Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister


Disclosure of shares and rights to shares in Element ASA (“Element”) (flagging)

Reference is made to the announcement disclosed on 10 June 2018 and the further
details provided therein.

European High Growth Opportunities Securitization Fund represented by European
High Growth Opportunities Securitization Fund Manco SA (“EHGO”) has on 11
October 2018 sold in total 114 365 shares in Element in market transactions.
EHGO has furthermore on 11 October 2018 sold 900 000 shares in Element as a
block sale.

After the transactions EHGO holds (i) 4,170,590 shares in Element, equal to 4.14
% of the registered share capital (the “Registered Share Capital”), 43 000 000
convertible notes convertible to 25 294 118 shares in Element (as at today’s
conversion price, but adjustable if the conversion price is adjusted at the time
of conversion), equal to 25.14% of the Registered Share Capital and (ii)
17,681,159 warrants giving the right to 17,681,159 new shares in Element, equal
to 17.57 % of the Registered Share Capital.

Following the transactions, EHGO’s total holding of shares and rights to shares
(through convertible notes and warrants to shares) make up 47 145 867 shares and
votes, equal to 46.85 % of the Registered Share Capital.

EHGO is a fund managed by Alpha Blue Ocean Inc. (“ABO”). ABO owns 6,187,350
warrants in Element giving the right to 6,187,350 new shares in Element, equal
to 6.15 % of the Registered Share Capital. Furthermore, ABO has an obligation to
redeliver 5,750,000 borrowed shares in Element pursuant to a loan agreement with
Paschi International Limited and the White November Fund.

ABO’s total holding of shares and rights to shares (based on convertible notes
and warrants) on a consolidated basis, make up 53 333 217 shares and votes,
equal to 52.99 % of the Registered Share Capital.

The disclosure regulation (flaggereglene) requires that the disclosure
thresholds regarding rights to shares (i.e. notes and warrants) are calculated
on the basis of registered share capital of the issuer at the time of disclosure
and do not give the correct view taking into account the situation at the time
of conversion/exercise of rights to shares. On a fully diluted basis, taking
into account all share issuances pursuant to convertible bonds and warrants,
ABO’s consolidated holding of shares and rights to shares will amount to 44.97%
of the share capital of Element.

About Alpha Blue Ocean Inc.
Alpha Blue Ocean Inc. is an international business company incorporated under
the laws of the Republic of Seychelles, represented by Mr. Pierre Vannineuse.
Mr. Pierre Vannineuse is the sole shareholder and sole Director of Alpha Blue
Ocean Inc. Alpha Blue Ocean Inc. is a member of the Blue Ocean Investment Group.
Alpha Blue Ocean Inc. was created by Pierre Vannineuse and manages an asset
portfolio of around 300 million dollars for a group of funds. Blue Ocean
specializes in providing flexible, innovating and non-invasive debt and capital
financing arrangements to listed companies throughout the world and in various
sectors such as healthcare, energy, mining and high tech. Alpha Blue Ocean Inc.
has offices in London and Geneva.

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=461164

Nyheten er levert av OBI.


Disclosure of shareholding

Paschi International Limited (‘Paschi’) on the 11/10/2018 bought 900,000 shares
in Element ASA (‘Element’).

Following the purchase Paschi holds 5,722,649 shares in Element ,corresponding
to 5.92% of the total outstanding shares in Element.

This disclosure is made pursuant to section 4-3 of the Norwegian Securities
Trading Act.

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=461169

Nyheten er levert av OBI.


Tillit er det vanskelig å begynne å ha for dette selskapet. Pilen daler nedover og nedover, uten noen særdeles betydelige oppganger som kan eliminere den negative trenden vi har sittet på siden sommer. Grue og Co har enda ikke kommet frem med noen offisiell forklaring av TGE. Det er ikke rart at aksjonærer i ELE kjøper seg ut. Vurderer snart å selge posten min, og flykte til nel eller funcom. Nok er nok.

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Tolmodighet er tingen, @Bjorsku :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Er det ikke når det ser som mørkest ut rett før det blir lyst?:slight_smile: Var det innen utgangen av november prøve produksjon kunne starte i amber?

Vi er nok ganske nærme bunnen nå, jeg holder ihvertfall på aksjene mine i Element til over nyåret…

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Disclosure of shares and rights to shares in Element ASA (“Element”) (flagging)

Reference is made to the announcement disclosed on 10 June 2018 and the further
details provided therein.

