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Elliptic Labs

Er da også verditapet fra NOK 17 ved nyttår til Passestas salgspris på 8-tallet bagatellmessig? :thinking: Eller hva med konkursen i et av de unoterte selskapene i porteføljen deres, når lånet til Passesta har sikkerhet i markedsbaserte aksjer?
Hvilke betingelser har de lånt til, spesielt: løpetid og behov for refinansiering med endrede betingelser?
Årsrapporten er et ufullstendig øyeblikksbilde. Det er spesielt naivt å bruke markedsverdien til elabs ved nyttår som argument for at gjelden er ubetydelig når det nettopp er blitt «tvangssolgt» et stort volum med over 50 % rabatt mot nettopp den markedsverdien.

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Her var det mye uvitenhet. Å trekke inn konkurs i et av de unoterte selskapene viser kun at du ikke har lest årsregnskapet til Passesta. Note 6 sier at det var en totalt gjeld på 82,5m som var sikret med pant i markedsbaserte aksjer til en bokført verdi på 63m. Det var med andre ord kun Elabs-aksjer som var som sikkerhet for lånet (etter at alle NOD-aksjene allerede var solgt). Så har de solgt ca 7,1m Elabs-aksjer. De begynte å selge 21. mai til kurser rundt 16,60. Salgene ble avsluttet med den uforståelige posten på 4,4m på kurs 8,50 til Fredly og kompani. Her har det åpenbart vært en «smart» megler som har fått en stjerne hos Fredly. Jeg vil anta at snittkursen på alt som ble solgt var omtrent nok til å slette all gjelde i Passesta, så da spiller det egentlig ingen rolle hva som skjer med alle de unoterte aksjene, eller med Elabs. Årsrapporten viser også at de gav et tilleggsutbytte på 32,2m i 2023, og det sier vel sitt om at Passesta aldri har vært konkurstruet. Foreslår at vi avslutter diskusjonen rundt Passesta, denne tråden skal tross alt handle om Elabs.


Elabs Q2 video

Just a quick 5 minute search:

Not 100% sure it is that. And not sure that it matters at all as Elabs staff computers could be anything. But its interesting if Seamless was demoed on a Acer laptop.

It is interesting that the Swift Go 16" (2024) is one of those new AI PC’s launched just recently.

If you go to Acer Swift 16 product page, you can notice that the Seamless function is provided through Intel Unison.



Lenovo Q&A for Unison:

HP site for Unison:

A few years ago Intel acquired screenovate to establish the Unison technology. As far as we know, we still don’t have confirmation that Unison would include Elabs. But this might be something interesting to follow and research more.


It could be something, could be nothing 🤷


Hevdet da ikke at Passesta var konkurstruet? Hva er logikken i å hevde at jeg ikke har lest årsregnskapet fordi jeg peker på at de sitter i et selskap som er meldt konkurs? Den unoterte delen av porteføljen er dessuten full av lite/ikke lønnsomme selskaper. Brannsalget i Elabs er det klareste indisiet du kan få på at banken mener at likviditeten ikke er god nok i selskapet. Da kan man ikke kalle gjelden ubetydelig.


Thanks timotei for digging after info about the company instead of quarrelling about why someone had to sell or not sell the stock. Soooo mutch more valuable!


In Q1 seamless was demoed on an HP laptop.

And there’s a wild new technology, called Wi-Fi Sensing, that uses a Wi-Fi radio as essentially a type of radar.

WiFi Sensing uses both antennas, one broadcasting and one receiving. The laptop essentially broadcasts radio data out, then uses the other antenna to “listen” for a bounce off various objects — specifically you. If the WiFi Sensing technology detects you’re walking away, it locks your computer and shuts off the display. If you then approach, it wakes the displays (but doesn’t unlock the computer.)

It’s a little scary! Intel has bigger plans for Wi-Fi Sensing, though it’s unclear whether they’ll come to market. “Future PCs will be able to detect user movements and gestures, monitor heartbeat and breathing rate, whether accessories are to the left or right, how many there are, etc.,” Intel said.

For comparison, some of the key sensors elabs provides. The text mentions gestures, heartbeat, breathing etc.

765162_Intel_Wi-Fi_Sensing_Infographic.pdf (554,8 KB)

So its rather interesting that the upcoming wifi sensing capabilities are 1:1 with Elabs offering.


Seams like wifi Sensing is less reliable (could case interference) and less efficient (hence also less greener).

Elabs seems far superior I think still.

Yes. We know elabs and intel have worked together for some time. Altough the name is wifi, it is likely for marketing reasons etc. Its very possible that they just use ultrasound frequencies as it is More precise for these purposes.

So my guess is its Elabs sensors under that Wifi marketing name.

Edit. I think Intel co-operation was briefly discussed also here


I also asked from chatgpt about accuracy and differences between ultrasound freq. And wifi freq. Sensing for breathing, gestures, heartbeat etc.

It was quite clear that out of the two freq. areas, US is more precise and better in localized setting (i.e. workstation etc.). Wifi can’t be as accurate as US, but can penetrate structures etc. and is better for general level sensing in larger settings (i.e. multiple room areas etc.).

So this confirms my initial thoughts to some extent. Intel has been co-operating with Elabs for some time.

Furthermore, Laila focused to discuss about Intel co-operation when asked about AI PCs.

