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Awilco Drilling (AWDR)

Starter en tråd om AWILCO DRILLING PL (AWDR.OL) siden en del har den i favoritt-listen eller i porteføljen sin :slight_smile:

Awilco Drilling PLC provides contract drilling services to oil and gas companies in the United Kingdom. It owns and operates two enhanced pacesetter semisubmersible drilling rigs.

The company was incorporated in 2009 and is based in Westhill, the United Kingdom.

La oss starte diskusjonen! @Pablo @duusern @pdx

Har hatt awilco på radaren leenge, men ikke kjøpt.

ca 20% i utbytte er ikke til å kimse av, men med kun 2 eldre rigger så de ganske sårbare for kontrakt kanselleringer og verkstedsbesøk.

Satt inne i Awilco en stund, men solgte til fordel for Funcom. Hadde faktisk vært bedre butikk å bli sittende, men fikk en god gevinst og får snart mulighet til å kjøpe aksjer for 29,- i reparasjonsemisjonen (dersom den blir godkjent).

Blir helt sikkert en vinneraksje utover året. Men jeg satser på Funcom.

Awilco Drilling PLC: Contract signed with Shell

With reference to our press release of 14 February 2018, Awilco Drilling PLC is pleased to confirm that a contract has been signed with Shell UK Limited for the provision of WilPhoenix for a decommissioning program of 18 firm wells plus options totalling a further 8 wells.  The firm 18 well program has an estimated duration of 330 days and is scheduled to commence around 1 September 2018. The contract value for the firm term is estimated at USD 38.3 million.

WilPhoenix is one of Awilco Drilling’s two Enhanced Pacesetter semi-submersibles and is equipped for drilling in water depths up to 1,200 ft. Awilco Drilling also has one new build rig on order of Moss CS60 ECO MW design equipped for drilling in harsh environments, and independent options for additional three rigs of the same design.

For further information please contact:

Jon Oliver Bryce, CEO18
Phone: +44 1224 737900

Cathrine Haavind, IR Manager
Phone: +47 9342 8464
Email: ch@awilcodrilling.com

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act

This announcement is distributed by Nasdaq Corporate Solutions on behalf of Nasdaq Corporate Solutions clients.
The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: Awilco Drilling Plc via Globenewswire

Nyheten er levert av GlobeNewswire.


Awilco Drilling PLC: Ex-dividend USD 0.20 today

The shares in Awilco Drilling PLC will be traded ex-dividend USD 0.20 as from today, 22 May 2018.

For further information please contact:


Jon Oliver Bryce, CEO

Phone: +44 1224 737900


Cathrine Haavind, IR Manager

Phone: +47 9342 8464


This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.


This announcement is distributed by Nasdaq Corporate Solutions on behalf of Nasdaq Corporate Solutions clients.
The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: Awilco Drilling Plc via Globenewswire

Nyheten er levert av GlobeNewswire.


Awilco Drilling PLC: Ex-dividend USD 0.20 today

The shares in Awilco Drilling PLC will be traded ex-dividend USD 0.20 as from
today, 22 May 2018.
For further information please contact:

Jon Oliver Bryce, CEO
Phone: +44 1224 737900

Cathrine Haavind, IR Manager
Phone: +47 9342 8464

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section
5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=451809

Nyheten er levert av OBI.


Ingen som følger AWDR her? Solgte noe på ca 47 for en uke siden og fikk på 36,4 idag. For en gavepakke. Selskapet kommuniserte jo tydelig at ved Q1 utbyttepolitikken ville revurderes nå som de er i en investeringsfase. Så dagens utbyttekutt burde ikke overraske noen.

Har fulgt de tidligere, hva er investeringshorisont og område, og hvor mye kutter de utbyttet?

Om de kommer ut av det med flere og mer moderne rigger så kan det være et kult long case.

Det var litt av en berg- og dalbane!

Har sett for meg å investere litt funcom-gevinst i AWDR, så litt småsur for at den hentet seg inn nesten med en gang :sweat_smile:

det som engang var…en real utbyttemaskin.


AWDR daler jevnt, ned 16,45 % siste måneden og 24,49 % siste tre måneder, men uten at det er kommet noe vesentlig nytt av kurstyngende informasjon (så vidt jeg kan se).

Volumene har stort sett vært små. Man kan lure på om kursen er lavere enn den burde være, og om det kan lønne seg å gå inn nå.

Awilco Drilling PLC: Invitation to Q2 2020 presentation

Awilco Drilling PLC: Awilco Drilling Reports Q2 2020 Results

Awilco Drilling PLC: Q2 2020 Presentation

Hva skjedde her…?


Financial calendar

Awilco Drilling PLC: Cost Reduction

Awilco Drilling PLC: Primary Insider Disclosure

Awilco Drilling PLC: Invitation to Q3 2020 presentation

Awilco Drilling PLC: Awilco Drilling Reports Q3 2020 results