European High Growth Opportunities Securitization Fund represented by European
High Growth Opportunities Securitization Fund Manco SA (“EHGO”) has on 15
October 2018 converted NOK 7 000 000 in convertible notes to 4 375 000 shares
in Element.

After the transactions EHGO holds (i) 5,332,857 shares in Element, equal to 5.08
% of the new share capital (the “New Share Capital”), 36 000 000 convertible
notes convertible to 22 500 000 shares in Element (as at today’s conversion
price, but adjustable if the conversion price is adjusted at the time of
conversion), equal to 21.43% of the New Share Capital and (ii) 17,681,159
warrants giving the right to 17,681,159 new shares in Element, equal to 16.84 %
of the New Share Capital.

Following the transactions, EHGO’s total holding of shares and rights to shares
(through convertible notes and warrants to shares) make up 43.34 % of the New
Share Capital.

EHGO is a fund managed by Alpha Blue Ocean Inc. (“ABO”). ABO owns 6,187,350
warrants in Element giving the right to 6,187,350 new shares in Element, equal
to 5.89 % of the New Share Capital. Furthermore, ABO has an obligation to
redeliver 5,750,000 borrowed shares in Element pursuant to a loan agreement with
Paschi International Limited and the White November Fund.

ABO’s total holding of shares and rights to shares (based on convertible notes
and warrants) on a consolidated basis, make up 51,701,366 shares and votes,
equal to 49.23 % of the New Share Capital.

The disclosure regulation (flaggereglene) requires that the disclosure
thresholds regarding rights to shares (i.e. notes and warrants) are calculated
on the basis of registered share capital of the issuer at the time of disclosure
and do not give the correct view taking into account the situation at the time
of conversion/exercise of rights to shares. On a fully diluted basis, taking
into account all share issuances pursuant to convertible bonds and warrants,
ABO’s consolidated holding of shares and rights to shares will amount to 42.70%
of the share capital of Element.

About Alpha Blue Ocean Inc.
Alpha Blue Ocean Inc. is an international business company incorporated under
the laws of the Republic of Seychelles, represented by Mr. Pierre Vannineuse.
Mr. Pierre Vannineuse is the sole shareholder and sole Director of Alpha Blue
Ocean Inc. Alpha Blue Ocean Inc. is a member of the Blue Ocean Investment Group.
Alpha Blue Ocean Inc. was created by Pierre Vannineuse and manages an asset
portfolio of around 300 million dollars for a group of funds. Blue Ocean
specializes in providing flexible, innovating and non-invasive debt and capital
financing arrangements to listed companies throughout the world and in various
sectors such as healthcare, energy, mining and high tech. Alpha Blue Ocean Inc.
has offices in London and Geneva.

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=461380

Nyheten er levert av OBI.


Disclosure of shares and rights to shares in Element ASA (“Element”) (flagging)

Reference is made to the announcement disclosed on 10 June 2018 and the further
details provided therein.

European High Growth Opportunities Securitization Fund represented by European
High Growth Opportunities Securitization Fund Manco SA (“EHGO”) has on 17
October 2018 sold in total 180,707 shares in Element in market transactions.

After the transactions EHGO holds (i) 5,081,894 shares in Element, equal to 4.84
% of the new share capital* (the “New Share Capital”), 36,000,000 convertible
notes convertible to 22,500,000 shares in Element (as at today’s conversion
price, but adjustable if the conversion price is adjusted at the time of
conversion), equal to 21.43% of the New Share Capital and (ii) 17,681,159
warrants giving the right to 17,681,159 new shares in Element, equal to 16.84 %
of the New Share Capital.

Following the transactions, EHGO’s total holding of shares and rights to shares
(through convertible notes and warrants to shares) make up 45,263,053 shares and
votes, equal to 43.10 % of the New Share Capital.

EHGO is a fund managed by Alpha Blue Ocean Inc. (“ABO”). ABO owns 6,187,350
warrants in Element giving the right to 6,187,350 new shares in Element, equal
to 5.89 % of the New Share Capital. Furthermore, ABO has an obligation to
redeliver 5,750,000 borrowed shares in Element pursuant to a loan agreement with
Paschi International Limited and the White November Fund.

ABO’s total holding of shares and rights to shares (based on convertible notes
and warrants) on a consolidated basis, make up 51,450,403 shares and votes,
equal to 48.9 % of the New Share Capital.

*The calculations above are based on the new share capital following conversion
of notes as further detailed in the disclosure of large shareholding
announcement disclosed by EHGO on 16 October 2018.

The disclosure regulation (flaggereglene) requires that the disclosure
thresholds regarding rights to shares (i.e. notes and warrants) are calculated
on the basis of registered share capital of the issuer at the time of disclosure
and do not give the correct view taking into account the situation at the time
of conversion/exercise of rights to shares. On a fully diluted basis, taking
into account all share issuances pursuant to convertible bonds and warrants,
ABO’s consolidated holding of shares and rights to shares will amount to 42.46%
of the share capital of Element.


About Alpha Blue Ocean Inc.

Alpha Blue Ocean Inc. is an international business company incorporated under
the laws of the Republic of Seychelles, represented by Mr. Pierre Vannineuse.
Mr. Pierre Vannineuse is the sole shareholder and sole Director of Alpha Blue
Ocean Inc. Alpha Blue Ocean Inc. is a member of the Blue Ocean Investment Group.
Alpha Blue Ocean Inc. was created by Pierre Vannineuse and manages an asset
portfolio of around 300 million dollars for a group of funds. Blue Ocean
specializes in providing flexible, innovating and non-invasive debt and capital
financing arrangements to listed companies throughout the world and in various
sectors such as healthcare, energy, mining and high tech. Alpha Blue Ocean Inc.
has offices in London and Geneva.

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=461491

Nyheten er levert av OBI.


Tilbakekjøp av egne aksjer

Den 24. oktober 2018 kjøpte Element ASA 500 570 egne aksjer i henhold til
tilbakekjøpsprogrammet annonsert 26. juli 2018. Aksjene ble kjøpt til en
gjennomsnittspris på NOK 1,4501 per aksje. Etter transaksjonen har Element ASA 1
147 017 egne aksjer.

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=461980

Nyheten er levert av OBI.


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Kapitalforhøyelse registrert

Det vises til børsmelding datert 6. mai 2018 angående en ny rentefri NOK 500
millioner konvertibel lånefasilitet med tilknyttede frittstående tegningsretter
(den ‘Nye Konvertible Lånefasiliteten’) inngått med European High Growth
Opportunities Securitization Fund (‘EHGO’), den 15. mai 2018 angående inngåelse
av endelige avtaler vedrørende den Nye Konvertible Lånefasiliteten og den 1.
oktober 2018 angående trekk av den andre transjen på MNOK 50 under den Nye
Konvertible Lånefasiliteten.

EHGO har konvertert MNOK 7 000 000 av den Nye Konvertible Lånefasiliteten til en
konverteringskurs per aksje på NOK 1,6. Som en konsekvens av konverteringen er
aksjekapitalen forhøyet med NOK 350 000,00 ved utstedelse av 4 375 000 nye
aksjer, hver pålydende NOK 0,08. Kapitalforhøyelsen er registrert i
Foretaksregisteret. Selskapets nye aksjekapital er NOK 8 400 391,04 fordelt på
105 004 888 aksjer hver pålydende NOK 0,08. Hver aksje gir rett til en stemme på
selskapets generalforsamling.

De nye aksjene opptas til notering og kan handles umiddelbart.

Denne meldingen offentliggjøres i henhold til Verdipairhandelloven § 5.12.

For ytterligere informasjon, vennligst kontakt:

Cecilie Grue
Administrerende direktør
Telefon: +47 991 62 486
E-post: cg@elementasa.com

Lars Beitnes
Telefon: +356 7996 1497
E-post: lcb@elementasa.com

Om Element
Element er et nytenkende og innovativt prosjektinvesteringsselskap innenfor
mineralsektoren. Selskapet jobber kontinuerlig med å skape aksjonærverdi til en
lavest mulig risiko. Element har som strategi å identifisere undervurderte
prosjekter med kort vei til kontantstrøm, hvor infrastruktur og annet
grunnarbeid, i stor grad er gjennomført. Selskapet har særlig fokus knyttet til
prosjekter med ny og gjerne banebrytende teknologi innenfor sine nisjer.

