Community Manager (Jens Erik) [developer] 56 minutes ago
An update on avatars
Just thought I’d give you guys a quick rundown of some of the changes we’re making to the avatars going forward. This was touched upon in our latest dev stream, and you can click on the link to get the full, detailed rundown. This thread is just a short summary.
Avatar damage: We’re going to be reducing the amount of damage avatars can cause as they walk/fly/slither around. After we’ve implemented these changes you can’t just walk/fly/slither over enemy structures in order to damage them. You have to do an actual attack.
Destroying an avatar: Avatars will also no longer be completely invulnerable, as they will now start to take damage. Hitting an avatar with a weapon will remove time from the summoning timer. Depending on the weapon it can remove a little or a lot of time. A siege boulder will shave off about 20-30 seconds with a direct hit.
Defense domes: Altars can be upgraded to project a dome that will protect a certain area around it. Small domes will offer protection against arrows and projectiles, but you will be able to walk through it. Large domes will start to damage an avatar the moment it touches the dome. The domes won’t be up forever, but they will make raiding more difficult.[/quote]