Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

BergenBio Fundamentale Forhold (BGBIO)

AACR18 abstract:
The AXL receptor tyrosine kinase is associated with poor overall survival in a wide spectrum of cancers. AXL signaling is important for tumor cell plasticity related to epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT), immune escape and intrinsic resistance to cytotoxic lymphocytes. AXL is expressed on several cells associated with the tumor immune microenvironment, including natural killer (NK) cells, dendritic cells and a subset of tumor-associated myeloid cells. AXL signaling enhances secretion of immune-suppressive cytokines from innate immune cells that limit antitumor immunity. Hence AXL resides uniquely at the nexus between tumor and microenvironmental antitumor immune suppression mechanisms. BGB324, a selective clinical-stage small-molecule Axl kinase inhibitor, is currently being evaluated in combination with pembrolizumab in three phase II clinical trials in patients with TNBC (NCT03184558), NSCLC (NCT03184571) and melanoma (NCT02872259). We show that BGB324 targets immune suppression mechanisms in the tumor microenvironment that improve immunotherapy in different murine tumor models. BGB324 treatment reduces myeloid-derived suppressor cells and tumor-associated macrophages, and lowers CCL11, IL-7, IL-1β, and IL-6 in murine pancreatic cancer models. This altered immune landscape is associated with increased tumor infiltration of NK and CD8+ T cells and enhanced therapy responses. Further, BGB324 targets tumor intrinsic immune resistance and enhances human CD8+ T cell and NK-cell mediated NSCLC tumor cell lysis. We are currently using high-dimensional mass cytometry analysis (CyTOF) to map adaptive Axl-dependent immune suppression during immune checkpoint blockade. Collectively these results highlight a prominent function for AXL in resistance to immune therapy and support continued clinical translation of combining BGB324 with immune checkpoint inhibitors to improve cancer treatment.


Dette liker vi!

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https://media.giphy.com/media/12vQhwfOK77Gso/giphy.gif :frowning:

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Tja, har jo ikke kommet så veldig langt fra perrongen enda :wink:



Fra Clinicaltrails.gov så kan jeg se at det er gjort endringer i det ene studiet til BerGenBio, og at det har blitt oppdatert i dag. Ikke de helt store endringene, men fint å se at St. Olavs nå er igang med rekrutteringen! PS: Endringer som er satt inn er merket i grønt og endringer tatt ut er strøket over i rødt. https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/history/NCT02872259?A=7&B=8&C=merged#StudyPageTop


Ikke særlig morsomt i biotech om dagen :grimacing:



Bergen, Norway, 5 April 2018 - The Board of Directors in BerGenBio ASA
(the"Company") (OSE: BGBIO) has, to fulfil the Company’s obligations under the
option agreements, resolved to increase the Company’s share capital by NOK
15,000 by issuance of 150,000 new shares. The new shares shall be subscribed for
by an employee that wishes and is entitled to exercise options in accordance
with the Company’s option scheme. The subscription price shall be in accordance
with the prevailing options price pursuant to the CompanyŽs option scheme, ie
NOK 16.01 - NOK 24.00 per share. The shares shall be subscribed for in a
separate subscription document in the period from 5. April 2018 and up to and
including 30. April 2018.


Richard Godfrey
CEO, BerGenBio ASA
+47 917 86 304

Rune Skeie
CFO, BerGenBio ASA
+47 917 86 513

Forward looking statements
This announcement may contain forward-looking statements, which as such are not
historical facts, but are based upon various assumptions, many of which are
based, in turn, upon further assumptions. These assumptions are inherently
subject to significant known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other
important factors. Such risks, uncertainties, contingencies and other important
factors could cause actual events to differ materially from the expectations
expressed or implied in this announcement by such forward-looking statements

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section
5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

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Ok, kan noen da si

“Det er et bra tegn for aksjonærene at dette gjøres nå fordi xxxxx”


“Det er negativt at dette gjøres nå fordi xxxx”


Men denne ansatte skal da kjøpe aksjer for 3 mill sånn ca? Som umiddelbart blir verd ca det dobbelte?

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Noen som har trua :grin:

Ja, jeg forstod ikke helt den. Får noen kjøpe seg inn til “halv pris”?

an employee that wishes and is entitled to exercise options in accordance
with the Company’s option scheme.

opsjoner som en ansatt har fått som han ønsker å benytte seg av, dvs kjøpe 150k aksjer til prisen på opsjonene som da er NOK 16.01 - NOK 24.00 per share.

Denne emisjonen som BGBIO har hatt, noen som vet hvem som er investor der…
Hvor mye penger ble hentet?

De hentet inn 400milioner ved IPO, les fra starten av tråden. (16millioner ny aksjer X 25kr)

Aha, spennende å se på kursen going forward. Steg jo 9% i går ut av “intet”.

Jeg føler stadig oftere at noen må vite et eller annet for i mange aksjer stiger kursen forut for nyheter…

Innsidehandel er altid positiv, særlig med store post (150000 aksjer!) :metal:

Emisjonen, som det nylig ble innhentet fullmakt til på den ekstraordinære generalforsamlingen, har enda ikke blitt foretatt.

Okei, takk for info :grinning:

Joda, men jeg hadde også handlet hvis jeg fikk den så rimelig. :slight_smile:

Hva skjer med nettsiden til BGBIO? Noen andre som har problemer?