Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Borr Drilling Limited (BDRILL)

Høy gearing er morsomt når den går den rette veien. Kjedelig når det går feil vei.


Borr Drilling Limited - Invitation to webcast and conference call Q4 2019 results

Borr Drilling Limited - Invitation to webcast and conference call Q4 2019 results

Borr Drilling Limited - Invitation to webcast and conference call Q4 2019 results

Borr Drilling Limited Announces Preliminary Results for the Fourth Quarter and Year Ended 2019

Borr Drilling Limited - Q4 2019 Presentation

Det er vel og anta at han har blåst stortsett alt han fikk av JF, hva kan det være igjen 50 mill?

Han er så gearet at minus er kanskje et faktum når man ser på kursen til papirene hans.

Men jeg kan ikke si jeg koser meg på bakgrunn av det. Det må være blytungt å være i hans sko nå. Så håper han kommer seg greit igjennom det selv om det ser ikke så lyst ut på børsene.

  • Pareto Securities sänker riktkursen för Borr Drilling till 18 norska kronor (60), upprepar behåll

  • Danske Bank sänker riktkursen för Borr Drilling till 20 norska kronor (60), upprepar behåll - BN

  • Evercore ISI sänker riktkursen för Borr Drilling till 75,08 norska kronor (98,84), upprepar outperform - BN

DNB Markets nedgraderer Borr Drilling-aksjen til hold fra tidligere kjøpsanbefaling samtidig som kursmålet nedjusteres til 16 kroner fra tidligere 75 kroner pr aksje.

Q4 was miserable, with: 1) weak underlying results; 2) challenges in Mexico; and 3) limited clarity on its pressed liquidity situation. We have removed our earlier embedded premium to NAV and base our new target price on a combination of NAV and peer group valuation. We have downgraded to HOLD (BUY), with a new target price of NOK16 (75). Until it is financially de-risked, we expect investors to shy away and volatility to remain high.

Q4 should be forgotten . Like-for-like EBITDA was USD5m, below our and consensus forecast of USD20m, driven by weak operations and legal costs. Comments about the Mexico operations, where it has 50%+ of its backlog, are concerning. It is looking to reduce integrated contract risk, which may help positively working capital.

Liquidity was OK, but… Liquidity of USD94m was in line with our forecast, but we note tailwind from working capital and that Mexico JVs were thin on cash. Hence, both elements, together with its Valaris stake, likely consumed cash in early 2020.

Capital need is all about timing of start-ups . To be fully funded and have liquidity to start-up all 10 newbuilds and cover all other 2020–2021 commitments, we now estimate it needs cUSD272m of fresh liquidity. This is sizeable versus its current market cap of USD270m. Hence, it may reduce the capital need by delaying startups; with no further startups, we estimate cUSD125m of new capital is needed.

Asset sales may be a silver bullet . Assuming cUSD110m per premium rig, we estimate it needs to sell at least three rigs. We believe Hayfin rigs (debt USD65m/rig) followed by bank-financed rigs (debt USD50m/rig) are the most likely candidates to be sold. ADNOC could in our view be a potential buyer as it has an ongoing process to acquire rigs. We believe the Borr fleet is a good match with what ADNOC is looking for, but we note that this process could be time-consuming and that it has apparently relaxed the age restrictions (from 2012+ built to 2005+) allowing more rigs to take part.

Downgraded to HOLD (BUY), target price cut to NOK16; financial de-risking is key . Should asset sales not be successful, fresh equity or more debt are alternatives. As it needs new liquidity during Q2 2020, a solution is needed near-term. We have removed our previous embedded premium to NAV and base our new target price on an average of our NOK35/share NAV (which assumes USD110m/rig for its newbuilds) and peer group valuation (which implies little equity left).

Hvem har laget den analysen?

DnB, du referer jo til deres nye kursmål :wink:

Hold er vel det samme som selg.
Men de håper vel på oppdrag i den kommende emisjonen

Er jo høy tid med nedgradering. Har gått og ventet på den, men detter var jo slakt.

Trenger du full analyse så tar vi det på pm

Kan ta hele newsflashen fra Pareto.

Update - 02.03.2020 11:34

Recommendation: Hold Price when published: NOK 19.3 / USD 2.0
Sector: Rig Target price:
Reuters: BDRILL.OL, Bloomberg: BDRILL NO Market cap: NOKm 4454
Analysts: Christopher Mo Dege, Bård Rosef

Borr Drilling Limited - Time is of the essence

With a disappointing report on Friday, and a liquidity need that is now assumed to have increased on the back of legacy assets potentially being a smaller source of cash than earlier assumed, our cautious view on BDRILL equity has not changed for the better. Although we see long-term value potential in the company’s equity, we continue to highlight the financial risk as being high. HOLD reiterated, but TP down to NOK 18 (60).

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Borr Drilling Limited - Mandatory notification of trades

Paal Kibsgaard slår virkelig på stortromma!!! Kjøper 1300 aksjer :sweat_smile::see_no_evil:

Han har vel fått rundt en milliard i lønn bare i tiden som Schlumberger-sjef.
Når han nå som ny styreleder støttekjøper med 20 tusen kroner så sier det litt om hva slags knipe Borr befinner seg i.


Blir for dumt rett og slett :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Ja, han er nok uten tvil en dyktig person mtp hans cv :slight_smile: men når en styreleder med tykk lommebok ikke tørr satse mer en lommerusk på eget selskap så vil jeg tro de fleste skjønner tegningen. Hadde nok vært bedre for Trøim og aksjonærene om han lot være :slight_smile: