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CombiGene AB (COMBI)🇾đŸ‡Ș

Jeg kjenner ikke caset CombiGene, men kan circRNA og utviklingen innen dette omrÄdet vÊre en mulig faktor som gjÞr at non-virale vektorer vil lede an H2H mot virale innen genterapi ? NÄr CRNA snakker om genterapi og rare diseases sÄ er det vel fÞrst og fremst non-virale vektorer fra samarbeidspartnere man snakker om ? Ellers har vel Roche allerede ryddet opp i eget reir noen ganger etter at man erfaringsvis betalte en for hÞy pris for Spark i 2019.

Oppdatering fra CEO 23.10 (dessverre dÄrlig lyd/ekko)

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Om en gÄr lei/ikke orker Ä hÞre ekkoet kan en hoppe til 12:40 og inn i Q/A. 14 minutter med spÞrsmÄl i etterkant sÄ mye interessant Ä fÄ med seg.
Er fortsatt spennende tenker jeg med cozy studiet med smerteprosjektet, men optimismen min i forhold til epilepsi delen er betydelig redusert til tross for at de har hatt interessenter tidligere til Ä vÊre med videre prosjektet som kanskje kan vÊre aktuelle for Ä se nÊrmere pÄ. Det som er synd er at ettersom det er Jan Nilsson som har hatt all den kontakten og diskusjonen, sÄ kan det fort vÊre vanskeligere Ä gjenoppta og eventuell fÄ i gang interessen der muligens? Er glad de har penger i kassa sÄ de kan jobbe med eventuelle nye avtaler og fÄ progresjon som forhÄpentligvis skaper verdier.


Er Myrlid ute, eller er det han som sitter pÄ Pareto-posten som stÞrste aksjonÊr?

Se dagens melding om valgkomite

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CombiGene and Zyneyro choose initial indication in the COZY01 pain project

CombiGene and Zyneyro, together with, among others, the pain program COZY’s Scientific Advisory Board, have analyzed a number of different pain conditions to identify which indication is best suited to start with in clinical studies in the peptide-based project COZY01. After carefully reviewing the medical conditions for a first proof-of-concept study, CombiGene and Zyneyro have decided to focus the first study in humans on patients with pain associated with herpes zoster (shingles) – a very painful complication.

Shingles occurs mainly in people over 50 years of age and causes severe and clearly defined pain, often in combination with hypersensitivity of the skin. This patient group is relatively homogeneous, hence very well suited to study the effect of a COZY01 treatment.

Once proof-of-concept has been shown, continued development will focus on diabetic neuropathy, one of the most common chronic complications in diabetes. A clear symptom of diabetic neuropathy is severe chronic pain. In addition to the human suffering, diabetic neuropathy places a large and growing burden on healthcare systems, and, like many other chronic pain conditions, there are no effective forms of treatment.

“ The choice of indication in the peptide-based COZY01 project is an important milestone. In parallel with conducting the remaining preclinical studies, we can now begin the extensive work of preparing the clinical program, i.e., studies in humans ,” says Pernilla Fagergren, Director Clinical Development at CombiGene.

About the COZY pain program
The COZY pain program is being developed to offer effective pain relief without the side effects that current treatments often cause. This is possible as Zyneyro’s researchers have identified a new biological mechanism of action that forms the basis for the COZY pain program. The mechanism of action was discovered by Zyneyro’s researchers while they were still at the University of Copenhagen. The program consists of two projects: a peptide treatment (short-term treatment) and a gene therapy treatment with potentially lifelong effect. The patient’s clinical picture and other factors will guide the choice of therapy, COZY01 or COZY02. The program is run jointly by CombiGene and Zyneyro and the project’s costs and future revenues are shared equally between the two companies.

About Zyneyro ApS
Zyneyro was founded by a group of researchers from the Department of Neuroscience at the University of Copenhagen and a group of entrepreneurs who together have extensive experience in all aspects of early drug development and entrepreneurship. The company’s researchers have worked for more than 15 years to understand the ability of the brain and nervous system to adapt to the influence of the surrounding environment. Zyneyro’s goal is to translate this knowledge of modulation of neuronal interaction into developing a number of drug candidates. The drug candidates included in the collaboration with CombiGene relate to the treatment of pain. Zyneyro also intends to develop other drug candidates for indications other than pain.


CombiGene AB (publ)
Peter Ekolind, CEO
Phone: +46 (0)8 35 73 55

CombiGene AB (publ) AgavÀgen 52A, SE-181 55 Lidingö, Sweden
+46-8-357355 info@combigene.com

About CombiGene

CombiGene’s vision is to provide patients affected by severe diseases with the prospect of a better life through gene therapy and other forms of advanced treatments.

