KIT er vel grønn den også
Nå er den grønn ja ;D
Nei nå er den rød
Hvordan er status her da, noen som fortsatt sitter med lodd ?æ
Gleder meg stort over litt oppgang, og det på bedre volum enn hva vi har sett på en stund.
Synst det var litt guffent da den var ned mot 1,50 flere ganger, men eg stoler på at dette skal bli bra på sikt, og sitter langsiktig.
Tror eg blir belønnet for det, men er Hugo et avhengig av at det innen 2-3 kvartal løsner litt, ellers minker det for raskt i pengesekken og ny runde med kapital innhenting står på tur, håper vi kan klare å unngå det
Jeg sitter med min post, solgte 25% for en tid siden, mener alt var til 1,70.
Hærlig sluttspurt i Hugo da
Virker til at Hugo interessen er økende, ser den nevnes hyppig på XI også.
Håper volumet holder seg oppe og at kursen vertfall etablerer seg over kr 2
HAdde ikke kjøpt hugo nå for å si det sånn.
Kom gjerne med en begrunnelse på hvorfor ikke.
Så lenge man investerer i Funcom, med funcom sin historie, så blir det jo litt flåsete å komme med den utalelsen om Hugo synst eg, med alt som er i gjerde der, penger på bok og rik på inside eierskap.
Hadde navnene vert motsatt, så hadde også stemningen vert annerledes, men den kommer til Hugo også.
Eg har aksjer begge steder, å tror det blir bra avkastning i begge aksjene
Aksjen er absolutt spennende, men jeg tror ikke Q3 blir bra. Det er en måned til rapporten.
De har imidlertid 4-5 releaser på trappene inneværende kvartal.
Helt enig med deg koe, å risikoen er cash beholdning som skal være en stund, menst oppsiden består av nye lanseringer inne cash er tom, samt nye avtaler
Vel, nok forum for Helga
Fordi den kun stiger pga bjellesauene på XI tror det er godt kjøp etter at noen der gjorde en særdeles god trade.
Oki, venner
Husk også at hovedeier ikke deltok i emmisjonen.
Sett i sammenheng mot Funcom, så er uansett Hugo rik på insiderierskap, også gjennom emisjonen
Men eg skal ikke overbevise andre, eg er overbevist selv, og det holder.
Ha en fin helg
The company’s original expectations in terms of
monetization and users of the “Ronaldo Kick’n’Run” - despite
the game is being among the best rated "Endless Runner"
games worldwide - are not expected to be met. It shows that
the game and the game-genre itself is difficult to monetize
properly on unless millions of daily users can be achieved.
Hele meldingen
Hugo Games revises product strategy and modifies
expectations for 2016.
Copenhagen, October 12, 2016 - Hugo Games A/S (OAX: HUGO) a
mobile interactive entertainment developer and publisher of
mobile games have reprioritized the product strategy due to
the positive development with the FC Barcelona football game
that will be launched in 2017, but has scaled back
expectations for 2016.
Following these highlights:
a. Recent agreement with FC Barcelona and the company’s
strengthened focus within the sports games genre and the
potential Hugo Games sees in this category.
Further; the development with the FC Barcelona football game
is progressing in a promising way - and the fact that the
game is related to a more promising game category makes Hugo
Games maintain expectations towards the performance of the
FC Barcelona game next year.
b. The cooperation with PlayNGo and the recent launch
of a Hugo Slot game has exceeded expectations in terms of
users and revenue and the company will report in more
details with regard to the results once user metrics can be
analyzed over a longer period. A cooperation that already
has proven to the company that a strategy with increased use
of license agreements around the company’s IP’s is showing a
promising potential in terms of revenue and yet being very
cost effective.
c. Doodle Jump 2 (working title) is also progressing
positively and the ongoing process with Doodle Jump
licensee, Lima Sky, is very fruitful and constructive.
d. The company’s original expectations in terms of
monetization and users of the “Ronaldo Kick’n’Run” - despite
the game is being among the best rated "Endless Runner"
games worldwide - are not expected to be met. It shows that
the game and the game-genre itself is difficult to monetize
properly on unless millions of daily users can be achieved.
e. Based on the experience with KickNRun Hugo Games has
chosen to investigate the possibilities of a changed game
category for “Cam Newton Football” which is why a new launch
date currently is unknown.
f. Building the user base for Flower Flush has been
more challenging than expected within the general match-3
category due to a very competitive environment. However, the
game reviews are good - and a series of category competitive
updates are being developed and implemented. As a result of
this - and as stated in the latest interim report - the
company’s second match-3 title, “Fashion Fabulous”, will be
postponed until “Flower Flush” has been turned into a
successful title in terms of retention and number of users.
It can be concluded that:
The company’s Financial Guidance for 2016 will not
be reached and will result in an impairment of capitalized
development costs. However, the cost cannot yet be
quantified with sufficient certainty before the revised
product strategy has been finalized. -
The company sees a very exciting 2017 with some very
strong projects with the realistic potential of bringing the
company into positive cash-flow territory. -
The board of directors has revised the product
strategy with the aim to make the company cash flow positive
in a foreseeable future by:
- Investigating and expanding in games and game
categories with higher earning potential, being e.g.; the
cooperation with Lima Sky, the soccer game with FC
Barcelona. - Investigating further the possibility of entering
into corporation opportunities/joint ventures within license
agreements and game development with the purpose reaching an
international audience via strong partners and yet at the
same time reducing ongoing development costs. The
cooperation with PlayNGo around the Hugo Slot game earns as
a benchmark. - Strengthening company and development focus to
achieve cash flow positive operations.
As a result of the described development the company’s
earlier addressed pipeline will also be altered.
Future Pipeline update: See attached PDF
Reporting and Financial Guidance
The company has decided that it will no longer communicate a
Financial Guidance as the uncertainties within game
development are too volatile as a single product or event
can affect key figures dramatically. Going forward the
company will report whenever appropriate as it is customary
for smaller companies similar to Hugo Games.
Finally, the company has decided to use the option of no
longer releasing quarterly interim reports as this have
required excessive resources and are costly for a company of
the size of Hugo Games. Furthermore, this will enable the
company to aim and work on a more long-term strategy.
About Hugo Games
Hugo Games is a Nordic mobile games publisher and developer
located in Copenhagen. At Hugo Games we are passionate about
games and we are committed to making titles that will engage
and bring genuine joy to people for years. We have a
consistent portfolio of games globally available across a
wide range of platforms including iOS, Android, Windows,
Amazon and Facebook.
More information available at
Plutselig glad for at jeg solgte med et lite tap for noen dager siden.
Også glad for at jeg er ute, ikke bra dette her selv om lyspunkter finnes.
The company’s Financial Guidance for 2016 will not
be reached and will result in an impairment of capitalized
development costs. However, the cost cannot yet be
quantified with sufficient certainty before the revised
product strategy has been finalized.
- The company sees a very exciting 2017 with some very
strong projects with the realistic potential of bringing the
company into positive cash-flow territory.
Enig, tenker nå kort sikt. Spørsmålet er bare hvor billig får man aksjene før den tid. Dette forklarer jo også hvorfor noen primærinsidere ikke deltok på emmisjonen.