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Next Biometrics Group (NEXT)

Kanskje vi endelig skal videre opp denne gangen?


Ser bra ut synes jeg, opp igjen. Får vi noen nye avtaler og litt volum i aksjen så kan det bli full fart

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Investtech skriver i dag:

Next endte på 163 kroner etter en oppgang på 2.52%. Aksjen brøt med det årstoppen fra 27. april og satt ny årsbeste. Aksjen har med dette steget for femte dag på rad og den siste uken har aksjen steget hele 15.60%. Teknisk ser det også bra ut. Aksjen er trendmessig positiv på mellomlang sikt, har marginalt brutt opp gjennom motstanden ved ca 160 kroner og en videre oppgang indikeres.

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Stiger og stiger :slight_smile:

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Poster denne her, selv om det i dag faktisk er mulig å betale med tommelen med SEQR i dag med iPhone.


Plukket tilbake noen aksjer på 157 i dag, må kanskje krype til korset og kjøpe tilbake resten neste uke, synes denne ser ganske sterk ut.

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Spennende å se hva som skjer her, om det endelig vil bli brudd opp denne gangen. Har fått kjøpt tilbake det meste så jeg er posisjonert for videre oppgang med en grei medium posisjon.


Fortsatt opp i dag, slutter på 170?

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Fra Investtech i dag:

NEXT Biometrics Group ASA (NEXT.OL) - 13. okt 2016. Siste sluttkurs: 169.5 (-0.5)
NEXT Biometrics Group ASA ligger i en stigende trend og videre oppgang innenfor denne indikeres. Aksjen har brutt opp gjennom motstanden ved ca 160 kroner. Videre oppgang er dermed signalisert, og det er nå støtte ved 160 kroner ved reaksjoner tilbake. Volumet har tidligere vært høyt rundt kurstopper og lavt rundt kursbunner. Volumbalansen er også positiv, noe som styrker trendbildet. RSI er overkjøpt. Aksjen kan likevel gjerne stige videre, og vi bør se en nedgang i RSI-kurven før dette anses å svekke aksjen. Aksjen anses samlet sett teknisk positiv på middels lang sikt.

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Kan vi etablere oss her over 170 synes jeg det ser bra ut teknisk.

Overraskende lite interesse for denne aksjen på tross av god utvikling

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Synd jeg bare har en liten post på 4-5% av porteføljen, men moro å være med uansett :slight_smile:
Edit: Dere får ha meg unnskyldt hvis jeg poster usannheter, det går mye på hoderegning og litt på slump, men det stemmer noenlunde…

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Det er jo nesten like mye som Storebrand vekst :slight_smile:

Glad jeg kjøpte meg opp fra 7 til nesten 13

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Ath Weekly closing 172.5


17.10.2016 08:38:00: Mandatory notification of trade

Ketil Fridheim, member of the board of directors of NEXT Biometrics Group ASA
(“NEXT”), has transferred a total of 25,000 shares from FKKG AS, a company 80%
owned by himself to his private VPS account. This transaction is done at NOK 37.50 per
share. This price equals the strike price paid for the same shares in connection with
exercise of share options as announced on 31 August 2016.

Following this transaction, there will be no change in the total shareholding of Ketil
Fridheim and FKKG AS, which will still own a total of 200,000 shares in NEXT.

About NEXT Biometrics
Enabled by the Active Thermal Principle, NEXT offers rigid and flexible, high
performance, low cost fingerprint sensors. The Company is uniquely positioned in
markets demanding high performance for close to 100% its targeted populations. The
company competitive advantages of are maximized in a range of product formats
including SmartCards, Key-fobs, Remote Controls, Door systems and high end
Notebook and Tablets.

NEXT Biometrics Group ASA is a publicly listed company headquartered in Oslo, Norway
and with sales, support and development subsidiaries in Seattle, Silicon Valley, Taipei,
Prague and Shanghai.

Media and Investor contacts for NEXT Biometrics:
Tore Etholm-Idsøe, CEO, Tore.idsoe@nextbiometrics.com and
Knut Stalen, CFO, Knut.stalen@nextbiometrics.com.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of
the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

17.10.2016 08:40:01: NEXT Biometrics Group ASA - Allocation of share options

The board of directors of Next Biometrics Group ASA (“NEXT” or the “Company”) has, in
accordance with the Company’s share option program approved at the Company’s
annual general meeting in June 2016, resolved to allot 229,000 conditional share
options. The total number approved by the general meeting was 330,000 conditional
share options for this program, and the board of directors has therefore additionally
101,000 conditional share options available for allotment.

