Sålenge det selges spill så betyr det penger i kassa. Salget vil øke etterhvert
Mye bra her synes jeg…
! I’ve got your answers of last week’s questions here. Answered by Joel! You can see previous questions and answers here
Any idea when/if we’ll get more tracks added to the soundtrack? Big fan of Knut Avenstroup Haugen’s awesome Conan work and I was looking forward to the soundtrack as part of the Barbarian Edition, but only 3 tracks of far.
There is a bunch of new stuff coming with the biome. I’ll check with the audio guy to make sure it gets added to the soundtrack when it is released.
Has there been some clear server or client performance improvements with the UE4 update? If yes, would you describe what were the positive elements that allowed so (dunno some new feature, something that has been replaced, any engine calc that is now smoother)
See my answer below for some of the server optimizations we have done. Shadowcasting lights are smoother (AMD players will likely see this impact more than Nvidia players), the tonemapper has changed slightly, foliage rendering is more optimized (and we have done some additional passes on it for Xbox as well).
It’s actually slightly hard to separate out our own optimizations from the optimizations we’ve made for Xbox as they are all kind of happening in the same code branch, but rest assured performance is a focus across the board.
I really enjoyed the sewer dungeon as a proof of concept. Do you have an idea of how many of these kind of dungeons you will add?
It will really depend on time, but I can confirm at least one more with new biome. Also much larger.
It would seem that as more elements appear in the game things slow down drastically. (Number of players, number of items built, captured thralls, etc.) We went from SFPS of 50-60 with 20+ players to barely 10 SFPS in 2 months. Wiping the server would “help”, but that is a crude and harsh workaround, although we will be doing that for the new biome. (The latest engine update didn’t have any noticeable impact on server performance.) Is this a “known” issue? Are there efforts underway to address this? Is this on the short, medium or long-term roadmap?
We’re always making changes to the server code to increase optimization. Last week we made some changes to the way buildings work so that they will have less physics calculation on the server. This week we found a bug in the AI LOD system that was keeping NPCs awake in far off parts of the map that had a significant server cost.
We do performance profiling on servers, we request copies of server dbs from people who report unusual behavior and we try to identify the problems and fix them. It is ongoing work and will continue throughout the year.
Seriously, when is the settlement update coming? That should honestly be the game’s highest priority imo. That is what’s really going to set this apart, and get people playing.
After mounts and sorcery is currently the roadmap for it.
How much of the game is hardcoded, and will efforts be made in making the game more moddable? Allowing for player-made biomes, recipe modifications, custom shaders, etc.
Players can make their own biomes and modify (and create new) recipes right now with the modding tools. We’ve tried to keep the game as flexible as possible when it comes to modding.
Custom shaders - Unreal uses materials which sort of combines the traditional shader and texture way of looking at things. You can make custom materials in the editor and mess around with them to create new visual styles and looks (see the example image we made with a more stylized approach)[imgur.com]. This is also already available in the editor.
Will we ever see musician thralls as a thing so dancers can have accompanying music? How about player crafted/played musical instruments?
Yes. Each “entertainer” thrall type was actually supposed to have a unique type of instrument. Nordheimers were talespinners, Aquilonians played lyres, Darfari beat drums etc. We’ll probably make this a part of the thrall updates. Along with making the instruments available to players, yes.
Any plans for making PVP a bit easier with team mates. Right now, even with coloured armour, it’s hard to know who is foe and who is your team. Can we get a greater range on the name plates for friendlies or an outline perhaps?
Possibly. There are pretty strong opinions about this internally. Some people want it, some people hate it, some claims it ruins immersion, some claim that the dye system already provides the tools. I need to think about it some more and discuss it with more people before I can reach a conclusion about how it will work in the end.
Will UI scaling & positioning be implemented, and will we ever get more than 8 slots on the hotbar?
Do you mean custom scaling and positioning? That will depend on how much time the UI team gets to polish.
The hotbar question…maybe. We’re still deciding whether we would just give you slots or whether it will be a perk for investing in a certain stat. Will let you know when that discussion concludes.
When will the AMD hitching issue be fixed?
