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IDEX Biometrics (IDEX)

plukket mer i idex i går og dag så er ganske smekkfull så får dessverre ikke kjøpt mer

Idex ville være volatil hele tiden, det vi ser noe er at endel emisjonsaksjer går ut pluss at det er noe shorting. En close over 3 er sterkt og noe vi bør søke å få til da det vil vise en styrke. Det er uansett bare spørsmål om tid før det komme noen nyheter som drar oss over 3.2 og da starter det morsomme.

Man skal ikke frykte slike nedganger men heller kjøpe dippene. Idex har en pen stigende kanal og vil trolig fortsette oppover. Jeg tror flere og flere ser størrelsen på markedet og at Idex vil ta markdedsandeler. Jeg forventer en kurs på rundt 5 til påske


Er det noe info om når de skal noteres på nasdaq?

Det der er type det, regner med han sitter fullastet selv…

Jeg antar at nå innfrir selskapet alle krav for IPO og notering Nasdaq etter gjennomført emisjon. Kan ta alt fra en uke til en måned om jeg skulle tippe.


Crypto currency Mastercard to accept cryptocurrency payments by end of 2021
Mastercard to accept cryptocurrency payments by end of 2021
Florian Bayard
Mastercard is about to accept cryptocurrency payments. After Visa and PayPal, the bank card issuer will support certain cryptocurrencies directly on its network by the end of the year. Initially, Mastercard will limit itself to stablecoins, these digital currencies whose price is stable. Bitcoin, Ethereum or even XRP are therefore not concerned.

mastercard accepts cryptocurrency payments

In a post on its official blog, Mastercard announces that preparations are underway for the "future of cryptocurrency and payments . " The New York-based company “will begin supporting certain cryptocurrencies directly on our network this year”. Concretely, MasterCard will allow its nearly one billion users to spend cryptocurrency with more than 30 million merchants around the world. Not surprisingly, Mastercard membership will help accelerate the adoption of cryptocurrencies among the general public.

To justify Mastercard’s decision, Raj Dhamodharan, executive vice president of the American group, explains: “We notice that users are increasingly taking advantage of crypto cards to access these assets and convert them into traditional currencies to spend them” . Many cryptocurrency exchange platforms indeed offer bank cards for spending Bitcoins or altcoins. This is particularly the case with the Binance trading platform, the essential Coinbase or Crypto.com. These cards automatically convert digital currencies into fiat currencies(euro, dollar,…) during a payment. Ultimately, the merchant receives fiat currencies and not cryptocurrencies. With the announcement of Mastercard, the situation will change: cryptocurrency transfers will be possible

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God omsetning i dag - og kursen går :rocket:


Oslo (TDN Direkt): Idex har søkt om å notere ADSer (American Depositary Shares) på Nasdaq-børsen i USA, og første handelsdag ventes å være 24. februar under ticker “IDBA”.

Det fremgår av en SEC-filing fredag 19. februar.


Godkjent utvikling her i dag :partying_face:


Registration of new shares in IDEX Biometrics 23 February 2021

IDEX Biometrics ADSs to be Listed on Nasdaq as of 1 March

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2,75 NOK per aksje i emisjonen var ikkje so dårleg. Tar eit bet her for å sjå korleis mottakelsen blir i USA.


Grant of incentive subscription rights in IDEX Biometrics 24 February 2021

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IDEX Biometrics - Interim report for the fourth quarter and preliminary result of 2020

Hvordan fungerer noteringen på nasdaq? Blir det dobbelt så mange aksjer?

Er skremt av det vanvittige antallet tegningsretter ledelsen har tildelt, som fortsatt ikke er utløpt på dato.

The board of directors of IDEX Biometrics ASA resolved on 24 February 2021 to
issue 934,900 incentive subscription rights to employees in the IDEX group. The
grant was made under the company’s 2020 incentive subscription rights plan
resolved at the annual general meeting on 15 May 2020. The exercise price of the
subscription rights is NOK 3.10 per share. The subscription rights vest by 25%
per year over four years and expire on 15 May 2025. Following the grant there
are 57,278,993 subscription rights outstanding in IDEX.

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The Company has not registered any
new issuance of securities and is not making any public offering of new shares
or private placement of shares in connection with the listing on Nasdaq. The
Company’s Ordinary Shares will continue to be admitted to trading on the Oslo

Skjønner ikkje korleis dei kan handle aksjer da når åpningstider er forskjellige og dei ikkje har sine egne aksjer. Eller misforstår eg?