Each share option gives the right, provided certain conditions are met, to subscribe for
and be allotted one (1) share in the Company at an exercise price of NOK 187 per share,
which is equal to the assumed market value of the Company’s shares at the time of
allotment of the share options with the addition of 10%. Exercise of vested share options
is conditional upon the respective option holders meeting certain individual key
performance indicators.

The conditional options shall vest 1/3 after 2 yrs, additionally 1/3 after 3 yrs, additionally
1/3 after 4 yrs. The options expire after 6 years. Accelerated vesting will as defined in
company stock option agreement take place at major events.

The following primary insiders were granted conditional share options:

Tore Etholm-Idsøe (CEO) was granted 20,000 conditional options. After grant, Tore
Etholm-Idsøe holds in total 20 000 conditional options and 278,000 unconditional
options. Tore Etholm-Idsøe together with Eurostores AS also own a total of 528,458

Campbell Kan (VP of Operations and Asia Sales) was granted 15,000 conditional
options. After grant, Campbell Kan holds in total 15,000 conditional options, 27,000
unconditional options and 0 shares.

Matias Troccoli (CTO) was granted 15,000 conditional options. After grant, Matias
Troccoli holds in total 15 000 conditional options, 186 377 unconditional options and

Knut Stålen (CFO) was granted 15,000 conditional options. After grant, Knut Stålen
holds in total 15,000 conditional options, 40,000 unconditional options and 8,400

Robert Mueller (Product Director) was granted 10,000 conditional options. After grant,
Robert Mueller holds in total 10,000 conditional options, 60,470 unconditional options
and 0 shares.

Charles Ng (VP Sales EMEA) was granted 10,000 conditional options. After grant,
Charles Ng holds in total 10,000 conditional options, 30,000 unconditional options and

Radek Matyasek (VP Sales EMEA) was granted 10,000 conditional options. After grant,
Radek Matyasek holds in total 10,000 conditional options, 30,000 unconditional options
and 1,000 shares.

The total number of unconditional options outstanding is 1,128,811 and the remaining
amount under the board authorization is NOK 1,128,811.

About NEXT Biometrics
Enabled by the Active Thermal Principle, NEXT offers rigid and flexible, high
performance, low cost fingerprint sensors. The Company is uniquely positioned in
markets demanding high performance for close to 100% its targeted populations. The
company competitive advantages of are maximized in a range of product formats
including SmartCards, Key-fobs, Remote Controls, Door systems and high end
Notebook and Tablets.

NEXT Biometrics Group ASA is a publicly listed company headquartered in Oslo, Norway
and with sales, support and development subsidiaries in Seattle, Silicon Valley, Taipei,
Prague and Shanghai.

Media and Investor contacts for NEXT Biometrics:
Tore Etholm-Idsøe, CEO, Tore.idsoe@nextbiometrics.com and
Knut Stalen, CFO, Knut.stalen@nextbiometrics.com.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of
the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.


Spennende om vi kan bryte intradagstoppen 186 denne uken

Liker at det er “høy” pris på opsjonene 187

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Hvor går kursen videre?:joy:

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18.10.2016 09:54:06: NEXT Biometrics Capital Market Day

Today NEXT Biometrics Group ASA holds its previously announced Capital Market Day
in Oslo, Norway. The event starts at 10:00 am CET and ends at 14:00 pm CET. The event
is held at Hotel Continental, Stortingsgata 24-26, Oslo.

The presentations for the agenda items before lunch are attached to this notification
and published on NEXTBiometrics.com.

The presentations scheduled after lunch will be published during the lunch break.

Some Q3 highlights published in the attachments :
-NEXT passes 1 million sensors shipped. Milestone reached during Q3.
-Q3 revenues of MNOK 28.4. Year to date MNOK 60.2.
-Still negative margin in Q3. Sensor yield significantly improved towards end of Q3.
-ASIC cost-down project on track for 2017.
-Repair issue in July raised MNOK 26.6 in addition to May raise of MNOK 164.9

About NEXT Biometrics
Enabled by the Active Thermal Principle, NEXT offers rigid and flexible, high
performance, low cost fingerprint sensors. The Company is uniquely positioned in
markets demanding high performance for close to 100% its targeted populations. The
company competitive advantages of are maximized in a range of product formats
including SmartCards, Key-fobs, Remote Controls, Door systems and high end
Notebook and Tablets.

NEXT Biometrics Group ASA is a publicly listed company headquartered in Oslo, Norway
and with sales, support and development subsidiaries in Seattle, Silicon Valley, Taipei,
Prague and Shanghai.

Media and Investor contacts for NEXT Biometrics:
Tore Etholm-Idsøe, CEO, Tore.idsoe@nextbiometrics.com and
Knut Stalen, CFO, Knut.stalen@nextbiometrics.com.