Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Photocure fundamentale forhold (PHO)

Wang and colleagues also conducted analyses of 216 HSIL patients in the APL-1702 group with 6-month efficacy data who entered the open-label extension of the study.

Based on results from the extension population, Wang reported that responses with APL-1702 were durable:

  • Of 102 patients who responded at 6 months, 54.9% maintained response until 12 months after first treatment
  • 40% of patients who had LSIL histology and non-clearance of baseline HPV at 6 months became responders at 12 months
  • The overall response rate at 12 months was 44.4% – 58.3% of patients had maintained response and 41.7% were new responders

Wang also noted that among the entire study population, the proportion of patients treated with APL-1702 who were HPV-positive at baseline fell to 82.1% at 3 months, 64.8% at 6 months, and 41.4% at 12 months. There was a trend of increasing HPV clearance over time, and up to 12 months.


Canadian Health Authorities approve updated and expanded label for Cysview

Oslo, Norway, March 22, 2024: Photocure ASA (OSE: PHO), the Bladder Cancer Company, announces the reception of the Note of Compliance from Health Canada this week, approving the updated Product Monograph for Cysview® in Canada.

The updated indication now covers non-muscle invasive bladder cancer in general, including detection of carcinoma in situ (CIS), a very aggressive form of bladder tumor that is difficult to detect because of its flat shape.
The indication now reads:

“CYSVIEW (hexaminolevulinate hydrochloride) is indicated for:
As an adjunct to white-light cystoscopy in the diagnosis and follow up of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer, including carcinoma in situ (CIS), in patients with known or suspected bladder cancer to increase tumor detection.”

In addition, there has been a confirmation of the safe use of Cysview, by update of the safety sections of the Product Monograph, and a clarification that no safety risk has been identified by repeated use of Cysview.



New Publication: Racial Difference in Detection Rate of Bladder Cancer Using Blue Light Cystoscopy


Ny publikasjon: Racial Difference in Detection Rate of Bladder Cancer Using Blue Light Cystoscopy

Pressemelding – Oslo, Norge, 28. mars 2024: Photocure ASA, The Bladder Cancer Company, kunngjør publiseringen av studien «Racial Difference in Detection Rate of Bladder Cancer Using Blue Light Cystoscopy: Insights from a Multicenter Registry» i tidsskriftet Cancers denne uka. Denne studien tar sikte på å evaluere heterogenitet i egenskaper ved blått lys cystoskopi (BLC®) for påvisning av ondartede lesjoner blant ulike raser med ikke-muskelinvasiv blærekreft (NMIBC).

Studieforfatteren Sia Daneshmand, MD og deltakerne i BLC med Cysview Study Group samlet inn klinikopatologisk informasjon fra voksne pasienter som gjennomgikk transurethral reseksjon av blæretumor (TURBT) eller biopsi som ble registrert i det multiinstitusjonelle BLC Cysview-registeret mellom april 2014 og februar 2021. Det primære resultatet var påvisning av enhver ondartet lesjon ved endelig patologi. Sensitivitet, negative og positive prediktive verdier for påvisning av ondartede lesjoner ble beregnet for BLC, hvitt lys cystoskopi (WLC) og kombinasjonen av begge modaliteter.

Totalt ble det identifisert 2379 separate prøver fra 1292 pasienter, hvorav 1095 (85 %) var hvite/kaukasiske, 96 (7 %) svarte/afroamerikanere, 51 (4 %) asiatiske og 50 (4 %) latinamerikanske. Sensitiviteten til WLC, BLC og kombinasjonen av begge for enhver malign lesjon var henholdsvis 88,7 %, 95,8 % og 99 % i den totale kohorten (P<0,001). BLC-sensitivitet vs. WLC var mest signifikant uttalt i den asiatiske befolkningen (96 % vs 78 %, P<0,001). I alle raser var sensitiviteten til BLC signifikant høyere enn WLC for påvisning av CIS (P<0,001). I tillegg økte tillegget av BLC til standard WLC deteksjonsraten med 10 % for enhver ondartet lesjon i hele kohorten. Denne frekvensen økte til 18 % hos asiatiske pasienter. Positiv prediktiv verdi av BLC var også den høyeste i asiatisk befolkning (94,4 %).

Forfatterne konkluderer med at uavhengig av rase, økte BLC påvisningen av blærekreft når kombinert med WLC. Forskjellen var imidlertid mer uttalt hos asiatiske pasienter: «Vår studie viste at uavhengig av rase, øker BLC oppdagelsen av blærekreft når det kombineres med WLC. Disse resultatene kan identifisere forskjeller i grupper som vil føre til forbedret behandling av undertjente minoritetspopulasjoner. Ytterligere forskning er berettiget for å forstå den underliggende etiologien til disse observasjonene som til slutt kan endre tolkningen av lesjoner oppdaget av BLC,” sa Dr. Daneshmand.


Verdt å ta med seg for Asieris, dette.


Asieris Pharmaceuticals to Present the Drug and Equipment Performance Results from the Phase III Clinical Study of the Bladder Cancer Diagnostic and Management Drug APL-1706 in Combination with HD 4K Blue Light Cystoscopy

Shanghai, China, April 1, 2024 – Asieris Pharmaceuticals (Stock Code: 688176.SH), a global biopharmaceutical company specializing in discovering, developing, and commercializing innovative drugs for the treatment of genitourinary tumors and other related diseases, will unveiled the drug and equipment performance results from the Phase III clinical study of its bladder cancer diagnostic and management drug APL-1706 in combination with HD 4K blue light cystoscopy at the 39th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Urology (EAU) on April 5-8, 2024, in Paris. in the form of an oral presentation.

