Diskusjon Triggere PortefĂžljer AksjonĂŠrlister

Gull som investering đŸ„‡

CEO Kopy Goldfields: “We are seriously undervalued.”


By any historical standards, we haven’t any real crisis yet. In reality, the markets are going through a period of remarkable, and possibly unnatural, calm. Perhaps it is true that gold is no longer a reliable a store of value. Maybe bitcoin, land, or indeed cash, have taken over as the natural refuge in times of turmoil.

But it is far too early to conclude that — let’s wait until something really bad happens.

Extreme pessimism suggests a rally in gold soon

Well, let’s think about it. Do markets collapse when everyone is pessimistic about a market? No. Markets usually collapse when optimism, not pessimism, reaches an extreme.

The historical data say that they cannot succeed; financial markets never collapse when things look bad. In fact, quite the contrary is true. Before contractions begin, macroeconomic flows always look fine. That is why the vast majority of economists always proclaim the economy to be in excellent health just before it swoons.

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Veldig sant det der. Hvordan har det fondet ‘vĂ„rt’ utviklet seg siste 3 ukene? Har det falt videre? Mulig jeg kan kjĂžpe meg inn igjen om jeg har spart pĂ„ Ă„ vĂŠre ute.

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PĂ„ 3 uker er det ned rundt 8% tror jeg

Om gull og olje, og fallende kniver:

Fighting Bulls & Catching Knives

So, oil, gold, what have you, drops sharply and suddenly my spider sense tells me to buy (I’m not talking about perma-bulls buying every little 10% dip. I’m talking about -40% at least), right when most people just want to get rid of their assets at any price.

Often, I short too early, fighting every bull I see, and then hang on to those shorts like a pit bull, all the way to the peak and down again.

Then I buy 40% down (if that’s enough to normalize the price or make the asset cheap), catching knives with both hands, and keep buying at -50%, -60%, -70% and so on, and hopefully make a decent return when fortunes turn – right before selling way too early again.


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Gold Jumps to 3-Week High as China Raises Risk of Currency War

“The Chinese move is being seen as potentially restarting the currency war, which creates a climate in which gold will react,” Christin Tuxen, a senior analyst at Danske Bank A/S, said by phone from Copenhagen. “The likelihood of other countries taking steps to cap their currencies is greater today than it was yesterday, and that increases the attractiveness of gold.”



Litt positive takter i gullfondet nÄ



iLike. Vurderer sterkt Ä kjÞpe meg inn igjen nÄ.


Det meste gÄr feil vei nÄ, men men hyggelig at denne stiger i hvert fall +30% i dag

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Det er vanskelig Ä spÄ nÄr den er pÄ vei opp, men kortsiktig har den begynt Ä stige litt, selv i USD.

Jeg har Þkt litt eksponering mot gull, bÄde fond og ETN.

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Growing fears of destabilization in the world economy have sparked another round of capital outflows from stock markets not only in Asia Pacific markets but also in Europe and even the U.S., exacerbating seasonal uncertainty,” said Colin Cieszynski, chief market strategist at CMC Markets.

“Because of this, some capital appears to be finding its way back into defensive havens, particularly gold,” he said in a note.

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Warren trekker frem flere faremomenter som burde fÄ varsellampene til Ä blinke: Aksjer var allerede dyre, stor valuta- og aksjeuro i Kina, dramatisk svekkelse av den norske kronen, kraftig gjeldsÞkning i fremvoksende Þkonomier, pÄgÄende valutakriger, sentralbanker som ikke lenger var synkroniserte i sine tiltak, Þkende kredittspreader, store gjeldsutfordringer i Hellas og Puerto Rico, Þkende sosiale forskjeller og det faktum at kun Tyrkia stÄr mellom IS og Europa.

  • Man kan se at de som var modige nok til Ă„ gjĂžre det motsatte av hva analytikere anbefalte bĂ„de nĂ„r det gjaldt aksjer og gull ville ha gjort det suverent best, avslutter Warren.


Second-quarter regulatory filings show that Stanley Druckenmiller, the famed hedge fund manager, just placed more than $323 million of his own money into a gold ETF, at a time when sentiment toward the yellow metal is in the basement


Gold futures gained for the first time in a week as a Federal Reserve official signaled the possibility of more monetary stimulus, boosting bullion’s appeal as a hedge against possible inflation.

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vaultoro.com The bitcoin gold exchange


Noen som har erfaring med Vaultoro?

Har konto der og er ogsÄ aksjonÊr.

Dette ser litt interessant ut

The Merk Gold Trust tracks the gold spot price, less expenses, using gold bars and coins held in London vaults. Investors can redeem their shares for gold in increments of 1 troy oz.


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This means that what was already a record dilution factor, with over 200 ounces of paper gold claims for every ounce of deliverable gold, just soared even more, and following today’s 8% drop, there is now a unprecedented 228 ounces of paper claims for every ounce of deliverable “registered” gold.

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