dæven at jeg tok intraday gevinster på STW og SSHIP etter breakout for 2-3 uker siden
Det var tider. Husker det som det var igår.
ChemoMetec tester brudd nå.
Ja😅 jeg må lære meg å la vinnerene gå. Lettet meg for tidlig og for mye i denne… Brent barn… biotech, nel og funcom
Brudd på motstand 5,5 på fredag
Skal trolig ned og hente krefter de neste par dagene før evt videre oppgang. I forrige runde var den oppe på 6.5 før den havnet under 5,5 igjen.
For øvrig gode tendenser med høyere topper og bunner siden bunnen rundt nyttår
Om trading psykologi
An edge is nothing more than an indication of a higher probability of one thing happening over
Creating consistency requires that you completely accept that trading isn’t about hoping, wondering, or gathering evidence one way or the other to determine if the next trade is going to work. The only evidence you need to gather is whether the variables you use to define an edge are present at any given moment. When you use “other” information, outside the parameters of your edge to decide whether you will take the trade, you are adding random variables to your trading regime.
Adding random variables makes it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to determine what works and what doesn’t. If you’re never certain about the viability of your edge, you won’t feel too confident about it. To whatever degree you lack confidence, you will experience fear. The irony is, you will be afraid of random, inconsistent results, without realizing that your random, inconsistent approach is creating exactly what you are afraid of. On the other hand, if you believe that an edge is simply a higher probability of one thing happening over another, and there’s a random distribution between wins and losses for any given set of variables that define an edge, why would you gather “other” evidence for or against a trade? To a trader operating out of these two beliefs, gathering “other” evidence wouldn’t make any sense.
Or let me put it this way: Gathering “other” evidence makes about as much sense as trying to determine whether the next flip of a coin will be heads, after the last ten flips came up tails. Regardless of what evidence you find to support heads coming up, there is still a 50-percent chance that the next flip will come up tails. By the same token, regardless of how much evidence you gather to support acting or not acting on a trade, it still only takes one trader somewhere in the world to negate the validity of any, if not all, of your evidence. The point is why bother! If the market is offering you a legitimate edge,
determine the risk and take the trade.
Mark Douglas. Trading in the Zone
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Det er vel stor fare for en emisjon her. Lever på lånte penger