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CombiGene AB (COMBI)🇸🇪

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Da er H1 rapporten ute:


CombiGene applies for patent protection for vectors developed in the lipodystrophy project CGT2

CombiGene has filed a priority patent application with the UK Patent Office for patent protection for the vectors developed within the Company’s lipodystrophy project CGT2. The filing of this patent application paves the way for global patent protection for CGT2, which is of great importance for protecting key functions of CGT2 during the further development and commercialization.

The CGT2 project aims to develop a gene therapeutic treatment for partial lipodystrophy. The project was inlicensed from Lipigon Pharmaceuticals AB 2019 and is in early preclinical development with a focus on design and testing of gene therapy vectors.

”Since we licensed the project from Lipigon 2019, the pace has accelerated, and we are now beginning to see the first fruits of this work. The filing of the patent application is an early milestone in this very exciting project,” says Annika Ericsson, Senior Project Manager at CombiGene.


CombiGene AB (publ) announces the outcome of the exercise of warrants of series TO 3

On August 31, 2020 the period for exercising warrants of series TO 3 for subscription of shares in CombiGene AB (publ) (“CombiGene” or “The Company”) ended. In total, 29 450 679 warrants had been exercised for subscription of shares and each warrant entitled to subscribe for one (1) new share in CombiGene at a subscription price of SEK 0.6 per share. The utilization rate thus amounted to approximately 97,25 per cent and through the warrants CombiGene was granted SEK 17 670 407,40 before issue costs.

The subscription entails that the number of shares in CombiGene increases with 29,450,679 shares, from 147,210,132 shares to 176,660,811 shares and that the share capital increases by SEK 2,945,067.9 from SEK 14,721,013.2 to SEK 17,660,081.10.

The shares added as a result of the exercise of warrants of series TO 3 entails a dilution effect of approximately 16,67 per cent. Dilution effect refers to the number of newly issued shares as a result of exercised warrants of series TO 3 in relation to the total number of shares in CombiGene after the new shares have been registered.


Har vært litt diverse bevegelser i innsidehandel i det siste men ikke noe av voldsom betydning såvidt jeg kan se:


Rett meg gjerne om jeg tar feil men:

Jan Nilsson solgte 127k TO3
Peter Nilsson subscribet for 150k TO3
Per Lundin kjøpte 30612 aksjer

Edit: Mulig jeg tar feil og at Jan også har subscribet for alle opsjonene selv om datoen er litt rar.

Edit 2: Jeg tror Jan solgte 127k TO3 og dermed fikk inn ~30k kroner. Deretter kjøpte han 127k Combiaksjer i markedet. Man kan jo spekulere i om han gjorde dette for å hjelpe med å holde kursen oppe for å sikre fulltegning. I såfall en fin liten bonus.


Veldig bra, dette lover bra.



Genom avtalet med Viralgen tar CombiGene ett stort steg mot att ha en komplett produktionsmetod på plats. De få bitar som saknas för att starta en storskalig produktion räknar vi med att få plats inom en nära framtid. Vi befinner oss därmed i en position där vi snart har allt på plats för att börja producera material för de avslutande prekliniska studierna, bland annat toxikologi- och biodistributionsstudierna«, säger Jan Nilsson, vd CombiGene i en kommentar till BioStock

Nærmer seg veldig at de kan begynne med sikkerhetsstudiet nå :slightly_smiling_face::ok_hand:t2:

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Combigene live fra Aktiedagen i morgen klokken 10:20.


Artikkel med Combis nye styreleder:

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Combi ansetter.


CombiGene carries out a directed new issue of shares to Lipigon Pharmaceuticals

The board of directors of CombiGene AB (publ) (“CombiGene”) has, on the basis of an authorization from the Annual General Meeting, resolved on a directed share issue of 1,561,365 shares to Lipigon Pharmaceuticals AB (“Lipigon”) due to the license agreement previously concluded between CombiGene and Lipigon.

The share issue is carried out in order to pay the second interim payment to Lipigon under the license agreement. The second interim payment amounts to SEK 1,499,999.63 and is paid by a new issue of 1,561,365 shares. The number of shares has been determined on the basis of a subscription price corresponding to the volume weighted average price of CombiGene’s share during a period of fifteen (15) trading days ending the day before the board of director’s resolution on the issue of shares.

The interim payment follows CombiGene’s patent protection application for vectors developed within the lipodystrophy project CGT2, made on 24 August 2020. For further information on the patent application see press release “CombiGene applies for patent protection for vectors in the lipodystrophy project CGT2” from 25 August 2020. The share issue represents a dilution of approximately 0.88 percent of the share capital of CombiGene after the share issue. The new shares will be transferred to Lipigon as soon as the issue has been registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office. ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

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Tror dette er veldig positivt å få disse inn på eier siden. Selskapene har naturligvis felles interesser, samtidig som Lipigon allerede har flere samarbeid med AstraZeneca, noe jeg tror kan være nyttig etterhvert som CombiGene etterhvert må se etter partnere. Skjer mye spennende i selskapet for tiden.

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CombiGene launches large-scale production of CG01 for upcoming safety and biodistribution studies

In early September, CombiGene signed an agreement regarding production of CG01 with the Spanish gene therapy manufacturer Viralgen. The plasmids included in the production of CG01 have been delivered by Cobra Biologics and all necessary quality analyses, developed by CGT Catapult, have been integrated into the production process, and Viralgen will now begin the first large-scale production of CG01.

There are two purposes with this first large-scale production. The first purpose is to test all parts of the production process under completely realistic conditions to identify any need for alterations. The production can thus be seen as a dress rehearsal for the upcoming cGMP production (Current Good Manufacturing Practice) when CG01 will be produced for studies in humans. The second aim is to produce material for the preclinical safety and biodistribution studies planned to be conducted in 2021.

