldri forkaste en solid OHS. Her er dagens update:

Axa utløste et kjøpssignal på økende volum ved bruddet opp gjennom motstanden ved 2.27 kroner i en omvendt-hode-og-skuldre-formasjon. En videre oppgang til 2.63 kroner i løpet av to måneder indikeres.

Brudd opp fra motstanden på 2.30, opp og ut av fallende trend.
OHS med target på 2.60 +

Inn: 2,37


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Ordreboka ser ganske sprengferdig ut. Mulig vi får et løft allerede idag. :rocket:

Teste 2,27 så tar den av ?

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Noen som åpenbart prøver å drepe momentet. SHB dumper haugevis på best. Satser på at det den holder ja :slight_smile:

Tok litt på 2,29 i dag, sitter til 2,5-2,6


Ser det er dekket inn litt short som er oppdatert i dag. Dekket inn ca 440k.


Brutt motstanden rundt 2.40-2.42 nå.

RT 2.46

Kommet noen spesielle nyheter her eller er det Q2 buildup vi ser?

Ingen nyheter annet enn at det ser bra ut teknisk og at shorten dekkes inn. Så det er vel stort sett posisjonering for Q2, ja.

Når er q2?


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Ser veldig pent ut! Shorten dekkes videre inn idag. :airplane:


Hva tror du om Q2? Mange hadde vel, inkludert meg, håpet på å se resultatene av oppkjøpene i 2016 gjenspeile seg allerede i Q1, men det viste seg noe tidlig.

Solgte unna 50% på 2,51 med snitt på 2,03. Har salgsordrer nedover til og med 2,32.

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Torkil ikke smart å selge nå, når disse kvantefonds dekker seg inn, skal du prøve deg på en ny inngang lavere må du se lang etter


Alltid smart å sikre gevinst underveis!
Som du ser ble deler av beholdningen realisert, fornuftig strategi.