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Cereno Scientific CRNO-B

Cereno starter pre-clinical studies med deler av HDACi programmet deres sammen med University of Michigan.

« The studies will begin in June and investigate anti-thrombotic properties using in vitro and in vivo model systems.»

«Dr. Holinstat has built a “state of the art” laboratory to investigate the effects of different pharmacological principles on platelets and coagulation both in vitro and in vivo.»

Ref: https://news.cision.com/cereno-scientific/r/cereno-scientific-enters-collaboration-with-university-of-michigan,c3130474


CS1 fase 2 utsatt til slutten av året 2020.

> Forskningsselskapet Cereno Scientific utsetter sin fase 2-studie med legemiddelkandidaten CS1 etter utbruddet av covid-19. Selskapet tilpasser de planlagte aktivitetene for oppstart på slutten av året, men forbereder seg på ytterligere justeringer om nødvendig.

Ref: https://omniekonomi.se/cereno-scientific-senarelagger-fas-2-studie-med-cs1/a/8m8w8d

Du har nok rett i at vi får muligheten til en billigere inngang de neste mnd :slight_smile:

ja, se der ja. men utsettelsen var vel ventet / meldt tidligere… (ja, den linken var vel fra Publisert 30. mars, 09:20)

Sitter med 50k, så ikke allverden, men kjøper nok ikke mer før fase2 er igang eller kapital er på plass.

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16% opp ila siste uka. Uten at jeg har funnet noen nyheter. Var ikke helt det jeg så for meg i forkant av en evt emisjon

Mulig der er noen info i årsrapport , men har ikke fått lest.

Lavt volum da.

Spent på hvordan de fikser finansiering, kan bli heftig utvanning med så lav som er her per i dag.

Meget interessant publikasjon. Litt avskrekkende …

CS-1 viser antitrombotisk aktivitet.
… og en ren spekulasjon - kan CS-1 bli en del av kompleksterapi ved COVID-19?

Ja, eg tror ikke cereno kommer på banen men har fått med meg noe ang blodpropper. Legger inn link.

Han mener at så mange som 20 til 40 prosent av dem som får intensivbehandling for covid-19, ser ut til å bli rammet av små blodpropper i ulike deler av kroppen.

Disclaimer: langt utenfor mitt kompetanse nivå.

Dette er en gjenganger i slike virus. Det ble observert samme symptomer i blandt annet ebola, malaria og svineinnfluensa.

Jeg er enig med @Longtrader og tror ikke cereno blir involvert i covid. Men det vil utvilsomt bli behov i fremtidige virus & pandemier.

Hm, interessant!

While current therapies target dangerous clots that can lead to heart attacks and strokes, they also can lead to risky bleeding. Anthos’s experimental anticoagulant would target bad clots while not interfering with the body’s normal clotting mechanism.

The potential market is large. Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.’s Eliquis brought in $6.44 billion last year, while Johnson & Johnson sold $2.48 billion of its blood thinner. Blackstone funded Anthos with $250 million; Novartis retained a minority stake.

That Blackstone’s first foray into drug development is a cardiovascular therapy isn’t trivial. Big pharmaceutical companies are increasingly focused on cancer, leaving heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and other disorders under-researched.


Nice digging!

Viser kanskje hvor lavt Cereno er priset? :thinking:

Tror også det viser, som du fremhever, at det kan skje svært interessante ting i underskogen/skyggen under OCC osv. CRNO er ett eksempel, og her hadde kanskje Blackstone faktisk kunne utgjort en forskjell mtp. finansiering. Her gikk de jo på en smell, og jeg tror begrensede midler er årsaken til at de forsøker å gjøre trials i Øst-Europa. Nå er det jo selvsagt ikke godt å si om de hadde vært i rute hadde de satset andre steder, men finansieringsproblemene har utvilsomt bidratt til at ting drar ut i tid.

Hvor lenge har Myrlid Aasen vært største eier her?

Er differanse mellom nettsiden og avanza. Har han solgt seg ned?



@fleksnes er dette noe du kan kommentere?

Du kan jo spørre han selv her:)

Hva mener TI-forsamlingen om dagens melding og strategiendring?

