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CrayoNano AS

Tenker man litt lenger på de uttalelser de kom med angående kapitalutvidelse og det de betegner som foretrukne investorer (strategiske, altså ikke oss!), så kan det definitivt tolkes som oppkjøpskandidater.

Tolker det mer som at enten eksisterende og/eller nye strategiske investorer vil gå inn med mer
Enig at det virket litt hastig og mulig noe selektivt i QA sesjonen. De vil uansett ikke si mer enn at det er ytterligere forbedringer som må til før 2 gen er klar. Hva som ligger i det, om der evt er flaskehalser, det får vi ikke vite naturlig nok. De bø ihvertfall på mer enn sist sånn totalt sett

De fleste av de eksisterende er vel ikke akkurat av den type strategiske at de kan være med på å styrke den teknologiske utviklingen (mer enn alle investorer gjør med sine penger), men dette med å tolke det i retning interessenter til overtakelse får stå for min regning!

Utifra hvor de er nå, hvorfor mener du presentasjonen var skuffende ?

Jeg tror ikke det er noe mer som er mulig å by på nå. Synes de sa en god del om pipeline, use caser osv.

Ja, som sagt ligger aksjen nederst i skuffen. Der blir de liggende da jeg har sterk tro på segmentet.


Samsung sine UVC leds ser ikke ut til å være i nærheten av hva CrayoLed leverer med hensyn på power output og levetid UV-C LED | SAMSUNG LED | Samsung LED Global Website


Leidulv Vigen from CrayoNano sold his shares (6000) a couple of days ago before company presentation. He has been working for 7,5 half years as Process Dev Engineer, Team Lead & Project Manager and Engineering Project Manager. He is probably leaving.

Unfortunately, CrayoNano has been exposed. As several has been saying for some years now.
They are not able to successfully volume produce their technology.
The reason to deny talking about is obvious, and changing the narrative from their own tech to “new products”. Nobody waits for new products, it was all about the revolution in nanowire tech.

Jo Uthus is a liar.

They ware supposed to list on Euronext Growth in 2021 - that story is just about greed and hype.

They said 2 gen is not ready yet, need to to be further optimized. Instead of listing they will get funding from strategic investors.
I think a listing would be stupid now, can only come when 2 gen is ready.
What’s disappointing is that the launch of 2 gen is postponed. But to me it sounds like they are making process and have a good acceptable sales pipeline also on existing tech

Jeg er veldig enig!
Jeg får ingen god følelse av hvordan de holder på. Det virker som om presentasjonen er et manus de “må gjennom”, og spørsmål som kommer inn svares med å referere til det de allerede har sagt. Kort, lite konkret og så avslutter de så raskt de kan. Dette gjør at jeg får mindre tiltro til dem, og ikke opplever transparens.
Hvor dyktige er ledelsen? Har de det som trengs for å få produktet og teknologien ut i markedet? Jeg begynner å tvile, dessverre.

It became obvious when Jo. moved to chairman position and another job…not much to catch here.

ST - can you please document this sale you refer to?

Synes aksjonærlisten ser veldig spennende ut. Masse erfarne tech investorer der. Og mange andre med mye annen spennende erfaring. Skulle gjerne likt å vite hva de tenker om situasjonen.
Generelt tror jeg vi/mange her er ekstremt mye mer utålmodige enn mange andre. Men utviklingen må gå i riktig retning selvsagt…

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Det er ikke lenge siden at styret valgte betaling i aksjer @14 som alternativ til cash. Det er ingenting som tyder på at dette er et lost case. UVC led blir et kjempestort marked fremover, og jeg har så langt ikke klart å finne produkt som konkurrerer med CrayoLed på spesifikasjoner, levetid og pris.


Sent you DM.

Leidulv Vigen of CrayoNano usually participated in the ordinary general assembly also, as the only employee, besides the now part-time founder Helge Weman.
He also bought the shares long before NOTC.

