Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Crayon Group Holding (CRAYN)



Crayon Group Holding ASA: Minutes from Extraordinary General Meeting 2021

Share capital increase resolved in connection with employee share incentive program

Mandatory notification of trade by primary insider

Oslo Børs – Crayon Group Holding ASA - Mottatt søknad om notering av obligasjonslån

Approval of prospectus

Ny rente

Crayon announces one of its subsidiaries signs NOK 90 million SAM contract

Financial calendar

Crayon Q4 2021 and year-end results

Crayon: Operational update on Ukraine conflict

Disclosure of Large Shareholding

Crayon signs significant multicloud agreement with Cognite

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Disclosure - Shares Sale - Crayon Group Holding ASA

SoftwareONE launches offering of up to 4 million shares in Crayon by way of accelerated bookbuilding

Sveitsere vurderer storsalg i Crayon

SoftwareONE successfully places 4.4 million Crayon shares

Sveitsere solgte Crayon-aksjer for 638 millioner

Her er det flere på salgsknappen. Mulig man bør vente med å fange kniven. Går vel noen stop loss på veien her også.