Følgende 2 linker mener jeg absolutt er verdt å lese, kan kanskje være litt tungt, men det er noen fundamentale ideer der, som aboslutt kan være verdt å utsette seg for.
Første link handler egentlig om “flight to safety”, og hva som viser seg å være reelt penger, og verdi når alt raser. Jeg leste dette først gang i 2010, og det har alltid hatt det i bakhodet. Analogien mener jeg er god; hvor stikker man når man må, alt er usikkert og alt er kaos.
"Consider a simple example: two people unable to communicate with each other are each shown a panel of four squares and asked to select one; if and only if they both select the same one, they will each receive a prize. "
Mao hvor drar alle andre når SHTF (shit hits the fan)?
Følgende eksempel illustrerer det å finne ut hvor det er med kaos og minst mulig informasjon,
"Schelling himself illustrated this concept with the following problem: Tomorrow you have to meet a stranger in NYC. Where and when do you meet them? This is a Coordination game, where any place in time in the city could be an equilibrium solution. Schelling asked a group of students this question, and found the most common answer was “noon at (the information booth at) Grand Central Station.” There is nothing that makes “Grand Central Station” a location with a higher payoff (you could just as easily meet someone at a bar, or the public library reading room), but its tradition as a meeting place raises its salience, and therefore makes it a natural “focal point.”
Og det er vel ingen hemmelighet at FOFOA mener at “gold is the focal point”.
Oversatt i et norsk eksempel; to personer skal møtes i Oslo på mandag, hvis de treffes får begge 1 million kroner, treffes de ikke får de ingen ting, personene vet intet om hverandre, får de det til? Og hva ville du gjort?
Personlig ville jeg møtt opp på Jernbanetorget klokka 12:00.
Skulle vi møttes i Frankrike på lørdag ville jeg sjanset på Eiffeltårnet klokka 12:00.
Så til over til krypto, FOFOA skrev i 2017 hva han tenkte om krypto, er det “store of value or not”?
Følgende link fra 26. mai 2022 gjennomgås tankene fra den gang.
De fleste kan nok ha en ide om hvor FOAFOA står, men det som er verdien av å lese innlegget hans, selv om det er langt og tungt, er at man får gode tankerekker, og diskusjon om grunnleggende premisser. Legger ut det viktigste her, men anbefaler likevel å lese.
“So that’s what I did, and why I’m writing this post. SPOILER ALERT: I’m sticking with my initial gut instinct, and I’m going to try to explain why. To me, it’s binary. It’s either/or. Either it monetizes, or it disappears. I can’t really see a middle ground. Either Bitcoin is money, or it’s not. So let’s get started. :D”
“Now, understand that Bitcoin was specifically designed to have gold-like properties, based on the designer’s belief that gold-like properties make good money. It was designed to be in limited supply in the end, and to be mined, and to get harder to mine as more and more gets mined, and to be divisible down to 2.1 quadrillion units once all of the bitcoins have been mined. In dollar terms, that’s like dividing 21 trillion dollars down to the penny. $21T in pennies would be the same quantity as all of the “satoshis” (the smallest unit of bitcoin) in existence, once all of the bitcoins have been mined, 123 years from now.”
In Conclusion
I love using this subheading, because I always laugh to myself knowing that some of you will jump down here and only read the conclusion, or at least read it first, hoping to get the gist in a paragraph or two. Well here’s the gist in one sentence: Bitcoin will not monetize because it was flawed from its inception.
It is, however, quite understandable that certain members of our Freegold community would fall for it (not mentioning any names down here in the conclusion, gotta read the whole post for that kinda juicy information ;D). It’s also understandable that others might not join the cult, but might throw some good money into it, for fear of missing out, for the experience of trading a true bubble, or simply because of regret over not hodling those few bitcoins we once had, like Moldbug recommended. I had some once. I traded them in for a couple hundred bucks and a little bit of gold. Dang, I could have gotten serious money for them today! No regerts though, because I’ve got sound logic and unquestionable integrity instead. [2]