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Cereno Scientific CRNO-B

Fatta de :grin:



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13:30 I morgen Cereno

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Ja, de holder ennå på ferdig i q4-22 . Så på et eller annet punkt i sommer tipper eg up-vurderingen starter.

Stay tuned - stay Long :clinking_glasses::chart_with_upwards_trend::bank:


Han säger att värdet på affären kontra värdet på börsen kan diffa.

“Mellan affären och vart man är nu (dagens börsvärde) är ju ett utmärkt investeringstillfälle skulle jag vilja säga” - Citat från Sten med ett härligt leende på läpparna samtidigt. <:Stenu:864250093049217024>


Visst 2st US patent comming

Och Israel

Äntligen igång med liten försening.
The study timeline has been adjusted by about a quarter and top-line results are now estimated for Q1 2023.


Litt innsidekjøp hadde gjort susen her…

De har ganska mycket aktier redan cirka 6.5% av bolaget och aldrig sålt något. . Och kommer nog inte mycket av det då de fokuserar på TO

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Nu da ?

Hade vart intressant med din syn på nytt

Limer den inn for de som ikke gidder logge inn for å lese.
Redeye is encouraged by Cereno Scientific announcing first-patient-in for its phase II study with lead candidate CS1 in PAH. Further, the company updated its guidance on top-line data, now expected in Q1 2023 (Q4 2022).

After some slight delays, Cereno Scientific announced that it enrolled the first patient into its phase II trial with lead candidate CS1 in PAH. The company initially expected to recruit the first patient around six months after receiving IND acceptance in September 2021. We understand that COVID-related factors delaying clinical site activation constituted the main culprit in delaying first-patient-in relative to what Cereno had previously expected. Cereno now expects to communicate top-line data in Q1 2023 (Q4 2022). We judge that Cereno’s equity story remains unchanged despite a slight delay in top-line data. Further, we are encouraged that the company continues executing its plan, including increasing the number of clinical sites to (partly) mitigate a delayed start of patient enrollment.

We do not make any changes to our projected timeline for CS1 leading to potential market approval and launch in 2027. We will closely monitor the progress Cereno makes in clinical development of CS1 and will update our projected timeline for the lead candidate’s clinical development continuously.

Redeye’s Base Case fair value estimate amounts to some SEK 5.7 per share, suggesting an upside of approximately 50-55%. We judge that top-line data from Cereno’s phase II study with CS1 in PAH constitutes the primary catalyst for the share in the coming 12 months.

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Sukk, 3 måneder forsinkelse… jaja - trenger ikke Lamborghini i januar likevel :crossed_fingers::rocket:

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Försening men bra tydlig kommunikation.
Tydligt att den förseningen är innprisad redan.
TO er ferdig sista september som också er litet lock på utvecklingen.

Du fikk et:

  1. jul.
    Cereno Scientifics styrelseledamot Lena Mårtensson Wernrud köper aktier för 35 091 SEK :dollar:

Cereno Scientific B
9 802 @ 3,58 SEK

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Jeg tror lokket/fallet er laget av noen som vil ha mer.
Lykkes Cereno vil inntjeningen være himmelhøyt over dagens kurs.

Enig. Tippar det sker saker i sep när TO är färdig

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Her føles det som det brygges på noe ja.

  1. juli går det en stor blokk med TO2. Press release | Cereno Scientific

In connection with the transaction subscription commitments for the exercise of warrants of series TO2 have been undertaken by the buyers. The sellers have also undertaken subscription commitments for warrants that they still own.

Så offentliggjøring den 5. august av at de skal gjennomføre CMD 30.aug. Press release | Cereno Scientific

TO2 runden initieres med fastsetting av verdien fra den 29.aug til 12. sept

70 percent of the volume weighted average price of the Company’s share during the period from 29 August 2022 until and including 12 September 2022. The subscription price shall however never be determined to an amount below the quotation value of the Company’s share or to a higher amount than SEK 3.33.

Tegningsrett avsluttes den 28. september. Share issues | Cereno Scientific

Deretter er det ikke noe 3.33 “lokk” på denne lenger. Med den pipelinen de har i H2 kan det skje ting ja…

Ca en måned til den 12. september…