Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

B2 Impact (B2I)

Herlig, for håpe på en blå ferd i dag. 214 MEUR under terskelen for melding :thinking:

Oslo Børs - B2H04 - Nytt lån til notering / New bond issue to be listed 05.07.2018

Oslo Børs - B2H04 - Nytt lån til notering / New bond issue to be listed

Lånets navn / Issue name: B2Holding ASA 18/23 FRN EUR C
Ticker: B2H04
Instrument ID: 1304142
ISIN: NO0010822646
Segment: OBOC
Hjemstat / Home state: NO
Handelsvaluta / Trading currency: EUR
Lånebeløp / Issued amount: 200 mill, åpent lån / tap issue
Rentebærende f.o.m. / Interest accrual date: 23.05.2018
Forfallsdato / Maturity date: 23.05.2023
Kupongrente / Coupon rate: 4,75 % p.a. (3M EURIBOR + 4,75 %)
Sektorliste / Sector list: Bank og finans / Bank and insurance bonds
Tilretteleggere / Managers: DNB Markets, Swedbank Norge, Nordea Bank AB
Verdipapirregister / Central Securities Depository: VPS
ESMA-kategori / ESMA category: Corporate bond
Godkjent prospekt tilgjengelig på / Approved prospectus available on:

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=455086

Nyheten er levert av OBI.


B2Holding ASA: Primary insider’s exercise of employee share options

Erik Just Johnsen, Chief Financial Officer in B2Holding ASA, has exercised his
share options to purchase 1,500,000 shares in the Company at a subscription
price per share of NOK 8.08, adjusted for dividends paid in June 2017 and 2018,
total subscription amount NOK 12,114,699.

As a result of the exercise of share options, the Company’s Board of Directors
will, pursuant to an authorisation granted by the general meeting on 25 May
2018, resolved to increase the Company’s share capital with NOK 150,000 by
issuing 1,500,000 new shares, each with a par value of NOK 0.10. Following
completion of the transaction, the Company’s share capital will be NOK
40,803,259.80, divided into 408,032,598 shares.

Upon receipt of the shares, Erik J. Johnsen and related party Pine AS will hold
in total 1,910,000 shares.

For enquiries, please contact:
Olav Dalen Zahl,
CEO, B2Holding ASA
Mobile: +47 909 86 386
Email: odz@b2holding.no

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section
4-2 and 5-2 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=455791

Nyheten er levert av OBI.


Mandatory notification of trade by Primary Insider

On 18 July 2018 Jon Harald Nordbrekken, Chairman of the Board of Directors,
acquired 250,000 shares in B2Holding ASA through his related party Valset Invest
AS at an average price of NOK 16.65 per share. After this transaction, Jon
Harald Nordbrekken and related party hold 27,088,496 shares.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements
pursuant to section 4-2 of the Norwegian Securities Trading

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=455841

Nyheten er levert av OBI.


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Godt driv i denne idag! Men tror egentlig ikke den negative utvikling er over før Q2 tallene. Men tar gjerne feil, og at idag er starten på bedre tider :slight_smile:


Opp fra den verste hengemyra foreløpig ihvertfall. Får håpe det varer, men det fundamentale er såpass godt at jeg uansett ikke har den store skjelven på lang sikt.


Intrum Justitia opp 13 prosent på morgenkvisten, etter gode kvartalstall. Ser ut som om sektoren går bedre enn visse (shortende) hedgefond tror :sunglasses: Håper dette kan dra opp B2h også i ukene fremover.


B2Holding acquires a secured retail and non-retail portfolio of non-performing loans in Italy

B2Holding has through its Italian entity B2 Kapital (“B2K”) entered into an
agreement to acquire a portfolio of secured retail and non-retail non-performing
portfolio has an aggregate nominal value of approximately EUR 100 million. With
this transaction B2K has asset under management in Italy of approximately EUR 1
billion, mostly managed by the B2K platform in Rome.

“This transaction reinforces B2Holding’s position in the Italian NPLs’ market
and confirm B2Holding’s interest in investing in different asset classes in
Italy and in developing the Italian servicing platform further.” says Olav Dalen
Zahl, CEO of B2Holding ASA.

Even though this transaction would normally be below the threshold for
announcement, B2Holding is disclosing this transaction in order to be fully
transparent with the vendor’s announcement.

For enquiries regarding the transaction, please contact:
Rasmus Hansson
Director Strategy and M&A, B2Holding ASA
Telephone: +47 952 55 842
Email: rh@b2holding.no

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=456237

Nyheten er levert av OBI.



Det er fastsatt ny rente for NO0010822646.
Ny rentesats i perioden 23.08.2018 - 23.11.2018 er 4,75.

Den nye rentesats (og rentebindindingsperiode) er fastsatt i henhold til avtale,
jf. låneavtalens og tegningsinnbydelsens/lånebeskrivelsens bestemmelser.

Se vedlagt dokument for utfyllende informasjon.

(Publisert av Nordic Trustee, Maren Kathrine Bekkeseth Dahl)

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=457693

Nyheten er levert av OBI.


B2Holding ASA: New share capital

Reference is made to the announcement made by B2Holding ASA on 18 July 2018
regarding the issuance of 1,500,000 new shares in the Company to Erik Just
Johnsen (CFO) as a result of exercised options under the share option program.

The share capital increase relating to the issuance of the new shares has now
been registered with the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises. The
registered share capital of the Company is NOK 40,803,259.80, divided into
408,032,598 shares, each with a nominal value of NOK 0.10.