Abstract ID :A1032

Date: April 8, 2024

Abstract Title : A prospective, comparative, within-patient controlled multicenter phase III study comparing blue light cystoscopy in combination with APL-1706 versus white light cystoscopy for the detection of bladder cancer using modern HD 4K equipment

Professor Hu Hailong from Tianjin Medical University Second Hospital will be the speaker.

The new drug application (NDA) for APL-1706 was accepted by the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) in November 2023.

EAU 2024: Photocure Partner Asieris to present the Drug and Equipment Performance Results from the Chinese Phase III Clinical Study of Hexvix in Combination with HD 4K Blue Light Cystoscopy equipment

Oslo, Norway, April 1, 2024: Photocure ASA, The Bladder Cancer Company, announces that its partner Asieris plans to unveil the drug and equipment performance results from the Phase III clinical study of Hexvix (bladder cancer diagnostic and management drug - APL-1706) in combination with HD 4K blue light cystoscopy equipment at the 39th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Urology (EAU), April 5-8, 2024 in Paris. The oral abstract presentation is scheduled for April 8.

Abstract Title: A prospective, comparative, within-patient controlled multicenter phase III study comparing blue light cystoscopy in combination with APL-1706 versus white light cystoscopy for the detection of bladder cancer using modern HD 4K equipment


Muntlig fremføring 8. April :+1:

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Photocure to Participate in the 23[rd] Annual Needham Virtual Healthcare Conference


European Association of Urology (EAU) 2024 congress features new data on modern technology use in bladder cancer care


Ser ikke ut for at noen bryr seg om denne meldingen, fagpressen eller finans pressen. Resultatet er likevel enestående;

The BLC detection rates for PUNLMP, CIS, Ta, T1, and T2 ~ T4 tumors were NA, 94.7%, 100%, 98.2%, and 100%, respectively, while the WLC detection rates were NA, 42.1%, 76.1%, 91.2%, and 100%. This study confirms the superiority of HAL BLC over WLC in the detection of bladder cancer even if improved WLC using HD 4K equipment is utilized. In particular, additional high-risk difficult to see CIS lesions have been identified in 85% of all CIS patients only by HAL BLC. The quality of resection is still a key cornerstone in the treatment of NMIBC of which BLC remains a crucial part despite the further development of WLC imaging.


Hvor vesentlig er det å detektere CIS? Ser der er det stor forskjell på Blue light vs White light

Det er selvfølgelig av utmost importance! Se for deg at noen er til chstoskopi og gåt beskjed om at her er det ingenting å frykte og så…:

Carcinoma in situ (also called CIS or Tis) means there are very early cancer cells in the inner layer of the bladder lining . The cancer cells look very abnormal and are likely to grow quickly. This is called high grade. CIS can grow in more than one place in the bladder lining.


:+1:Med så enorm forskjell der mellom BL og WL, hva er da årsaken til at BL ikke blir SOC? Dette er jo data de deler med myndigheter osv

Ta diskusjonen på småprat

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Jeg tror uten å vite at det er begrunnet i det historiske, leger som har brukt WLC er fornøyde med det de har et tool å bruke og så strider de i mot det nye. Kan å være det økonomiske at sykehusene tjener mindre på BLC, men med disse resultatene vil, tror jeg, BLC tvinge seg frem. tror ikke sykehusene tar sjansen på å få en rettsak i mot seg for å ha brukt antikvarisk metode.


WLC med BCG er nok grunnen. Noen tjener enormt på bruk ac BCG, og de gjør alt de kan for å beholde markedet sitt. Merck selger MYE BCG, riktig nok mest til tubvaksine.


Asieris Pharmaceuticals Unveils 2023 Annual Report, Core Product APL-1702 Succeeds in Global Phase III Clinical Trials, APL-1706 obtains NDA acceptance domestically, Specialty Commercial Team Generates Sustained Revenue Streams

SHANGHAI, April 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ – Asieris Pharmaceuticals today released its 2023 Annual Report, revealing impressive outcomes achieved through its specialty pharma strategy, which has facilitated rapid progress in clinical development, early research, and commercialization. Asieris boasts a robust pipeline now consisting of 13 products and 16 ongoing research projects. By the end of 2023, cash and cash equivalents along with financial assets held for trading totaled approximately RMB 2.333 billion, ensuring ample capital reserves for sustainable growth.

Multiple Assets Achieved Clinical Milestones, Paving Way for New Products Launch

The company is gearing up to submit a market approval application for APL-1702 to China’s National Medical Products Administration (NMPA), with acceptance anticipated in the second quarter of 2024.

Looking ahead, the company plans to facilitate localized production and initiate development of a second-generation product for APL-1702 . It also intends to submit a pre-NDA communication application to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) in the third quarter of 2024 . Additionally, the company expects to be in discussions with the US FDA in second half of 2024 to align with the agency on the registration requirements in the US. It is also actively exploring opportunities for overseas development partnership for APL-1702.

APL-1706 is the only imaging agent approved worldwide for the diagnosis and surgical treatment of bladder cancer. APL-1706, in combination with BLC for managing non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC), has been endorsed in the global expert consensus as well as in the Chinese guidelines for urological and andrological diseases. While not yet available in China, a market approval application for APL-1706 was accepted by the NMPA in November 2023. The company is progressing through the review process and anticipates an NMPA approval by June 2025 .


Photocure ASA - Share option grant

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Bladder Cancer: pivotal trial results and new real-world evidence, to be presented at AUA 2024, demonstrate improved diagnostic and clinical outcomes with blue light cystoscopy


Photocure ASA: Annual Report 2023

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