When this first production of CG01 is completed, a comprehensive quality and documentation review will take place.

“The fact that we can now carry out large-scale production of CG01 is a significant milestone in this project,” says Karin Agerman, Chief Research and Development Officer . “Once all the quality work related to production has been completed, we are ready to begin the safety and biodistribution studies, which is the next big step in the CG01 project.”

About CG01
CG01 is a gene therapy developed to treat drug-resistant focal epilepsy. Every year, approximately 47,000 drug-resistant patients with this type of epilepsy are estimated to be added in the United States, EU5, Japan and China. CombiGene believes that it is realistic that 10-20 percent of these patients could be treated with the company’s gene therapy. The global market for the drug candidate CG01 is estimated at USD 750 –1 500 million annually.

About Viralgen
Viralgen is a CDMO born as a joint venture between AskBio and Columbus Venture Partners, combining decades of technology and drug development experience in multiple platforms to support best-inclass service offerings to the gene therapy market.

Viralgen was created in 2017 to respond to the unmet need for manufacturing of gene therapies, with the goal to help broaden access to these life-saving therapeutics and to contribute to the advancement of health and human welfare around the world. The company specializes in the production of rAAV viral vectors, and has built an optimized facility in San Sebastian, Spain that maximizes throughput and efficiency of the proprietary Pro10™ suspension manufacturing platform, enabling industry-leading scalability, reproducibility, and speed to market.

Through their superior technology platform, Viralgen delivers industry-leading titers and cGMP-certified quality for all AAV serotypes to client partners, optimize the cost-of-goods, and accelerate clinical development and commercialization of life-saving genetic medicines.

Viralgen’s new commercial facility will be in production by the end of 2021 in San Sebastian (Spain).


CombiGene invites analysts and shareholders to the company’s presentation at Aktiespararna’s digital event on October 19

On Monday 19 October at 10.30, CEO Jan Nilsson and Chief Research & Development Officer Karin Agerman will present at Aktiespararna’s digital event. CombiGene hereby invites analysts and shareholders to a comprehensive presentation of CombiGene’s latest advances in the epilepsy project CG01 and the fantastic opportunities that this project holds.


Looking around at potential opportunities and just wanted to get people’s thoughts on Combi. Obviously very early stages, but looks very exciting. I guess if you want to jump on board here you are going to have to be ready for multiple fund raising rounds. Any reason it has gone down from 1.25 to 0.67 over the last few months. Or is it just the sheer amount of time its going to take to get into the study, results, market etc?

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Combigene ute med nytt nyhetsbrev. Utrolig moro å se hvordan en såpass liten organisasjon leverer så utrolig profesjonelt opplegg på nyhetsbrev. Gøy også å se hvordan de pusher frem videre infoen om at de skal i klinikken i 2022 og at avsluttende pre-kliniske arbeidet skal fullføres i 2021. I forhold til arbeidet her så tror jeg de er heldige med at klinikken kommer i 2022 og at de kan arbeide mye videre forholdsvist uforstyrret til tross for korona situasjonen.

Veldig spent på fremtiden her for selskapet. Sliter meg å se for meg noe annet enn at når de kommer til klinikken så vil det vekke interesse hos større aktører i en så stor og viktig indikasjon som epilepsi. Nå får de jo antakeligvis inn ytterligere middler fra TO04 denne måneden så finansieringen bør også holde ganske god tid fremover.


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Exercise period for warrants of series TO4 and TO5 in CombiGene AB (publ) begins today

Today, the exercise period for subscription of shares in CombiGene AB (publ) (“CombiGene” or the “Company”) begins on the basis of warrants of series TO4 and TO5. Each warrant of series TO4 and TO5 entitles to subscription for one new share in CombiGene from and including 16 November 2020 up to and including 30 November 2020 at a subscription price of SEK 0.5, because the subscription price per share could not be lower than SEK 0.5.

On February 18, 2020, CombiGene issued inter alia 26,284,180 warrants of series TO4 in the Company’s rights issue. On April 24, 2020 CombiGene issued inter alia an additional 4,000,000 warrants of series TO4 in a private placement to Modelio Equity AB (publ) and Oscar Molse. Thereafter, on 4 August 2020, CombiGene issued inter alia 21,588,125 warrants of series TO5 in a private placement to NYIP. Warrants of series TO5 have the same terms as warrants of series TO4 but are not listed.

CombiGene has in total issued 51,872,305 warrants of series TO4 and TO5. In the case of full subscription at the subscription price of SEK 0.5, CombiGene will be granted SEK 25,936,152.5 before issue costs, with the total number of shares increasing by 51,872,305 shares to 230,094,481 shares and the share capital increasing by SEK 5,187,230.5 to SEK 23,009,448.1, corresponding to a dilution effect of approximately 22.54 percent of CombiGene’s share capital and votes. Dilution effect refers to the number of newly issued shares and additional votes as a result of full exercise of the warrants of series TO4 and TO5 in relation to the total number of shares and votes in CombiGene after the new shares have been registered.

Please note that if the warrants of series TO4 are not exercised for subscription of shares by November 30, 2020 at the latest or disposed of by November 26, 2020 at the latest, they will expire and lose their value and will be cleared from the VP account or depositary.

The application form, the Board’s report and auditor’s statement as well as the full terms and conditions for the warrants of series TO4, a copy of CombiGene’s Articles of Association, a copy of the annual report containing the most recently adopted balance sheet and income statements, including the audit report for the financial year, are available at the Company and on the Company’s website, www.combigene.com.