Our business has three focus areas: sourcing of new and promising assets, development of these assets to proof of concept under our management and expertise, and outlicensing of the assets to a strategic partner for continued development and commercialization. Revenue is achieved through milestone payments and royalties.

The company is public and listed on the Swedish marketplace Nasdaq First North Growth Market and the company’s Certified Advisor is FNCA Sweden AB.

Please read Ingeneious , a newsletter from CombiGene which contains general news and information that is judged not to have a significant effect on the share price. Ingeneious and press releases are available at www.combigene.com


PM COZY01 Indication EN


CombiGene vÀljer Charles River som preklinisk toxikologipartner för COZY01 smÀrtprojekt

  • oktober 31, 2023

CombiGene AB (publ) (”CombiGene”, ”Bolaget”) meddelar idag att Bolaget, efter en grundlig utvĂ€rderingsprocess, har valt Charles River Laboratories (”Charles River”) som partner i CombiGenes och Zyneyros peptidbaserade smĂ€rtprojekt COZY01. Charles River – en vĂ€lrenommerad, global leverantör av lösningar för lĂ€kemedelsutveckling och preklinisk utveckling – kommer att utföra de prekliniska toxikologistudier som krĂ€vs för att starta de första studierna i mĂ€nniska i COZY01-projektet.

I en utvÀrdering av flera kontraktsforskningsorganisationer (CRO) har CombiGene kommit fram till att Charles River har de resurser och den expertis som krÀvs för att tillhandahÄlla högkvalitativa studier anpassade till COZY01-programmet. Dessutom har Charles Rivers anlÀggning i Edinburgh gett vÀrdefullt vetenskapligt stöd och rÄd under hela utvÀrderingsprocessen. Charles River har en global verksamhet med ledande erfarenhet av lÀkemedelsutveckling och har tillgÄng till omfattande kompetens, vilket ger den sÀkerhet som krÀvs för ett bolag av CombiGenes storlek.

”Det Ă€r mycket tillfredsstĂ€llande att vi nu har valt Charles River som vĂ„r partner i COZY01-projektet. Att vi nu har valt en CRO innebĂ€r att COZY01-projektet har tagit ytterligare ett viktigt steg mot initieringen av de toxikologistudier som genomförs för att vi ska kunna lĂ€mna in en klinisk prövningsansökan”, sĂ€ger CombiGenes Senior Program Director Alvar Grönberg.

Om smÀrtprogrammet COZY
SmÀrtprogrammet COZY utvecklas för att erbjuda effektiv smÀrtlindring utan de biverkningar som dagens behandlingar ofta ger upphov till. Detta Àr möjligt tack vare att Zyneyros forskare har identifierat en ny biologisk verkningsmekanism vilken utgör grunden för smÀrtprogrammet COZY. Verkningsmekanismen upptÀcktes av Zyneyros forskare medan de fortfarande var vid Köpenhamns universitet. Programmet bestÄr av tvÄ projekt: en peptidbehandling (kortvarig behandling) och en genterapibehandling med potentiellt livslÄng effekt. Patientens sjukdomsbild och eventuella andra faktorer kommer att styra valet av terapi, COZY01 eller COZY02. Programmet drivs gemensamt av CombiGene och Zyneyro och projektets kostnader och framtida intÀkter delas lika mellan de tvÄ företagen.

Om Zyneyro ApS
Zyneyro grundades av en grupp forskare frÄn institutionen för neurovetenskap vid Köpenhamns universitet och en grupp entreprenörer frÄn Marigold Innovation som tillsammans har lÄng erfarenhet av alla aspekter av tidig lÀkemedelsutveckling och företagande. Bolagets forskare har i mer Àn 15 Är arbetat för att förstÄ hjÀrnans och nervsystemets förmÄga att anpassa sig till pÄverkan frÄn omgivande miljö. Zyneyros mÄl Àr att omsÀtta denna kunskap om modulering av neuronal interaktion för att utveckla ett antal lÀkemedelskandidater. De projekt som ingÄr i samarbetet med CombiGene avser behandling av smÀrta. Zyneyro avser ocksÄ att utveckla andra lÀkemedelskandidater för andra indikationer Àn smÀrta.


Hyggelig med en liten gladmelding igjen. 8.7 millioner SEK fra EuroStar til videreutvikling av smerteprosjektet. Kommer veldig godt med!


CombiGene AB (publ) (“CombiGene”, “Bolaget”) meddelar idag att Bolaget har Ă„tertagit de globala rĂ€ttigheterna till epilepsiprojektet CG01 frĂ„n Spark Therapeutics (“Spark”) dĂ„ uppsĂ€gningstiden för samarbets- och licensavtalet mellan de tvĂ„ bolagen har löpt ut, se pressmeddelande daterat den 14 oktober 2023.

