Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company

TGS - Mandatory notification of trade

Major Shareholder Disclosure Notification - TGS ASA

900 000 aksjer igjen er vel ikke akkurat å kaste kortene, han er kjent for å trade ganske hardt med en del av beholdningen

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Vel, en kan jo undres over hvorfor slike formuleringer brukes…

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Skikkelig dumpestemning - så får vi se om oppgangen kommer Ila dagen.

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TGS and PGS - Key Dates for Completion of Merger

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Good News

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Disclosure of large Shareholdings

OTC Markets Group Welcomes TGS ASA to OTCQX

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Kan noen forklare denne?

Usikker - er det snakk om dobbellisting ?

This will offer company more exposure to investors from US.
It is not listed on any of the US exchanges yet, and listing like this is same as listing on OTC market in Oslo but here it is for US investors.

It is like now ordinary investors from US can also buy TGS. ( as I understand)

Perhaps a step towards listing on one of the more notable exchanges…

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AI svarer følgende på spørsmål om fordeler med listing på OTCQX før NYSE:

Listing on the OTCQX before moving to the NYSE offers several strategic benefits for companies:

  1. Enhanced Liquidity: Companies often experience a significant increase in trading volume and liquidity after listing on the OTCQX. This is due to the higher number of broker-dealers and the increased trading activity by U.S. investors[1][2].

  2. Increased Transparency: The OTCQX provides a fully electronic trading platform with real-time quotes, which enhances transparency and investor confidence. This can be particularly beneficial for companies looking to build a strong reputation in the U.S. market[1][2].

  3. Lower Costs: Listing on the OTCQX is generally less expensive than listing on major exchanges like the NYSE. Companies can leverage their existing reporting standards and avoid the more stringent and costly requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and SEC reporting[1][4].

  4. Market Visibility and Credibility: Being listed on the OTCQX can improve a company’s visibility and credibility among investors, which can be a stepping stone to meeting the more rigorous requirements of the NYSE. This increased visibility can attract institutional investors and enhance the company’s market profile[3].

  5. Strategic Flexibility: The OTCQX allows companies to maintain their primary listing in their home market while gaining access to U.S. investors. This dual listing can enhance liquidity in both markets and provide a cost-effective way to raise capital and increase global investor awareness[4].

These benefits make the OTCQX an attractive option for companies planning to eventually uplist to the NYSE, as it provides a platform to build financial strength, market presence, and investor confidence.


It looks like that.


TGS Announces New Wind and Metocean Measurement Campaign Offshore California

Great sucess

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