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=462116

Nyheten er levert av OBI.


Disclosure of shares and rights to shares in Element ASA (“Element”) (flagging)

Reference is made to the announcement disclosed on 10 June 2018 and the further
details provided therein.

European High Growth Opportunities Securitization Fund represented by European
High Growth Opportunities Securitization Fund Manco SA (“EHGO”) has on 25
October 2018 converted NOK 6,500,000 in convertible bonds to 4,642,857 new
shares in Element. EHGO has furthermore on 25 October 2018 sold in total 318,156
shares in Element in market transactions.

After the transactions EHGO will hold (i) 5,525,688 shares in Element, equal to
5.04 % of the new share capital (the “New Share Capital”), 29,500,000
convertible notes convertible to 21,071,429 shares in Element (as at today’s
conversion price, but adjustable if the conversion price is adjusted at the time
of conversion), equal to 19.22% of the New Share Capital and (ii) 17,681,159
warrants giving the right to 17,681,159 new shares in Element, equal to 16.13 %
of the New Share Capital.

Following the transactions, EHGO’s total holding of shares and rights to shares
(through convertible notes and warrants to shares) make up 44,278,276 shares and
votes, equal to 40.38 % of the New Share Capital.

EHGO is a fund managed by Alpha Blue Ocean Inc. (“ABO”). ABO owns 6,187,350
warrants in Element giving the right to 6,187,350 new shares in Element, equal
to 5.64 % of the New Share Capital. Furthermore, ABO has an obligation to
redeliver 5,750,000 borrowed shares in Element pursuant to a loan agreement with
Paschi International Limited and the White November Fund.

ABO’s total holding of shares and rights to shares (based on convertible notes
and warrants) on a consolidated basis, make up 50,465,629 shares and votes,
equal to 46.02.9 % of the New Share Capital.

The disclosure regulation (flaggereglene) requires that the disclosure
thresholds regarding rights to shares (i.e. notes and warrants) are calculated
on the basis of registered share capital of the issuer at the time of disclosure
and do not give the correct view taking into account the situation at the time
of conversion/exercise of rights to shares. On a fully diluted basis, taking
into account all share issuances pursuant to convertible bonds and warrants,
ABO’s consolidated holding of shares and rights to shares will amount to 40.39%
of the share capital of Element.

About Alpha Blue Ocean Inc.

Alpha Blue Ocean Inc. is an international business company incorporated under
the laws of the Republic of Seychelles, represented by Mr. Pierre Vannineuse.
Mr. Pierre Vannineuse is the sole shareholder and sole Director of Alpha Blue
Ocean Inc. Alpha Blue Ocean Inc. is a member of the Blue Ocean Investment Group.
Alpha Blue Ocean Inc. was created by Pierre Vannineuse and manages an asset
portfolio of around 300 million dollars for a group of funds. Blue Ocean
specializes in providing flexible, innovating and non-invasive debt and capital
financing arrangements to listed companies throughout the world and in various
sectors such as healthcare, energy, mining and high tech. Alpha Blue Ocean Inc.
has offices in London and Geneva.

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=462145

Nyheten er levert av OBI.


Purchase of own shares

On October 25, 2018, Element ASA purchased 100,000 of its own shares according
to the share buyback programme announced on 26 July 2018. The shares were
purchased at an average price of NOK 1.4960 per share. Following this
transaction, Element ASA owns 1,247,017 of its own shares.

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=462150

Nyheten er levert av OBI.


Tilbakekjøp av egne aksjer ***

Den 26. oktober 2018 kjøpte Element ASA 84 500 egne aksjer i henhold til
tilbakekjøpsprogrammet annonsert 26. juli 2018. Aksjene ble kjøpt til en
gjennomsnittspris på NOK 1,4740 per aksje. Etter transaksjonen har Element ASA 1
331 517 egne aksjer.

Ekstern link: https://newsweb.oslobors.no/message/462259

Nyheten er levert av OBI.


Disclosure of shares and rights to shares in Element ASA (“Element”) (flagging) ***

Reference is made to the announcement disclosed on 10 June 2018 and the further
details provided therein.

European High Growth Opportunities Securitization Fund represented by European
High Growth Opportunities Securitization Fund Manco SA (“EHGO”) has on 26
October 2018 sold in total 256,099 shares in Element in market transactions.

