I always try to estimate some numbers about the current situation-I know I will be open to a lot of critique, but I think this excercise may be useful:
First these numbers are very difficult to estimate but anyways, it is an attempt and sorry for any mistakes or wrong assumptions. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Current market value (at 0,93 NOK a share) is approx 51.000.000 NOK or €4.500.000
The strategic choice to make tintin inhouse is a good one. Match 3 has an immense popularity and generates as a genre the most revenue (https://gameworldobserver.com/2019/08/22/match-3-ios/ - 20% of US market/candy crush generates 1/4th of it).
Candy crush is the reference in this genre. It generates a revenue of approx $350-400 million each quarter (https://sensortower.com/blog/candy-crush-revenue-q1-2019). I assume that 5 PG has a 50-50 split of the revenue with Moulenisart -owners of the Tintin character. So if tintin only generates 1%! of candy crush’s revenue each quarter, 5 PG has earned its current marketvalue in revenue after 2-3 quarters (each quarter I expect 5 PG to earn somewhere between 1 and 2 million in revenue). I think 1% of the candy crush share is a little bit conservative, regarding the well known character of Tintin. In an ideal scenario they will be able to earn a higher percentage. The early version seems to work decently and the character is popular. If Voss’ team in Berlin can make this game work, this share will become a rocket.
Vikings most similar competitor -the game of thrones conquest game- earns approx $60 million each quarter (https://www.cnet.com/news/that-game-of-thrones-conquest-mobile-game-has-made-over-200m/). If we, take a revenue share of 25% for 5 PG (50% for owner of the vikings rights, 25% for quantum shake (company that finishes the game) and 25% for 5 PG, this can become again a very lucrative game. My conservative measure - if the game is kind of decent- will be a revenue that equals 10% of the game of thrones conquest game; $6 million each quarter ($2 million for 5 PG each quarter). Why do I do think this game may achieve 10%? Viking has a similar popularity as game of thrones and a solid fanbase. Even if it is not that good, people will play it anyways with the upcoming season.
Doodle jump is the most difficult to assess; Doodle jump, is now developed by a brazilean team (so I do expect a share of 25% for five PG). The original doodle jump game had to be purchased and dated from the early days of mobile game. The new one will have microtransactions. It is however difficult to assess the popularity of this game in the future. Regarding the revenues I do hope for $200.000 - $500.000 in revenue for 5 pg a quarter.
If things turn out okish (as described above), I thus expect $4.200.000-$4.500.000 (which is similar to its current market value) in revenue each quarter for 5 PG when the three games are launched. If the games aren’t good at all, this will be a disaster and I do not know if 5 PG may recover from this. However, Vikings and Tintin are very strong brands and have the potential to make this share to skyrocket. And I did not even take the current games (casino, Hugo 2 and Ronaldo) and Nyah Houston casino game into account, who will continue to add to the results of 5 PG at a minimum of costs.
Knowing that the current market value is €4.500.000, the share is incredibly low valued by the market. But I do understand that the earlier fails of DoD II and KoS should be taken into account. 5 PG has a bad track record. Nevertheless, I expect them to grow to 2,5 NOK before the launches; taking into account the massive potential revenues. After the launches a further increase does not seem impossible to me; expecting somewhere in between 6 and 10 NOK after the holidays, depending on the results of the games. Would be nice if people would provide their expectations (before and after the launches)