”CombiGenes ambition Ă€r att hitta en ny partner för CG01-projektet.”, sĂ€ger Peter Ekolind, CombiGenes vd. ”Att hitta en ny partner för epilepsiprojektet Ă€r naturligtvis av högsta prioritet för CombiGene, och vi kommer att ta de resurser och den tid som krĂ€vs för att skapa ett attraktivt erbjudande för potentiella partners”, avslutar Peter.



Ser ut til at de har planer om Ä kjÞre pÄ videre for Ä fÄ ny partner.


Litt stang ut om dagen dessverre

CombiGene discontinues the preclinical development of the lipodystrophy project CGT2

CombiGene AB (publ) (“CombiGene”, the “Company”) today announces that the Company has decided to discontinue the preclinical development of the lipodystrophy project CGT2. After receiving data that was difficult to interpret during the course of the project, CombiGene conducted additional studies in 2023 to provide a basis for a correct assessment of the project. Now that these studies have been completed, the Company can conclude that there is not enough convincing data to justify a continued costly preclinical development. The lipodystrophy project was licensed from Lipigon Pharmaceuticals AB (“Lipigon”) on October 10, 2019. CombiGene has now terminated the in-licensing and collaboration agreement with Lipigon and the rights to the project will revert to Lipigon no later than August 5, 2024.

In February 2021, CombiGene was awarded EUR 481,000 by Eurostars for the development of the CGT2 project. The project grant also included funds for CombiGene’s partners the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf and the CRO company Accelero, which received EUR 265,000 and EUR 136,500 respectively. The grants totaling EUR 882,500 from Eurostars have made it possible for CombiGene and its partners to carry out extensive preclinical work at a high scientific level.

CombiGene and the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf will now, within the framework of the Eurostars project, complete the scientific work, including the ambition to publish the scientific results, and submit the project’s final report in the summer of 2024.

“ The fact that we are now discontinuing the preclinical development of the lipodystrophy project CGT2 is of course disappointing. At the same time, it is important to see that this project has contributed to deepening our knowledge in metabolic diseases, which is a very interesting area for gene therapy. The project has also meant that we have strengthened our network of leading academic institutions. I would like to take this opportunity to extend a big thank you to all our partners in the CGT2 project,” says Annika Ericsson, Director Preclinical Development at CombiGene.

“It is important to have decision points about the future of a project early in its development plan, before the major costs come, which we have done in the CGT2 project. The discontinuation of the CGT2 project means, above all, that certain resources are released that can be used in other activities ,” comments CombiGene’s CEO Peter Ekolind.


Gamlesjefen hos RedEye 14. februar


Ikke like god selvtillit som fÞr, men viste til det var flere interessenter for CG01 i tillegg til Spark tilbake i 2021. Om jeg hÞrte riktig sa han at materiale laget tidligere er tapt og en mÄ starte pÄ nytt. Samtidig fÄr en (trolig) ny kunnskap overlevert fra Spark.



Tanker om dagens handel?

ForhÄpentligvis noe positivt pÄ gang ref volum + oppgang?

Fint Ä se litt god trend pÄ aksjekursen. Synes ogsÄ det er godt Ä se at Jan Nilsson tar presentasjonen og at han da tydeligvis fortsatt er godt involvert i selskapet. Tror det kan vÊre nyttig fremover i forhold til eventuelle nye avtaler med det nettverket han har. OgsÄ trivelig at de pÄ slutten fÄr sneket inn en aldri sÄ liten kommentar om at de synes verdisettingen for selskapet er snodig lav. FÄr satse pÄ at det vil gradvis bygge seg videre fremover.


Ja!! :wink:

The Danish company Orphazyme has acquired 10% of the shares in CombiGene

  • February 21, 2024

CombiGene AB (publ) (“CombiGene”, “the Company”) today announces that the Danish company Orphazyme gradually has acquired shares in CombiGene. Today, Orphazyme informed CombiGene that they in total have acquired approximately 10% of the outstanding shares in CombiGene, which makes Orphazyme one of the larger shareholders in the Company. CombiGene’s Board of Directors have begun a dialogue with Orphazyme.

For more information on Orphazyme, please visit: www.orphazyme.com


Makes sense den uttalelsen med dagens melding, men kanskje noe spesielt at et selskap med mcap pÄ 44 MNOK gjÞr en slik disponering? :sweat_smile:


SĂ„ mulig det kommer bud etterhvert

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De ser ut til Ă„ vĂŠre en strategisk investor etter Ă„ ha solgt ut sine assets tidligere. Her er det de sier om posten i Combigene

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