Formue Nord increased its short position up to 14% . Looking forward to may when this “pressure on the share” is gone.
20-2020 Adventures of Tintin Mobile Game by 5th Planet Games expands Soft Launch into New Zealand
COPENHAGEN, April 28th, 2020: 5th Planet Games A/S (OAX: FIVEPG) is pleased to
announce that the Adventures of Tintin Match 3 mobile game is now expanding the
soft launch territory into New Zealand.
Following the succesfull soft launch in the Phillipines and Australia, the soft
launch is now, according to the development plan for the Tintin game, expanding
into New Zealand, which means the game is on track.
The purpose of the soft launch phase is to test the performance, game play and
retention on a broader audience.
The finalized Adventures of the Tintin mobile game is still expected to
officially launch in June 2020.
Not important, but no hidden messages in the announcement . New Zealand has 5 million inhabitants. Good sign that the game is on track. Those germans always work very efficient
Her er det bare å sitte rolig. Kan doble seg raskt. Kan fort se 4-6 i løpet av sommeren tror jeg.
COPENHAGEN, April 28th, 2020: We have been notified, that Fountainhead ApS the 23rd April 2020 has sold 2,567,105 shares in 5th Planet Games A/S (FIVEPG). After the sale, Fountainhead ApS owns 1,068,133 shares corresponding to 1.99% of the companys share capital, which is below the mandatory notification threshold.
Kan fort se konk og nulling i løpet av sommeren tenker jeg…
Må huske at de må hente penger, og ser for meg en emisjon på veldig rabatterte kurser. Blir overrasket om kursen er høyere enn i dag etter at pengeinnhentingen er gjennomført.
4-6, nei det er alt for lite. Når man først skal hausse litt må man jo smøre på skikkelig og si 14-16kr minst…
På kurs 4 så er selskapsverdien på ca 215 mill med dagens aksjeantall. De skal vel hente noe penger igså så litt utvanning blir det. Ikke godt å si hvor mye opp denne kan gå, men om en får gode indikatorer på noen av spillene så så kan selskapsverdien få seg noen fine hopp oppover. Jeg ville ikke blitt helt sjokkert om vi så 5th planet games på et tidspunkt på over 4, men vil tro at de også trenger noen gode nyheter for å få dette til.
Uansett, liten tvil i at aksjen har veldig bra momentum for tiden. Det skal ikke undervurderes selv om det kan bli en ganske heftig volatil tid fremover.
Moulenisart has signed a new contract for the development of a new tintin game (action-adventure) with microids . It provides more publicity for the character of Tintin (as a new movie would do)
Hvor ender vi idag? 1.60-1.70?
Hvordan er reglene i Danmark ?
0.9 tipper jeg.
21-2020 Adventures of Tintin Mobile Game by 5th Planet Games expands Soft Launch into Finland
COPENHAGEN, April 30th, 2020: 5th Planet Games A/S (OAX: FIVEPG) is pleased to
announce that the Adventures of Tintin Match 3 mobile game is now expanding the
soft launch territory into Finland.
Following the succesfull soft launch in the Phillipines, Australia and New
Zealand, the soft launch is now, according to the development plan for the
Tintin game, expanding into Finland, which means the game is on track.
The purpose of the soft launch phase is to test the performance, game play and
retention on a broader audience.
The finalized Adventures of the Tintin mobile game is still expected to
officially launch in June 2020.
From tommorow on, the soft launch of Vikings could start. And then it is only one month from the release of the full release of doodle jump and tintin
Again up to 500.000 downloads ( The coronavirus is a good period for 5PG. Moreover the ronaldo game finaly generates money due to the launch of an html version (advertisements).
May I ask something to the scandinavians on this forum; why do Norwegian/Danish business-focused newspapers do not comment on the sudden increase in stock price of Fivepg?
Its a tiny company with a tiny Mcap that have never made any serious money.
Most people assume it’s just another pump-private placement-short play.
Thanks Evil! So it is a choice of the journalists; in Belgium we discuss every microcap, even if it has a value of 2 million euros, is an empty shell or made loss after loss. Not as much as the big companies, but such an explosion of the stock value would be discussed (reason why i posed the question). But I now do understand why! Many thanks!
Norway is fish n oil. gaming is not big in the press her.