After the transactions EHGO holds (i) 5,269,589 shares in Element, equal to 4.81
% of the registered share capital (the “Registered Share Capital”), 29,500,000
convertible notes convertible to 21,071,429 shares in Element (as at today’s
conversion price, but adjustable if the conversion price is adjusted at the time
of conversion), equal to 19.22 % of the Registered Share Capital and (ii)
17,681,159 warrants giving the right to 17,681,159 new shares in Element, equal
to 16.13 % of the Registered Share Capital.

Following the transactions, EHGO’s total holding of shares and rights to shares
(through convertible notes and warrants to shares) make up 44,022,177 shares and
votes, equal to 40.15 % of the Registered Share Capital.

EHGO is a fund managed by Alpha Blue Ocean Inc. (“ABO”). ABO owns 6,187,350
warrants in Element giving the right to 6,187,350 new shares in Element, equal
to 5.64 % of the Registered Share Capital. Furthermore, ABO has an obligation to
redeliver 5,750,000 borrowed shares in Element pursuant to a loan agreement with
Paschi International Limited and the White November Fund.

ABO’s total holding of shares and rights to shares (based on convertible notes
and warrants) on a consolidated basis, make up 50,209,527 shares and votes,
equal to 45.79% of the Registered Share Capital.

The disclosure regulation (flaggereglene) requires that the disclosure
thresholds regarding rights to shares (i.e. notes and warrants) are calculated
on the basis of registered share capital of the issuer at the time of disclosure
and do not give the correct view taking into account the situation at the time
of conversion/exercise of rights to shares. On a fully diluted basis, taking
into account all share issuances pursuant to convertible bonds and warrants,
ABO’s consolidated holding of shares and rights to shares will amount to 40.15%
of the share capital of Element.


About Alpha Blue Ocean Inc.

Alpha Blue Ocean Inc. is an international business company incorporated under
the laws of the Republic of Seychelles, represented by Mr. Pierre Vannineuse.
Mr. Pierre Vannineuse is the sole shareholder and sole Director of Alpha Blue
Ocean Inc. Alpha Blue Ocean Inc. is a member of the Blue Ocean Investment Group.
Alpha Blue Ocean Inc. was created by Pierre Vannineuse and manages an asset
portfolio of around 300 million dollars for a group of funds. Blue Ocean
specializes in providing flexible, innovating and non-invasive debt and capital
financing arrangements to listed companies throughout the world and in various
sectors such as healthcare, energy, mining and high tech. Alpha Blue Ocean Inc.
has offices in London and Gen

Ekstern link: https://newsweb.oslobors.no/message/462285

Nyheten er levert av OBI.


Disclosure of shares and rights to shares in Element ASA (“Element”) (flagging) ***

Reference is made to the announcement disclosed on 10 June 2018 and the further
details provided therein.

European High Growth Opportunities Securitization Fund represented by European
High Growth Opportunities Securitization Fund Manco SA (“EHGO”) has on 26
October 2018 sold in total 256,099 shares in Element in market transactions.

After the transactions EHGO holds (i) 5,269,589 shares in Element, equal to 4.81
% of the registered share capital (the “Registered Share Capital”), 29,500,000
convertible notes convertible to 21,071,429 shares in Element (as at today’s
conversion price, but adjustable if the conversion price is adjusted at the time
of conversion), equal to 19.22 % of the Registered Share Capital and (ii)
17,681,159 warrants giving the right to 17,681,159 new shares in Element, equal
to 16.13 % of the Registered Share Capital.

Following the transactions, EHGO’s total holding of shares and rights to shares
(through convertible notes and warrants to shares) make up 44,022,177 shares and
votes, equal to 40.15 % of the Registered Share Capital.

EHGO is a fund managed by Alpha Blue Ocean Inc. (“ABO”). ABO owns 6,187,350
warrants in Element giving the right to 6,187,350 new shares in Element, equal
to 5.64 % of the Registered Share Capital. Furthermore, ABO has an obligation to
redeliver 5,750,000 borrowed shares in Element pursuant to a loan agreement with
Paschi International Limited and the White November Fund.

ABO’s total holding of shares and rights to shares (based on convertible notes
and warrants) on a consolidated basis, make up 50,209,527 shares and votes,
equal to 45.79% of the Registered Share Capital.

