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Siden vi begge gjør det i ironiens forstand så har vi en avtale!
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Viktig informasjon rundt handel i XACT OBX Bear ETF
Handelsbanken Fonder AB har besluttet at deres børsnoerte fond XACT OBX Bear skal avvikles. Siste handelsdag på Oslo Børs er den 10-11-21. Har man fortsatt andeler i fondet etter denne datoen vil andelene bli automatisk innløst i forbindelse med avvikling av fondet, og innløsningssummen vil bli utbetalt til bankkonto tilknyttet VPS-kontoen i desember 2021.
Så det - timingen virker suspekt - akkurat når Bear er nær ATL
XACT OBX BEAR ETF har vel vært rimelig illikvid til tider…
Det skiltet betaler seg selv i løpet av kort tid hvis du bare følger det som står
“The kind of market action we’re seeing these days – slower gains and more two-way action – should be the norm during this phase. But somehow it looks different. this time around, and we think there are three main reasons for that, “write chief strategy officer Andrea Cicione and economist Krzysztof Halladin. Their list:
Stagflation risk – the chances of pro-cyclical inflation becoming counter-cyclical increase and raise the specter of the “s” word.
A bursting Chinese property bubble – Evergrande’s downfall may not be a Lehman moment, but China’s growth will take a hit.
Tightening monetary policy – By lifting assets since March 2020, its absence will be a headwind for stocks and bonds.
Each of these, or more likely a combination, would tip their constructive equities balance towards a more cautious one, Cicione and Halladin say.
Jøss, dette gikk betydelig mer smertefritt enn jeg forventet.
Børsene falt litt tilbake og s&p500 dannet en shooting star candle på daily.
USAs före detta finansminister Steven Mnuchin menar att det är dags för den amerikanska centralbanken, FED, att normalisera penningpolitiken. Det skriver Seeking Alpha.
Mnuchin menar att riskerna kring inflationen är påtaglig och oroar sig också för att den är ihållande.
“Jag är orolig för att inflationen kommer vara ihållande och vi kan enkelt hamna där tioåriga statsobligationer har en ränta på 3,5 procent, vilket återigen bara ökar kostnaden för statsskulden och skapar budgetproblem”, säger Mnuchin.
Katastrofale tall i USA i dag igjen.
Uten at markedet reagerte voldsomt positivt .
BTD? (Buy the dip)
“In short, not as disappointing as suggested by the 194,000 headline number. While the rate of increase in employment has slowed relative to earlier in the summer, likely due in part at least to fallout from the latest COVID wave, the pace is likely still sufficient for Fed officials to follow through on plans to announce tapering at the November FOMC meeting.” Jim O’Sullivan, chief U.S. macro strategist at TD Securities.
“This is an important reality-check moment in our road to recovery. We know that today there are 11million open jobs and 8 million people looking for work. Employers across the country are getting increasingly creative when it comes to attracting and retaining skilled workers. It’s no longer enough that employers are adjusting wages; they’ve got to address health and well-being, safety, and flexibility too. We are seeing a long term change in the workforce. What people want from work and life has changed – as employers we need to make the workplace attractive enough to bring people back in.” – Becky Frankiewicz, president of ManpowerGroup North America.
“While the FOMC is still expected to move forward with tapering at the end of 2021, the path for 2022 is murkier as the Fed attempts to balance conflicting objectives of price stability and full employment. For the Biden Administration, this is an emerging emergency situation which requires a top tier, forceful policy pivot to address a broad range of issues on the supply side of the economy,” said Brian Bethune, professor of practice at Boston College.
“The low bar for the Fed to announce QE tapering was surpassed. And, with debt ceiling shenanigans pushed back until December 3, the road is clear for an announcement at the November FOMC meeting.” Lydia Boussour, economist at Oxford Economics.
Ser ut som de fleste mener FED vil følge sin plan, og starte “tapering” i november.
Ikke så katastrofalt da tallene for juli og august ble justert opp . 97 000 flere enn tidligere oppgitt fikk jobb i august og rundt 40 000 flere juli. Men i forhold til forventingene sviktet september med drøye 300 000.
buy the dip ?
Han mente maarud dip
Blir spennende å se hva de eventuelle ringvirkningene i vesten blir når Kina må håndtere både strømrasjonering og en boligboble.
Ser da rent teknisk ut som en vakker OHS-formasjon, 10-åringen.
Ja, ser teknisk potent ut for en break-out!