Hvor er likviditeten nå vs cash burn?
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cash på 50mill og burn på 20mill? Holder i 2-3 kvartaler til hvis ikke noe spesielt skjer med inntektene?
Passer jo som hånd i hanske med en notering det
Spørs om de ikke vurderer notering på ett annet marked enn det norske. Det tror jeg er fornuftig.
Og da vil de nok håndplukke CEO som passer for markedet de skal noteres på. Jo sitt hovedfokus vil være kunder og samarbeidspartnere framover.
Jo sitt hovedfokus må jo være det nye selskapet han skal lede
Ble akkurat lagt ut 100.000 aksjer til 11,5kr. Samtidig ble det nå lagt ut 100.000 Condalign aksjer til 10kr. Det er et par investorer jeg tenker det kan være, og det virker ikke betryggende
Hvem, please?
Sikkert Jo 🫣
Dagens seanse var ikke bra levert.
Hva var ikke bra? Er det derfor det har dukket opp store salgsposter i dag?
Jo sitt hovedfokus som styreleder om man absolutt vil misforstå.
På spørsmål om gen. 2 så hevder de at utviklingen går som planlagt. Det er jo fint, men samtidig er det da litt snodig at den da ikke vies noe plass i presentasjonen
Han sa også at det alltid er risiko involvert i en utviklingsfase. Kan det bety at de har møtt på noen problemer?
Når man inviterer hele verden til en update så må da ha noe å by på. Her satt han for det meste og leste opp fra meldingen og når han fikk spørsmål så virket han ikke komfortabel. Jeg kan forstå at det er uvant rolle for han. Og det med Jo er det ingen som skjønnet noe av så det blir en usikkerhetsfaktor. Etter seansen ble det lagt ut store salgsordre til lavere kurser igjen.
eh, UV-C LED they are selling are their own patented technology right?
If you are meaning the patented CrayoNano technology invention of nanowires and graphene, unfortunately no. CrayoLED do not contain that technology, for that product they have licensed thin-film industry standard tech from subcontractor and packages it. Actually the tech used for CrayoLED as of today, is the industry standard tech that CrayoNano’s nanowires is supposed to overcome and beat. Thin-film tech for UV-C LEDs are pushing the boundaries, and that is the whole purpose of the CrayoNano tech to solve, it is touted as so groundbreaking that the first products using it should be multiple times powerful and efficient and open new markets.
CrayoNano has also stated it here in Feb 2022:
The initial manufacturing volume will at first utilize commodity, industry standard chip technology and components combined CrayoNano’s optimized custom packaging and assembly technology. This is in preparation for the integration of CrayoNano’s nanowire chip architecture through testing and validating the supply-chain and driving a controlled market entry to enable a quality and reliability-focused UV-C LED product series.
Following the market entry and customer qualifications, CrayoNano will implement its proprietary nanowire and hybrid materials chip architecture into the same optimized package using the same assembly and test processes, positioning CrayoNano for a leading cost-performance position in the market.
This is also stated in the internal CrayoFlash newsletter that got leaked describing the launch of the first CrayoLED:
“In late November 2021, there was a decision to start an accelerator project for market entry. We decided to design our device not with the nanowires yet, but with state of the art current technology.”
That is why CrayoLED today only deliver the same WPE and power as the competitors and not the following descriptions of what to expect from nanowires and graphene. Here is a report from EIC project description. Its referring to a new update this summer from CrayoNano on the Horizon (EIC) project.
Our breakthrough UVC LED technology will provide: a) High wall plug efficiency of 12%, which is in the range of mercury lamps and 60-91% higher efficiency than current market-available UVC LEDs. b) Longest lifetime at 20,000 hours, which is equivalent to that of some industrial mercury lamps. c) High optical power of 250mW (at 500 mA) resulting in by far the highest intensity on the UVC LED market. d) Low cost at €50/W, which is up to significantly cheaper than existing UVC LEDs.
An optimized production line of well over tens of thousands of chips per day has resulted in high product yield for CrayoNano’s first UVC LED product (WP2), well demonstrating the commercial potential for our disruptive UV-C LED chip technology.
CrayoLED today gives 5% WPE, 100mW / 140 mW (@ 350ma / 500ma) and 10 000 hours lifetime, aligned with industry competitors.
It says
CrayoNano’s patented and groundbreaking technology merges two nanomaterials—aluminium gallium nitride (AlGaN) nanowires and graphene—to create a hypermaterial. This combination creates a new, strain-free material with high crystal quality, enabling energy efficient, and reliable UV-C LEDs.
That’s what we are waiting for. Current product is not this technology.
Ok I see