To me there are now clear signs, both emotional/read between the lines and science-based that would point towards Elabs integration into Lunar Lake and possibly to update of Unison app. at the same time. (Unison is updated at the same time).

The chipset is launched around the same time as Elabs is having their CMD. I believe it will be revealed there and is likely the main reason for timing of the event.


Jeg har før dårlig koll på radio/elektromagnetism før at kunne si noe om denne WiFi-sensor. Jeg synes det høres merklig ut. Så vitt jeg begriper så går WiFi signaler gjennom vegger, folk og fe. En del absorberes og en vegg av aremert betong som man typisk finner i hus demper signalen med ca 3dB (i følge google).
Så vitt jeg kan se så trenger WiFi-sensing at produkten som bruker det befinner seg i en miljø der det finns et antall sendere av WiFi-signaler. Man kan ikke ha kun en laptop og få “pressens detection” med kun denne.
Det finns litt på Nettet om dette hvis man snuser tundt litt, jeg har kun gjort en rask koll.

Det har i hvert fall ikke noe med Elabs ultraljud att gjøre, men kan snarest ses som et komplement, evetuellt. WiFi-sensing verkar vare noe mer før Smart Homes, kontor, nyttelokaler av ulike slag. Idealt er at maskinen bruker det som er best akkurat da: Finns en masse WiFi-signaler? Bruk disse. Hvis ikke: Bruk ultralyd. Mårdvaren finns allerede der, man trenger ikke noe nye komponenter, kun software.

I am quite sure that I have seen a Wifi releated technology feature on Elabs website earlier. But cant find it now. It was mentioned in one of the webcasts a few years back, perhaps in 2021/22. Will try to find it.

Edit: I believe the so called connection sensor could be involved in this: Products – Connection Sensor | Elliptic Labs

Cirrus Logic will provide technology for Lunar Lake audio


Interesting that Raptor Lake had a WiFi based HPD

There are lots of information available if you search for WiFi Sensing in google. One example is this video where he even uses Lenovo X1 as an example at 7min mark.

From around 41-42min mark he explains how WiFi frequencies does not work well in a monostatic situation - situation that Elabs specializes in IMO. If I understood correctly, this is because of the resolution that WiFi sensing provides is not as accurate as UWB/Ultrasound etc. Therefore best situations for WiFi sensing are those. where multiple transmitter/receivers are present within a house or so.

IMO this still would favor using Ultrasound in combination with WiFi sensing, i.e. Ultrasound for monostatic situation and WiFi otherwise. I believe Intel would not want to restrict the sensing to situations where there has to be multiple WiFi devices around to make it work the best?

However the WiFi sensing tech. is getting better and standardization work for wifi sensing is proceeding.

How to tell you are in Lunar Lake without telling you are in Lunar Lake



I maybe wrong, and correct me if so, but i think I remember Laila talking about chipset manufactorers being potential customers in the future. If the Company is providing essential tech they may move up the ladder to supply intel and the other chipset providers. I think we are in a pivotal point for elliptic labs. Exciting times and I wish i had more funds.

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Also seems weird that they signed two large expansions with Lenovo just a couple of months before new Intel processors are coming to the market if they are not to be included.

A few more hints:

" Previously, Mr. Shah served as Sr. Director of Platform Architecture at Intel Corporation (INTC)."


One interesting point about Unison is that the current version requires both the laptop and phone to have Unison software installed to allow for pairing of devices and create the seamless experience (see user guide in the link below). This works between all OS’s (android, windows, iOS).


Now from the link I posted here, it mentions the following update for Unison in conjunction with Lunar Lake:

Intel’s Unison is getting beefed up, too, with tablet control, a quick connect to phones that don’t have access to Unison, and a universal hotspot

See i.e. swift connect in the figure below. There will be a possibility for direct file sharing etc. between phones/PC without the phone having access to unison at all.

I could be wrong here, but as far as I have understood Elabs Seamless sensor is the only one making this possible between iOS - Android - Windows.

Also the Q2 webcast demo was made on the Acer Swift Go 16" (2024) which is one of the latest AI PC’s running Intel Evo platform. THe same platform that is using Intel Unison.


Interesting perspectives. As we know, now and then it has been mentioned that a direct business relationship (billable) with Intel etc is a possibility somewhere down the road. And then at a different type of contract - more volumes, less per unit. Or per tech solution or whatever. Given the historic relationship and the current status of the Lunar Lake, with already some seamless capability in place, one can easily see Intel integrating relevant elements from the Elabs platform into its offering. So then I have 3 items on my cmd wish-list: Seamless direct customer kick-off, seamless with Intel (+ other seamless info), and an update on (hopefully imminent) launch with #2 PC-oem…other relevant and important wishes forgotten?

Notice how Elabs stopped mentioning the 2nd OEM launch in this years webcasts? I believe it got postponed during winter so they stopped hinting about it.

However, how about a launch with 5-10 OEMs through the Intel integration? I mean LL is brought with 20 OEMs/80 models at first launch, so it could be a scenario where 5-10 of them have selected to use this Sensing technology or the Unison/seamless?

Of course OEM launches could come later during Q4 than the lunar lake itself.

Something to wish for maybe, highly speculative🤷😁


A bullet could also be implementation of other ELABS products directly to OEMs or through chips. The most likely is probably through chips but a wish could be implementation of entire product portfolio to Lenovo or through top chips manufacture.

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