We’ve investigated this (naturally) and there is a mix of different things going on. You should check the thread here and see the rply by Scooper near the end http://steamcommunity.com/app/440900/discussions/3/133256240742498999/?ctp=14
Scooper posted a potential fix but we need more testing. The replies we get in that thread will help us to lock down the problem and provide us with potential other solutions.
I’m looking forward to the mountain biome! Could you give us a hint at how many biomes in total you are planning to create and if one of them might be a rain forest/jungle biome (with tree houses mayhaps?).
We’re not sure on this as it changes a bit as we work. We combined two biomes in this coming update (highlands and mountains) and we have plans for one or two more. Now depending on our assessment in August of what needs to be done for launch we might scale down or up our ambitions.
For example, jungle requires a lot of foliage and 4.15 is supposed to have improved foliage optimizations. Assuming this all works out as planned, then it becomes more likely we do a jungle area next. But if foliage is a huge problem…we might try something else.
There’s been a lot of requests for beards for characters. How about cosmetics and tattoos?
Sure, they will come in. Well tattoos…maybe. Right now we have plans for warpaints which are functionally similar but less permanent.
Har de nevnt noe om en patch før ny biom 16 aug? Eg hadde håpet ny biom kom en uke før xbox release slik at de luket vekk bugsene
Det tar vel tid å få patcher gjennom Microsoftsystemet så selv om biome kom før xboxlaunch så ville de ikke hatt tid til å fikse bugs+få patchen godkjent i tide.
Fyren skjønner ikke at et spill kan være open world og single player samtidig og tror han har kjøpt et mmo. Han har null creds. Skrevet av en noob. Er det ikke lett å finne offisielle servere med opptil 70 spillere på nå da?
Jeg tenkte akkuratt det samme. Men sier kanskje litt når man må ned i forummaterien for å finne noen negative.
Regel 5 på Tekinvestor:
- Ikke post negative ting om Funcom, Conan Exiles, Secret World Legends eller annet som omhandler Funcom og deres arbeid. Gjør du dette får du bare dårlig rykte og alle dine poster heretter blir nedverdiget og latterliggjort.
Tror du overvurderer “hypen” på Tek noe. CE har hatt- og har åpenbart store, vonde problemer. Poenget er vel at man finner minst like mange gode skussmål som negative.
Per i dag er ikke CE et spill som genererer overvekt av good shit reviews. Men, hvis man leser bredt (og kritisk) er de fleste enige om at potensialet er der.
Og jeg tror de vil lykkes med å utløse dette etter en trang fødsel. Ikke fordi jeg “vil” tro det, men fordi det er hva jeg kan sammenfatte fra eteren.
Husk at konkurrentene er eldrene. Leverer Funcom varene blir det arvtakeren.
Larsen, han forventet et MMO for han trodde at “Open world” var mer eller mindre = MMO.
Klart han ble skuffa da…
Han har nok misforstått litt. CE er open world, men verden er foreløpig liten. Den blir nesten dobbelt så stor om en måned, får håpe det hjelper for han. Kjipt at han ble skuffet, men han har kjøpt et early access spill som ikke er ferdig. Spillet kan bli mye bedre det neste halve året. Får håpe han prøver igjen når spillet er ferdig.
Lol. Spillet er fortsatt i EA hva forventer han? Ting tar tid, og man finner fort ut om en review er bra eller ikke. De fleste gjennomtenkte reviews er nøytrale og skildrer de dårlige like mye som de gode sidene, og felles for de fleste er at dem faktisk ikke er såpass trangsynte at dem ser potensiale selvom det fortsatt er en lang vei.
He’s the hero tekinvestor deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we’ll hunt him. Because he can take it. Because he’s not our hero. He’s a silent guardian. A watchful protector… The Larsen…
Neide, jeg liker linken, men blar man ned så blir han jo debunka?
Man kjøper jo ikke ce for å si at det burde vært mere likt wow?
Blir jo som om jeg skulle kjøpt fifa også klaga på at det ikke var mere som Cs?
The new biome release is less than a month away and we’re all pretty excited for it! Better start shaking sand out of those shoes. Got another Questions of the Thread up for you all, so feel free to start asking! Any questions you may have about Conan Exiles, Funcom, questions to our staff, or whatever within reason can be asked here. We’ll close the thread at the end of the week and get answers up later on.
578k. På steamspy idag. Ny rekord