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5th Planet Games A/S

The Ronaldo game has finally crossed the threshold of 10.000.000 downloads (on google play store) this month… .

Legger på en liten refresh fra estimater gitt fra investor presentasjon 29 Januar. De har en del spill på vei ser det ut til. Veldig spent på hva slags spill Vikings blir. Det burde etter min mening være en litt annen sjanger enn det de har holdt seg til tidligere. De bruker eksternt selskap til utvikle spillet så kanskje det er lov å håpe på litt nyskaping.

Ellers ser jeg at de skal lage web browser version av Dawns of the dragons 1. Kikket litt på gameplay fra youtube på spillet og må si jeg er ganske overrasket over at det spillet har holdt seg bra, og at ikke toeren har gjort det bedre. Derimot ser jeg helt klart at det kan være en nostalgi faktor som spiller inn. Uansett, de burde kanskje her vært litt lure å f.eks. gitt alle spillere fra spill 1 en gavekode som gjør at de kunne kjøpe tilsvarende f.eks. kr 200 i det nye spillet for å få de med over på ny plattform. Insentiv for å få de over samtidig som det i utgangspunktet ikke koster de noe penger. Da tipper jeg de hadde fått flere spillere over, og kanskje vært det som trengtes. Det funket ihvertfall ikke uten markedsføring.

Det er som det blir sagt mye som er på vei nå. Spørsmålet er hvilke spill som skal eventuelt klare å dra lasset. Kanskje Tintin som må gjøre jobben?

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Dawn of the dragons one has been cancelled… the rest of the schedule looks promising. Especially with corona, lots of people are home now all the time and what do they do? Reading, watching series and playing videogames…moreover online betting (Hugo Casino games) has increased in corona struck areas.

13-2020 Doodle Jump Mobile Game by 5th Planet Games Enters Soft Launch in Brazil
COPENHAGEN, March 16th, 2020: 5th Planet Games A/S (OAX: FIVEPG) is pleased to
announce that the Doodle Jump mobile game is in soft launch in the Brazil.

The soft launch is according to the updated development plan for the Doodle Jump
game which means the game is on track.

The purpose of the soft launch phase is to test the technology, performance,
game play and retention on a broader audience.

The finalized Doodle Jump mobile game is still expected to officially launch in
June 2020.

My opinion:
The game has been soft launched since a very long time of course. Do not know what has changed since today… (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.limasky.doodlejumpadventure&hl=pt).


Ser ut som det er en god del som klager på at siste oppdateringa på spillet sletta all progresjonen de hadde på spillet og er fortvilet over dette. For å ta det positive så tyder det på at det er en del som ihvertfall synes spillet er underholdende. På soft launch så kan en kanskje ikke forvente heller at alt går som det skal? Uansett så virker som det også var andre bugs så de har nok litt å jobbe med for å få spillet skikkelig klart. Ellers hadde de nok launchet det tidligere enn i Juni.


5th planet games is very resilient towards coronavirus for two reasons: first it has dropped to such a low level that it can not go lower. Every succesful launch will be a positive surprise. Second the coronavirus will allow them to generate more cash. People have too much time now if they live in a quarantine or a lockdown area. I do not know how the situation in Denmark/Norge is, but here in Belgium it is not fun. We live in a semi lockdown which is very boring (working from home, we can only walk outside with a max of two people, everything is closed down,…) I am looking forward to see the changes on sensortower for this month (https://sensortower.com/ios/publisher/publisher/536547721). If I recall downloads in january were 300.000. Now it is 400.000 (300.000+ for android and 20.000+ for IoS). Btw do not trust their revenue estimations which is $20.000 for the month of february; these are known to be inaccurate. Their downloadestimates on the other hand are pretty accurate.

Stay safe everybody!

Famous last words.

Revenue might be off, but the only thing you should look at is spots on the top grossing lists, and as far as I can see none of their games are holding good positions.
Downloads mean diddly squat.


Nedsiden er alltid 100% :stuck_out_tongue:


2020-14 Postponement of 5th Planet Games annual general meeting called for 23rd April 2020
COPENHAGEN, March 23rd, 2020.

5th Planet Games A/S will have to postpone the annual general meeting announced
to be be held 23rd April 2020.

The decision has been made upon recommendation from the Danish Financial
Supervisor Autority due to the uncertainity about whether the meeting can be
held in accordance with the health and safety guidelines issued by the Danish

To have the latest updated information in the Annual Report for 2019,
publication of this will also be postponed.

We will announce a new date as soon as possible.


15-2020 5th Planet Games Teams up with Play’n GO to Develop Upcoming Nyjah Huston Casino Style Game
COPENHAGEN, April 2th, 2020: 5th Planet Games A/S (OAX: FIVEPG) is pleased to
announce that the upcoming Nyjah Huston casino style game will be developed and
distributed in cooperation with the renowned Swedish slot game supplier Play’n

It is far from the first time that 5th Planet Games and Play’n GO have been able
to expand the universe of one game into another successfully. An example is the
beloved classical character Hugo The Troll which today features in several
casino style games, also developed in a partnership between 5th Planet Games and
Play’n GO.

