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Sixty-one-year-old female with metastatic squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) to the torso (back) treated with PCI of bleomycin. The primary identified disease was in the tongue base with nodal involvement (cervical and axillary). The patient underwent radiotherapy and multiple rounds of chemotherapy for her tongue base carcinoma, which failed to control the disease. Left-hand column: the shielding around the lesion after including 10mm of macroscopically healthy looking tissue to eliminate any risk of micro-infiltration, followed by PCI surface illumination. Right hand column: the “target lesion” on day -14, day 28 and month 3, where complete response was achieved. For month 3, selective surgical biopsies acquired from the centre and peripheries were found to be tumour-free.
Figure 11
Sample of seven patients that presented with advanced and/or recurrent solid malignancies that were subjected to the PCI surface illumination protocol. (A) 56-year-old male with chondroblastic osteosarcoma in the right mandible. The patient has failed multiple surgical resections with reconstructions and multiple rounds of subsequent chemo-radiation. The patient was treated with 0.25 mg/kg TPCS2a-induced PCI and had complete response of all the illuminated sarcoma of the R face. (B) 45-year-old male with squamous cell carcinoma of the neck with metastasis to the lungs and liver, who failed multiple conventional interventions. The patient was treated with 1.0 mg/kg TPCS2a-induced PCI and had partial response © 61-year-old female with metastatic squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) to the torso (back). The primary malignancy was a tongue base SCC with metastasis to the cervical and axillary lymph nodes. She had multiple failed interventions to the primary site. The patient was treated with 0.5 mg/kg TPCS2a-induced PCI and had complete response. (D) 46-year-old female with advanced metastatic ductal carcinoma to the torso (anterior) brain, spine, lungs and liver. The patient’s metastatic torso lesions were treated with 0.5 mg/kg TPCS2a-induced PCI and had complete response. (E) 72-year-old female with metastatic (chemo-resistant) ductal carcinoma to the arm. The primary breast cancer also metastasised to the axillary and cervical lymph nodes. The patient’s metastatic arm lesion was treated with 1.0 mg/kg TPCS2a-induced PCI and had partial response. (F) 35-year-old male with squamous cell carcinoma of the floor of mouth and neck. This patient failed surgery, chemo-radiation and photodynamic therapy. The cancer metastasised to the right lung and required pneumonectomy. The patient’s extensive disease was treated with 1.0 mg/kg TPCS2a-induced PCI and had complete response of the treated areas. (G) 73-year-old male with oral squamous cell carcinoma. This patient failed multiple surgical interventions with reconstruction, as well as chemo-radiation. The patient’s extensive disease was treated with 0.5 mg/kg TPCS2a-induced PCI and had complete response of the treated areas.