Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Elliptic Labs

De har vell antydet at de signerer en til OEM i år, så tror den kommer på ett tidspunkt. Ville ikke forventet flere, men lov å håpe. Enig at det har tatt mye lengre tid enn ventet.

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Hatt store deler av porteføljen i denne aksjen i 3,5 år nå. Det går sakte, men det går fremover. Ligger å ulmer og plutselig tar det fyr. Lite tro på at det skal slukke helt.


Har mer tro på at det tar fyr, enn noe annet. Mye spennende i vente fremover


I’ll provide a couple points from ChatGPT when comparing WiFI 6E and Ultrasound.

I would say science clearly proves that some of the advanced detection capabilities that Intel’s head of Wireless discussed in those videos is not possible by using the upcoming WiFi 6E. Intel’s Wireless boss was clearly discussing about detailed finger and gesture reckognition in future among other things. For reference, this was not for Lunar Lake but for future developments on “How intel sees connectivity in the future”.

I think its good for Elabs investors to understand the basics and magnitude difference in sensing resolution between Wi-Fi 6E and US.


Accuracy of Intel’s Wi-Fi Sensing:

The accuracy of Intel’s Wi-Fi Sensing can vary depending on several factors, including the environment, the type of movement being detected, and the specific hardware and algorithms used. However, here are some general points about its accuracy:

  1. Motion Detection:
  • Wi-Fi Sensing is quite effective in detecting motion, especially larger movements like a person walking through a room. It can typically detect motion with reasonable accuracy, though the exact precision can vary.
  • The technology can also detect smaller movements, such as subtle breathing patterns, but the accuracy may decrease for finer or more complex motions.
  1. Environmental Factors:
  • The accuracy can be influenced by the physical environment, such as the presence of walls, furniture, or other obstructions. These factors can cause signal interference, which might reduce accuracy.
  • Wi-Fi Sensing tends to work best in open spaces with minimal interference, although advanced algorithms are continually improving its ability to work in more complex environments.

Impact of Wi-Fi 6E on Accuracy:

Wi-Fi 6E, which operates in the 6 GHz band, is expected to improve the accuracy of Wi-Fi Sensing in several ways:

  1. Wider Bandwidth:
  • Wi-Fi 6E offers more available spectrum, which allows for wider channels and higher data rates. This can enhance the granularity of the signal analysis, leading to more precise detection of movement.
  • Wider bandwidth can improve the resolution of the signal processing, enabling better detection of fine movements and more accurate spatial positioning.
  1. Less Interference:
  • The 6 GHz band is currently less crowded than the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands, meaning there’s less interference from other devices. This cleaner signal environment can lead to more reliable and accurate motion detection.
  1. Higher Frequencies:
  • The higher frequencies used in Wi-Fi 6E provide shorter wavelengths, which can improve the technology’s sensitivity to small movements, further enhancing accuracy.

Comparison with Ultrasound Sensing:

Ultrasound sensing is another popular technology for motion detection, and it has some distinct advantages and disadvantages compared to Wi-Fi Sensing:

  1. Accuracy and Precision:
  • Ultrasound Sensing: Ultrasound is typically more accurate and precise for detecting fine movements, especially in small, enclosed spaces. It can detect very small motions with high accuracy, making it suitable for applications like detailed gesture recognition or precise occupancy sensing.
  • Wi-Fi Sensing: While Wi-Fi Sensing is generally less precise than ultrasound for small or fine movements, it has the advantage of being able to detect motion over a larger area and through certain obstructions like walls. Wi-Fi Sensing can cover a broader area, while ultrasound is more localized.
  1. Range and Coverage:
  • Ultrasound Sensing: Ultrasound sensors are usually limited to a smaller range and require direct line-of-sight for optimal accuracy. They are effective in small rooms but less so in larger or more complex environments.
  • Wi-Fi Sensing: Wi-Fi Sensing can cover larger spaces and can detect motion through walls and obstacles, providing a broader coverage area compared to ultrasound.
  1. Environmental Impact:
  • Ultrasound Sensing: Environmental factors like noise and air currents can affect the accuracy of ultrasound sensors, although they are generally less susceptible to interference than Wi-Fi.
  • Wi-Fi Sensing: Environmental factors such as physical obstructions, multipath interference, and other RF devices can impact Wi-Fi Sensing accuracy, though modern algorithms are improving performance in complex environments.


  • Wi-Fi Sensing is generally accurate for detecting motion, particularly in open spaces, and Wi-Fi 6E is expected to enhance this accuracy by providing more bandwidth and operating in a less congested frequency band. However, it might still lag behind ultrasound sensing in terms of precision, especially for fine or detailed motion detection.
  • The choice between Wi-Fi Sensing and ultrasound sensing ultimately depends on the specific application, with Wi-Fi Sensing offering broader coverage and the ability to work through walls, while ultrasound provides higher precision in smaller, direct-line-of-sight scenarios.

So Elabs may still be the next NOD? :face_with_monocle:

I did an update to my notes - a good pitch of the company. WHen looking my notes that are based on i.e. webcasts for Seamless sensor, it looks more likely that Seamless will be in a Snapdragon laptop. BUt it doesn’t exclude possibility of being also with intel :slight_smile:

You may use translator if needed, just copy paste the link to translate.google.com from finnish to norwegian :slight_smile:


Impressive work! Thanx

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Elliptic Labs Signs New Expansion License Contract with Smartphone Customer Transsion


" According to IDC’s Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker, Transsion ranked No. 3 in the global mobile phone market in 2023 with a 14% market share, and ranked No. 5 in the global smartphone market with a 8.1% market share. Transsion’s smartphone shipments took the top spot in Africa, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Philippines, and ranked No. 6 in India. "

Det er jo ikke noe småtteri de har avtale med.


Pen utvikling.

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500 000 gikk før børsen åpnet i dag.


Får nesten håpe det var Vinterstua som solgte disse :pray:, da er han nesten sluttsolgt i såfall


Ja, 6 August hadde han 900k igjen.

Og på listen publisert sist fredag 761k

Det gikk en post på 500 000 utenfor børs på fredag også

Det er jo åpenbart at det er Vinterstua som har holdt kursen nede med sine nedsalg den siste perioden.

Kan ikke skjønne annet at aksjen skal reprises når han er helt ute.


Elliptic Labs Launching on vivo s iQOO Z9s and iQOO Z9s Pro Smartphones

Da leser forhåpentligvis Laila kommentarene her på forumet hvor vi flere ganger har etterlyst hennes tilstedeværelse på div konferanser for å presentere seg for både gamle, og ikke minst potensielle investors. Finner sted nå på onsdag hos DnB.


Man kan jo bare spekulere om hun nå prioriterer dette som en buildup mot kapitalmarkedsdagen 10. september. Spennende kommende uker.


Ganske “mange” nyheter på løpende bånd i det siste. Så tenker nok det er en update på alt som skjer omkring dette, og hvordan det skal materialisere seg for elabs. Morsomste er jo om de slår i bordet med en kjempeavtale, men heller nok mer om at det skal hausses litt omkring alt som har vært meldt i det siste :slight_smile:

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