- Kalera implemented a USD 10m private placement towards international and Norwegian institutional investors.
- The placement was done at USD 3/sh or NOK 27.3/sh, 50% up from last traded NOK 18.2/sh.
- Last three placements done at USD 0.75, 0.8, 1.5. In total USD 57.5m have been raised in 2020 with Arctic as sole manager.
- Near-term outlook: i) Announced a large scale facility in Houston/Texas ii) Potential listing on Merkur in H2/2020 iii) Potential new signings of large facilities.
- Long-term outlook: Kalera is planning 29x/14x large/small scale prod. facility within 2024, with avg. size of 40.000sqm/1.200sqm. That is in total 1.176.800sqm and with annual prod. of 83.3 salad heads per sqm, Kalera will produce 98.03m salad heads per year by 2024!
- Message to announcement from the company found here: https://www.notc.no/NOTC/selskaps-meldinger