Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

5th Planet Games A/S

Formue Nord increased its short position from 6,24% to 8,56% (https://ssr.finanstilsynet.no/Home/Details/DK0060945467) they are really putting pressure on the share price.

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Hva tenker du på når du sier kredittkort fasiliteter? Formue Nord er et fond såvidt jeg kan se, men jeg kjenner dette ikke godt nok. Så kanskje du kan gi litt innsikt i hva du tenker på med den kommentaren?

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Det har i hvert fall ikke manglet på advarsler, så de kan takke seg sjæl…

Regner med samme personene sitter å hamstrer norwegian, for den er jo så mye billigere enn for 2 måneder siden…

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Funcom gjorde det samme under lmo og det gikk bra for dem.

Synes aksjen er morsom jeg og liker å ha den som krydder i porteføljen min.

Og skulle fivepg få en fulltreffer mot alle odds er alle her nok enige i at oppsiden er stor. Sannsynligheten for det scenarioet er det nok delte meninger om.


Joda, eg er ikkje uenig i det du sier, å eg har jammen hatt lyst til å kjøpe aksjer for spenningene del, men har ikke turt med tanke på at selskapet sliter som dei gjør og benytter en ikke aksjonær vanlig finansiering, vel vitende om at det er eneste løsningen.
Funcom hadde hele tiden noe spennende på gang, vi kan vel ikke helt si det samme her.
Men, meget lav mcap ja, naturligvis en kjempe høy oppside om det blir litt stang inn

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Last short position of formue nord (before increase that started few days ago) was 0.36 NOK, new short position (taken today or yesterday) is larger but at a higher short price 1.02 NOK ( https://shortnordic.com/detaljer_selskap.php?company=5TH%20PLANET%20GAMES&land=nor )


For those interested about the conversion price; I contacted Nielsen via email to inform myself about the conversion price of Formue Nord. Formue Nord can convert its shares at the lowest price of the last 15 trading days (approx 3 weeks) at a 10% discount. I thus do expect a lot of conversions during the next days…


And here you see why this is a business model where Formue Nord can not loose. They have also an interest in getting the share price as low as possible.


Well thats all about the terms they negotiated. The only benefit of this increase is the fact that within 2 weeks the conversion price of the shares will be “relatively” normal again (and they will get half the shares of what they get now). But I fear formue nord will make use of this sudden rise to convert lots of their shares. 5 PG should delay the last obligatory tranch as much as possible, to avoid further dillution.

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COPENHAGEN, April 24th, 2020: 5th Planet Games A/S (OAX: FIVEPG) is pleased to
announce that the company has decided to pause until further notice the call
down of new tranches in the funding solution the company entered into with
Formue Nord back in May 2019. The Board is evaluating various alternate funding
solutions to finance continued operations and the planned game launches of
Tintin, Doodle Jump and Vikings.

This means that Formue Nord will not convert or sell any more shares for now but
are instead entering into a lock-up period where they are classified as insiders
in 5th Planet Games. The short registration will also disappear when the
remaining shares has been issued end of May 2020.

The total outstanding amount to Formue Nord of NOK 6,352,148 is considered to be
repaid in cash by securing a more stable and more attractive financing
structure. 5th Planet Games is pleased that Formue Nord has been willing to
accept this strategy and work actively towards a much more attractive solution
for the shareholders in 5th Planet Games A/S.

“We can now see that our cost saving activities back in 2019 are being reflected
in a positive way in our P&L, and with the upcoming game launches, we believe it
is now the time to adjust the financing set-up to a more favorable way forward
for 5th Planet Games and our shareholders” says Henrik Nielsen, CEO of 5th
Planet Games.

This is GREAT news!


Vel dette betyr nok fort at det skal bli en ny emisjon med god rabatt som det bruker å være i denne aksjen. Men emisjonskurs blir nok høyere enn 0.30 får vi håpe på og man kan være med på å forsvare sin eierandel.

Men god melding ja.


Virker som ting begynner å se veldig positive ut. Kjøper litt til.


Jeg legger merke til at Dawn of the Dragons står ikke i den meldingen, har de utsatt den helt?

Dawn of the dragons II: Cancelled
Conversion of Dawn of the dragons I to html: has been cancelled as well.

Both of the DoD games were thus cancelled. I do not know what they are planning to do with both games in the future…but I have little hopes.

Ah there we go. I was not sure with your post further up where you said DoD II was cancelled, but the release looked to be HTML5 version of DoD, so wanted to check.

Thank you.

I do understand why. They smuggled the message in this statement: just one sentence at the end :smiley:


True, it’s there. I guess since it still mention the game in the final statement you kinda think it’s not gone, but they still MADE it and sold it for a while :slight_smile:

Noe positivt å se at Formue Nord lånet tar slutt. Vil nesten også tro ettersom de gjør dette at de er rimelig trygge på at de klarer å hente inn de pengene de trenger og kanskje da allerede har noen i forhandlinger/klare til å kunne være med å garantere for deler av en eventuell emisjon. Avgjørelsen gjør tross alt at et selskap med svært lite penger må betale inn 6,3 millioner.

For selskapet sin del så håper jeg de klarer å tråkke til litt å få inn mye penger. Selv om det gir en stor dose utvanning så trenger de å kjøpe seg tid til å få ut flere lanseringer slik at ikke hver lansering er med kniven på strupen. I tillegg vil det gjøre det mer attraktivt for å skaffe nye investorer ettersom det blir mindre binært. At de lykkes snart med et spill fortsatt rimelig kritisk, men om de skulle gjøre det så er det klart at de finnes vesentlig oppside igjen i dette selskapet.
For min del så blir det fortsatt bare å følge med hva som skjer, men hvis det kommer en god finansieringsløsning som dekker kostnad helst etter min meningopp mot 2 år fremover så blir plutselig 5th planet games loddet litt mer fristende som krydder i porteføljen.


I was thinking the same. they are negotiating with somebody or there is an insider willing to help them. I only hope breaking the agreement with Formue Nord hasn’t a high price (we do not know the exact details yet).

The statement that the P/L has drastically improved over the last months is good as well. The Formue Nord agreement was made with the ‘fat’ structure of 5 PG of a few months ago in mind. Now they are a lean company with only one studio and a small HQ. I expect all the other games to be (partly) financed by the outsource partners (Nyah, vikings and doodle). Further on they are generating some money from the existing games, which shouldn’t be underestimated. While it shouldn’t be exagerated, the ronaldo, hugo and casino games are doing great during this lockdown period. Added with Tintin, Nyah, vikings and doodle, they will have a nice portfolio of games.

But anyways if in may the shortposition will be gone and the viking game is in softlaunch, the shareprice will start to rise :yo-yo:

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