The upcoming Nyjah Huston online casino style game will feature recognizable 3D
artwork from 5th Planet Games’ “Nyjah Huston: #Skatelife”, utilizing the look
and feel of the existing game and tying it together with the new game. 5th
Planet Games CEO Henrik Nielsen is pleased to be able to develop the new game in
cooperation with Play’n GO.

“Play’n GO has a proven track-record in the development of online casino style
games,” says Henrik Nielsen. “They have been an important factor in creating
exciting and successful casino style games on well-known 5th Planet Games IP’s.
It’s a pleasure to team up with Play’n GO once again.”

5th Planet Games has the rights to develop and distribute the new game
internationally including the leading markets for online slot games in UK,
Germany and Nordics, and will now in partnership with leading supplier Play’n GO
be able to reach all major markets.

The planned launch of the upcoming Nyjah Huston casino game is in July 2020.

About Play’n GO: Play’n GO is an award-winning supplier of high-quality gaming
content to many of the world’s leading casino brands. Its genuine omni-channel
solution can be tailored to suit the needs of individual online and land-based
partners, regardless of geographical, regulatory, or market-specific
requirements. Its games are developed in HTML5 to provide an enhanced user
experience on all devices and operating systems.

About Nyjah Huston: Deemed “The X-Factor” by ESPN as the skateboarding phenom
who will change the course of the sport over the next decade, Team USA’s Nyjah
Huston, who is the reigning 2019 SLS World Champion (for the third consecutive
year), has steadily progressed the world of men’s street skateboarding and
action sports since becoming the youngest X Games competitor at age 11. He has
taken home 12 X Games gold medals and three “Best Male Action Sports Athlete”
ESPY Awards (2013, 2014, 2019). 24-year-old Huston touts a historic collection
of titles and trophies over his illustrious 13-year career, and continues his
reign as the winningest, most decorated professional skateboarder in history.
Huston had the rare honor of releasing his first signature shoe with Nike in
Spring 2018 and the Nyjah 2 is set for a Spring 2020 release. He continues to
gain momentum as he approaches what he hopes to be his first Olympics in Tokyo
2021, when skateboarding also makes its Olympic debut. The prodigy,
entrepreneur, philanthropist (Let It Flow) and born risk-taker shows us what
living life, seemingly void of all fear, looks like. Huston originally hails
from Davis, CA, and currently resides in Southern California.
For more on Nyjah Huston, visit Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Nyjah’s
Huston’s Official Site.

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Some early sketches of how vikings could look like (from the artstation page of a guy working regularly for fivepg):



Any thoughts on the increased transactions and share price during the last weeks?

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Not mentioned on the site, but they launched the Html5 version of the Ronaldo game a few days ago on Kiloo (https://www.kiloo.com/en/ronaldo-kickn-run/). Since Kiloo only publishes Html5, we can conclude that fivepg was able to publish it in time.

other sites where we can find the same game (amongst others):


Meanwhile people start buying this share. Once we reach may the stock will really increase (soft launch vikings) and when they achieve in launching tintin and doodle jump in a decent state, it will sky rocket (at least in my dreams :wink: )

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Opp 62% sålangt i dag uten at jeg ser helt hva som kan være årsaken her. Ikke noe børsmeldinger/oppdateringer såvidt jeg kan se. Kanskje bare noen som skal kjøpe aksjer og lite som er til salgs. Ikke godt å si.

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Enig. Merkelig oppgang på mye høyere volum enn normalt… :man_shrugging:


Frister å handle her siden så voldsomt volum :face_with_monocle: eneste er litt kjipt og kvier meg for å kjøpe når den har allerede gått 80% idag. Bruker å komme en pullback. Kanskje vente på den.

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Handle etter at en aksje har gått 80% på en dag…? Tror jeg ville sett ann litt da for å si det sånn!

Jeg ville ihvertfall ha prøvd å finne ut årsak til oppgangen. Kanskje det er noe downloads statistkk eller noe på en av soft launchene som har spiket. Kjøper ihvertfall ikke selv her uten at det er noen oppriktige tegn til at noe kan bli profitabelt.

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Den rette til og svare på hva som skjer må være Sander. Ser ut til at han følger med på hva som rører seg
Her er jo nye spill på gang da…


No clue at all… I suppose the market preparing for the launches in the may-august period :smiley: , or some insider movements. The sharemovement is just massive… (company consists out of 53 million shares and +/- 7.000.000 (14% of total) shares traded today). I am wondering what Formue Nord (with its large short position) will do during the next days.

Anyways, the stockprice of 5th PG has been (and still is) way to low regarding the potential of this share.

Du vet aksjonærer liker å handle konkurs kandidater, for det er aksjene som kan stige mest…

Se bare thin, de har aldri levert noe de kan tjene penger på men stiger som f fordi… Er vel litt samme her også…