For enquiries, please contact:
Olav Dalen Zahl,
CEO, B2Holding ASA
Mobile: +47 909 86 386
Email: odz@b2holding.no

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section
5-2 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=458058

Nyheten er levert av OBI.


Second quarter 2018 presentation B2Holding

B2Holding presents its second quarter 2018 results on Friday 31
August at 08:30 at Hotel Continental, Stortingsgaten 24/26, Oslo. Breakfast will
be served.

If you wish to attend, please send your details to
ia@b2holding.no by 12:00 on Thursday 30 August at the latest.

Following the publication of B2Holding’s Q2 2018 results, a global investor call
will be held on Friday 31 August 2018 at 15:00 CET, see details below.

Joining the Conference Call:

  1. In the 10 minutes prior to the call start time, call the appropriate
    participant dial-in number.
  2. Enter the Direct Event passcode stated below. You will be joined
    automatically to the conference.

Note: Due to regional restrictions some participants may receive operator
assistance when joining this conference call and will not be automatically

Helpful keypad commands:
*0 - Operator assistance
*6 - Self mute/unmute

Direct Event Passcode: 1702359

Standard International Dial-In Number: +44 (0) 2071 928016

LocalCall Dial-In Numbers:
Austria, Vienna 019284000
Belgium, Brussels 024003421
Czech Republic, Prague 234749589
Denmark, Copenhagen 32728046
Finland, Helsinki 0942450807
France, Paris 0176722811
Germany, Frankfurt 06922223473
Hungary, Budapest 0617789384
Ireland, Dublin 015060157
Italy, Milan 0236005646
Latvia, Riga 66163053
Luxembourg, Luxembourg 27860308
Netherlands, Amsterdam 0207132938
Norway, Oslo 21033053
Poland, Warsaw 222120154
Portugal, Lisbon 0308804328
Spain, Madrid 914140867
Sweden, Stockholm 0856619425
Switzerland, Baden 0445804028
United States, New York 19175039901

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=458081

Nyheten er levert av OBI.


Fint driv i denne om dagen. Shortinndekking på gang?

Shorten økte…

Drøyt 10 millioner aksjer shortet nå. Med en kanon rapport på fredag kan B2H bli riktig så hyggelig å eie utover høsten!

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Definitivt - jeg fatter virkelig ikke hva shortene driver på med her. Men la dem bare holde på - jeg kjøpte iallefall 3500 nye aksjer idag. Gleder meg til fredag!

B2Holding ASA - Second quarter presentation to be held at Hotel Continental

B2Holding presents its second quarter 2018 results on Friday 31 August at 08:30.

The presentation will take place at Hotel Continental, Stortingsgaten 24/26,

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=458492

Nyheten er levert av OBI.



Second quarter 2018

  • Gross cash collection of NOK 1,032 million (604)

    • up 71% y-o-y
  • Operating profit of NOK 356 million (217)

    • up 64% y-o-y
  • Cash EBITDA of NOK 759 million (420)

    • up 81% y-o-y
  • ERC at end of month NOK 20,119 million (11,881)

    • up 69% y-o-y

(Comparable numbers for Q2 2017 in brackets)

B2Holding (“B2H”) continued the positive operational growth and the second
quarter 2018 represents another record quarter for the Group. The Group recorded
all-time high levels in operating profit and Cash EBITDA and other key
performance indicators. We see a strong outlook with the NPL portfolio pipeline
at the end of the quarter with improved net portfolio returns in some markets.

The Group posted a record-high quarterly cash EBITDA of NOK 759 million, an
increase of NOK 339 million compared to Q2 2017 (+81%). The operating profit hit
NOK 356 million (+64%) and net profit increased to NOK 182 million from NOK 107
million in Q2 2017 (+69%).

In Q2 2018, B2H invested NOK 2,273 million in new portfolios, distributed over
all segments. In the first six month of 2018, B2Holding has purchased portfolios
for NOK 3,757 million. The Company has acquired portfolios for approx. NOK 6.4
billion over the last 12 months (+132%) and grown the total gross ERC to approx.
NOK 20.1 billion (+69%). The development in ERC and Gross collection shows an
increased diversification in asset classes and geographical distribution.

B2Holding ASA was early May 2018 assigned with a public rating: Moody’s assigned
a “Ba3” corporate family rating, and S&P has assigned a “BB-” long-term issuer
credit rating.

In May B2H amended and increased the RCF with EUR 150 million, and successfully
issued a new unsecured bond of EUR 200 million. At the end of the quarter, the
Group has NOK 2.1 billion investment capacity, in addition to strong operating
cash flow from collection on purchased loan portfolios supporting the growth

For further information, please see the Q2 2018 presentation and report

The documents are also available on the Company’s website:

A global investor call will be held Friday 31 August 2018 at 15:00 CET:

Dial-in Number: 21 03 30 53 (Norway)
+44 (0) 2071 928016 (International)

Direct event passcode: 1702359

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=458526

Nyheten er levert av OBI.


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«Konsernet noterte seg videre for en vekst på voldsomme 81 prosent for nøkkelindikatoren Cash EBITDA, som gikk fra 420 til 759 millioner kroner. »


Hvem shorter dette??? Fatter ikke at vi ikke er myye høyere enn hva vi står i idag. Med denne veksten tjener snart selskapet like mye som det er priset til… :slight_smile: Bare å kjøpe mer her - sikreste posten jeg sitter på

Rett ned selvfølgelig. Lurer på hvordan resultatet måtte ha vært for oppgang? «En fantasilion trillion billion gazzilion kroner i overskudd?» Fortsatt for lite?

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