Fra kne til lunge…
Fra Øst Europa til USA…
Vi nærmer oss tom kasse…

“In March, we announced that we had to postpone the planned Phase II clinical trial with CS1, as planned knee joint surgery is down prioritized in hospitals for the benefit of effective care to COVID-19 infected patients.” Kilde: Interim report 1H 2020 https://www.cerenoscientific.com/wp-content/uploads/Cereno-Scientific-Interim-report-Q2.pdf

“Cereno Scientific today announced that the company will advance the development of drug candidate CS1 as an epigenetic modulator of rare diseases with orphan drug potential. The initial focus will be on pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), a form of high blood pressure in the lungs.” […] “The Phase IIa study with CS1 in PAH is planned to be started during first half of 2021 and conducted in the US.” Kilde: melding 29.9. https://news.cision.com/cereno-scientific/r/cereno-scientific-enters-rare-disease-space-with-lead-drug-candidate-cs1,c3205112

Og hva blir emisjon kursen…


The Directed Issue is carried out with the authorization received from the Annual General Meeting held on June 10, 2020. The intention is to carry out the Directed Issue through a so-called accelerated book-building procedure. Cereno has engaged Mangold Fondkommission AB to investigate the terms for the Directed Issue. Given that the Directed Issue is completed, the Company’s Board of Directors has resolved to enter into a loan financing agreement of SEK 10 million (the ”Loan”) from Formue Nord Fokus A/S (”the Lender”). The Loan has in consultation with the Company’s financial advisers been procured at market conditions with a 5.0 percent set-up fee and an interest rate of 0.5 percent per initiated 30-day period starting from the date the Loan is paid out to the Company. The Lender will as part of the market term agreement receive warrants of series TO1 and TO2 respectively. The duration of the Loan coincides with the periods during which the Company will receive proceeds from the subscription of respective series of warrants (TO1 and TO2).

The rationale for carrying out the Directed Issue and for the deviation from the shareholders’ preferential rights is to broaden the shareholder base, as well as the fact that a directed issue provides the opportunity to raise capital to favorable terms in a time- and cost-effective manner. This is in line with the assessment of the Company’s Board of Directors that it lies in the Company’s and the shareholders´ best interest to carry out an issue with deviation from the shareholders’ preferential rights. The purpose of the Directed Issue is to finance the preparation and initiation of a clinical phase IIa study with drug candidate CS1 for the treatment of rare disease pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). The warrants of series TO1 and TO2 are intended to finance the completion of the clinical phase IIa study. The transaction will also, under the condition that the Directed Issue is completed, solidify the financial position providing the opportunity to further strengthen the Company’s pipeline and continue the work with its preclinical HDAC inhibitor development program.

The subscription price and the number of units in the Directed issue are to be determined by the accelerated book-building procedure. The board of directors’ assessment is that the subscription price in the Directed Issue will be in accordance with market conditions, since it will be determined through an accelerated book-building procedure.

If the Directed Issue is completed, the Board of Directors of Cereno intends to issue additional warrants of series TO1 and TO2 (same series as used in connection with the Directed Issue and the Loan) to be allotted to current shareholders in the Company. The warrants of series TO1 and TO2 are intended to be admitted to trading on Spotlight Stock Market.

The book-building procedure will begin after the publication of this press release. Thereafter, the Board of Directors of the Company will resolve on the Directed Issue and the allotment of units prior to the opening of Spotlight Stock Market on September 30, 2020.

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Det fine med CS1, etter det jeg har forstått, er at det reduserer blodåre-forstoppelse der det ( og kun når) det er nødvendig.
Slik sett blir den fokus-forandringen kun en fokusforandring under forskning. (?)

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At de etablerer et datterselskap i USA og i tillegg velger å legge Phase2 studien til statene så gjør de seg mer synlige for potensielle samarbeidspartnere og investorer. Cambride Boston er jo også et verdensledende biotech cluster. Verdsettelsen av biotech selskaper er en god del høyere i USA enn i lille norden.

De sier jo også selv at de har tro på at den nye reviderte strategien vil ha et større kommersielt potensiale, samt mer attraktivt mtp partnere og nye investorer.

Alt i alt ser jeg på det som en positiv endring. Men jeg må si jeg er veldig spent på hva det gjør med kursen kortsiktig. Spesielt mtp emisjon.

/ Jeg er fortsatt utenfor, og har lenge siktet meg på en inngang ved emisjon.

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