A couple of months ago after the announcement of the Taiwan branch in feb 2022, Jo Uthus got Q&A questions about the actual status of possible successful volume production of their own patented 100%-narrative/identity of the company, the nanowires and graphene. The only technology possible to actually replace old current thin-film technology for UVC LEDs, and the only tech to get the production costs down with 10x performance. This is CrayoNano’s owns word and why they develop nanowires with graphene, CrayoNano is the solution to the problem.

He answered:

Oh, you mean status on “new products” - we will come back to that some time next year.

He got repeated questions during 2023, no answers.

The narrative was changed in a way that nanowires/graphene suddenly become “potential new products”.

Fast forward 2 years, some details disclosed and it explains why they changed the narrative and did not want to talk about it.

The latest company presentation now also restates the changed focus, and the nanowires are now just something they maybe in the future can customer tailor for some special niche products. Its sounds something like they should now be considered a potential upside sometime in the future.

Our product roadmap for 2024 is focused on three major drivers:

Growth of sales and market penetration with our H-series : through improvements of competitiveness focused on pricing and performance within the 100 mW power class.

This is the licensed old thin-film tech in the H-series. Its not the tech of CrayoNano.

Growing the total addressable market by systematically driving down the costs of the UV-C LED technology . We are targeting to implement a significant step forward on reducing the price-performance parameter by 50% by 2025 to enable our customers a competitive advantage with better return on investment of their products in the market, as well as access to price-sensitive high-volume applications in home appliances and industrial disinfection applications.

This is very vague and they do not talk about the actual cost reduction and power performance, like they did before.

Specific customized OEM products to grow into attractive new niches. Specific high-volume applications of OEMs often require optimization and design to performance and costs. Some of the opportunities in our pipeline have shown that the market can grow into new attractive niches, with specific optimized products. We implemented required engineering capacities and skills in 2023 and are planning to realize custom engineered UV-C LEDs for market influencing OEM business.

Special products with nanowires/graphene at high cost.

As of today:
They talk about optimizing the yield (check the wafer map in the presentation) on the wafers.
However, we do not know if the power output of the nanowires/grapehene UVC LED. They are obviously producing them with some kind of yield, but the company has never actually shown one in production. Are the company even able to produce a nanowire/graphene UVC LED with lets say power of 250mW? We dont know.

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Graphene teknologien er ikke død. Dette er i fra hjemmesiden til CN under technology: CrayoNano’s patented and groundbreaking technology merges two nanomaterials—aluminium gallium nitride (AlGaN) nanowires and graphene—to create a hypermaterial. This combination creates a new, strain-free material with high crystal quality, enabling energy efficient, and reliable UV-C LEDs.

Probably this section will be removed in the future and the narrative will be just “patented-tech”.

A couple of weeks ago the “technology” section had it own menu element at the top of the webpage. Now its removed from the menu and moved under as lower section under the new “Knowledge Center”.

To be really straight.

If they were any near volume producing and releasing nanowires they would have been acquired a long time ago - or gotten som really heavy weight international investors with industry expertise.

People must understand the impact of the technology they have been talking about for over 10 years. Its massively revolutionary and will crush every competitor, and even open up new markets. Thats what you need to have top of mind, and if this was near for release, Crayonano would go to the real big players and say “do you wanna se something marvelous?” and they would be receiving massive capital and requests for acquisitions.

If it shows that it will be a new emission round with “old milk & bread” money from the street
or through friends of NTG/NIK management by DNB/Sparebank1, this whole it will be self explaining. This is what happened spring last year; EIC + random old money.

Either the company do not try asking international industry investors because they know it wont amount to anything, or they have tried, but because of what will be disclosed after signing NDA is not convincing for the potential investors.

And the angling of, NTG is greedy and would like to hold as much of the pie “thats why they raise money like this”, thats just stupid management when the company is based on research since 2005 and incorporated in 2012 and according to themself revolutionize the industry.

And do not mention “but EIC” - they are giving away money for a lot of stuff.

Technology and knowledge center is on same level, it is not hidden under…