The disclosure regulation (flaggereglene) requires that the disclosure
thresholds regarding rights to shares (i.e. notes and warrants) are calculated
on the basis of registered share capital of the issuer at the time of disclosure
and do not give the correct view taking into account the situation at the time
of conversion/exercise of rights to shares. On a fully diluted basis, taking
into account all share issuances pursuant to convertible bonds and warrants,
ABO’s consolidated holding of shares and rights to shares will amount to 40.15%
of the share capital of Element.


About Alpha Blue Ocean Inc.

Alpha Blue Ocean Inc. is an international business company incorporated under
the laws of the Republic of Seychelles, represented by Mr. Pierre Vannineuse.
Mr. Pierre Vannineuse is the sole shareholder and sole Director of Alpha Blue
Ocean Inc. Alpha Blue Ocean Inc. is a member of the Blue Ocean Investment Group.
Alpha Blue Ocean Inc. was created by Pierre Vannineuse and manages an asset
portfolio of around 300 million dollars for a group of funds. Blue Ocean
specializes in providing flexible, innovating and non-invasive debt and capital
financing arrangements to listed companies throughout the world and in various
sectors such as healthcare, energy, mining and high tech. Alpha Blue Ocean Inc.
has offices in London and Gen

Ekstern link: https://newsweb.oslobors.no/message/462285

Nyheten er levert av OBI.


Kapitalforhøyelse registrert

Det vises til børsmelding datert 6. mai 2018 angående en ny rentefri NOK 500
millioner konvertibel lånefasilitet med tilknyttede frittstående tegningsretter
(den ‘Nye Konvertible Lånefasiliteten’) inngått med European High Growth
Opportunities Securitization Fund (‘EHGO’), den 15. mai 2018 angående inngåelse
av endelige avtaler vedrørende den Nye Konvertible Lånefasiliteten og den 1.
oktober 2018 angående trekk av den andre transjen på MNOK 50 under den Nye
Konvertible Lånefasiliteten.

EHGO har konvertert MNOK 6 500 000 av den Nye Konvertible Lånefasiliteten til en
konverteringskurs per aksje på NOK 1,4. Som en konsekvens av konverteringen er
aksjekapitalen forhøyet med NOK 371 428,56 ved utstedelse av 4 642 857 nye
aksjer, hver pålydende NOK 0,08. Kapitalforhøyelsen er registrert i
Foretaksregisteret. Selskapets nye aksjekapital er NOK 8 771 819,60 fordelt på
109 647 745 aksjer hver pålydende NOK 0,08. Hver aksje gir rett til en stemme på
selskapets generalforsamling.

De nye aksjene opptas til notering og kan handles umiddelbart.

Denne meldingen offentliggjøres i henhold til Verdipairhandelloven § 5.12.

For ytterligere informasjon, vennligst kontakt:

Cecilie Grue
Administrerende direktør
Telefon: +47 991 62 486
E-post: cg@elementasa.com

Lars Beitnes
Telefon: +356 7996 1497
E-post: lcb@elementasa.com

Om Element
Element er et nytenkende og innovativt prosjektinvesteringsselskap innenfor
mineralsektoren. Selskapet jobber kontinuerlig med å skape aksjonærverdi til en
lavest mulig risiko. Element har som strategi å identifisere undervurderte
prosjekter med kort vei til kontantstrøm, hvor infrastruktur og annet
grunnarbeid, i stor grad er gjennomført. Selskapet har særlig fokus knyttet til
prosjekter med ny og gjerne banebrytende teknologi innenfor sine nisjer.

Ekstern link: https://newsweb.oslobors.no/message/462352

Nyheten er levert av OBI.


Norsk Bulls er ute med kjøpsignal på Element:

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Følger heller ikke ELE, men de var de første jeg tenkte på når jeg såg meldingen som kom fra INDUCT i går natt. Kjente igjen navnet til selskapet som har stilt konvertibelt lån til begge. Her er ser det ut for at det er mer snusk enn hva man skulle få inntrykket av. Lite sannsynlig å tror at långiver ikke benytter samme tilnærming flere plasser.


Edit: Fikk ikke med meg alt. Men har hadde jeg tatt kontakt med induct for å få klarhet i forholdet for så umiddelbart tatt kontakt med ELE om jeg hadde hatt aksjer der.


