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Desert Control Group - Fundamental tråd

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About Us

Since 1974, Woods End, a leader in Soil Health science, technologies, products & services, has been dedicated to the characterization and understanding of the interaction of human industry with soil environments. Dr. William Brinton, founder of Woods End, introduced Solvita, a soil health test developed to simplify respiration testing making soil respiration more cost effective for commercial soil labs.

Dr. Rebecca Harvey, CEO of Woods End Laboratories since the spring of 2022, says our principal focus is building a practical and natural approach to soil analysis through research and farmer outreach. We are experts in characterizing the utilization of organic wastes in agricultural systems and in mapping the fate and effects of agri-chemicals in soil and compost environments. Recently, Woods End has seen incredible growth and has expanded its offerings and facility to accommodate the growing soil Carbon Testing market. Currently, our services are used by farmers worldwide and our custom research services are used by consultants and agricultural Fortune 500 firms.

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Dette er meget bull, å få inn en industriell aktør som kan hjelpe til med å utvikle dette videre er key. Når snakker jeg om selskapets framtid, kursmessig, aner ikke.

Spørs om ikke det får litt å si for kursen etterhvert også. Virker som de har akseptert teknologien.

Timingen på denne emisjonen kan jo nettopp ha noe å gjøre med å få en slik potensiell nøkkelperson med på laget.

Ikke bare en nøkkelperson, men et amerikansk selskap med lang fartstid som driver med jord, forskning og vekstmuligheter


Mye god diskusjon nå, men kanskje bedre å få det over på småprat

@pdx : Kan du flytte over slik at fundamental tråden forblir fundamental?


Desert Control AS: Private placement successfully completed

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Desert Control AS: Key information regarding potential repair offering

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Desert Control AS: Notification of transactions by close associates of primary insiders

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Desert Control AS: Ex potential subsequent offering today

Desert Control AS - Notice of extraordinary general meeting

Capitalizing for a Greener Future: Desert Control’s Momentum Strengthened by Successful Funding Round with U.S. Lead Investor and Growing Commercial Traction

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Desert Control AS - Minutes from Extraordinary General Meeting

Desert Control AS - Share capital increase registered

Desert Control AS: Launch of Subsequent Offering


Desert Control AS - Last day of the Subscription Period in the Subsequent Offering

Desert Control AS - Preliminary result of the Subsequent Offering

Desert Control AS - Final results of the Subsequent Offering

Desert Control Q3 2023 Report and Interim Financial Results | Webcast presentation 22 November 2023 10:00 CET