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CrayoNano AS

Helt enig.
Så hvis jeg ringer Nordnet så får jeg gjerne noen av de først :slight_smile:

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4000 på 9,1 registrert omsatt i dag på NOTC…Ligger fortsatt samme synlig på salg, ikke oppdatert kanskje…

Yes de ble mine gitt. Så får tiden vise om det var smart eller ikke

Det er veldig stille fra selskapet, selv til å være ett OTC-case.

Vi får håpe informasjonsmedarbeider endrer seg snart.

Eh, de kommer med meldinger jevnt og trutt. Mye mer enn hva man kan si om de fleste andre selskaper på OTC…


Må si meg uenig der holdt opp mot aktiviteten i caset, investeringen som er gjort av EIC, uklarhetene knyttet til utviklingen av grafenbasert teknologi som har vært en driver i kurs / oppmerksomhet hvor vi nå er tilbake på forrige generasjon. Mye burde vært respondert tydeligere, det er det jeg snakker om, ikke hvor mye de melder / informerer kontra mer statiske / inaktive OTC-case.

La oss bare være enig om å være uenige da jeg ikke tenker å gå i polemikk på hvordan du “føler” kontra hva jeg “føler” rundt dette. Vi er slik det ser ut bare uenige om hva selskapet burde meldt / klargjort.

Agree. So why you don’t think they are going for a listing ?
Must be either two
In process of being acquired
Or they don’t see that they are where they want to be when it comes to 2 gen

Summarized, the trend from the company in the recent period is so unclear that there must be an acquisition in the air, or a merger into a larger already publicly listed entity.

In my view, there is no doubt about the technical capacity and competence; the company can and will deliver what they have developed.

As I see it, information from the company about the way forward must come by the end of the fiscal year. This is because the smokescreen hanging over products and listing/liquidity raising cannot or will not be accepted over time by the company’s shareholders.

Jens told me they will update on product dev next quarter update
But agree, they “own us” explanations on many things now. This is too exciting I must admit

By the way If they are in the process of being acquired I guess insider buying is out of the question

I have to admit that I entertained the idea of reaching out to EIC to inquire about their perspective on the status of information flow and product progression within the company. However, I assume that they are likely in a position where they receive more information than “we on the ground,” and that the information they may have received is possibly restricted by an NDA.

If they haven’t received such information from the company, I would imagine that there is also a curious attitude towards the flow of information at EIC.

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Denne egenrapporten fra CrayoNano bør være obligatorisk lesning for alle aksjonærer. Både oppløftende og interessant.



What would an aqusition or merger mean for the stock price?

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Depends if the Gen2 product is out or not.

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He is 64 years old.

Jeg blir veldig overrasket om han tar over.

Off course not

With his background, and the fact that he mentions being open to board roles, one should not be surprised if he appears as a board member or chairman. CrayoNano is an exciting case that is not far from his background, and in a phase that he can/understands…

However, if the company is in the process of being acquired, the situation is different.

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

It is not possible to get out, that is also a reason for the big investors not selling. Just have to stay in and hope that the company manage to succeed with their 2 gen