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CrayoNano AS


Utrolig mange LED-lys i en slik reaktor.

UV_LED_Wastewater_Disinfection_The_Future_is_Upon_Us_1722291814.pdf (4,9 MB)

kan meget vel være cnano-dioder der, siden det er aqui-sense-utstyr som benyttes. Uansett er det en god bekreftelse her:
In this work, the 280 nm UV LED reactor inactivated significantly
more E. coli and total coliforms than anticipated which prevented a more
precise assessment of the reactor performance limitations. All full-scale
UV exposure were near or in the tailing region of disinfection but aligned
with bench-scale auditing. Future work is planned to evaluate UV LED
performance at higher flow rates and lower power outputs to achieve
fluences within the log linear portion of the disinfection curve. Overall,
this work demonstrates that UV LED technologies can be applied at a
municipal-scale use and are not only for small-scale applications in
drinking water treatment.

Det hersker vel ingen tvil om markedspotensialet, men jeg innbiller meg at det er mange aktører med relativt/tilsynelatende like produkter der ute og faren for å ikke nå opp er stor.
Som før, så tror jeg at den store muligheten ligger i at den etterhvert mer mytiske enn reelle generasjon 2 kan realiseres med troverdige tester og markedsføring.
Selskapets mer og mer irrasjonelle framferd; kvitter seg med nøkkelpersonell, prøver å blåse liv i gamle artikler/nyheter om sin fortreffelighet og snarlig notering (!), merkelige emisjoner, avnotering fra NOTC, osv, er umulig å tolke ensidig, men jeg finner lite tillitvekkende ved denne oppførselen.
At selskapet nå igjen frontes av den avgåtte og tidligere svært så bullish CEO, nå styreleder (Uthus), og ikke av nåværende CEO (Dobbertin), er også litt underlig.
Uthus er vel i realiteten over i nye oppgaver som sin hovedrolle og styreleder-rollen var vel antatt å bli litt perifer, mens forhåpningene til Dobbertin har jo av forståelige grunner vært store.
Så langt er han usynlig.


After viewing the inline video interview of Jo Uthus in the Finansavisen article, its clear this is done at the NTG Capital Markets day.

Jo Uthus is actually not releasing any new information, however he is actually confirming with a smile thats they are in process with international strategic investors and specifically says that kind of investors are “not found here at the hotel or in Norway”.

This is consistent with CrayoNano being the last presenter at the event where Uthus said there will be no slides about tech or product, and the event was over before time.

Regarding the headline “ready for stock exchange”, this is not a quote from him, its the low quality newspaper angle. Uthus said “they are opportunistic about IPO”, and the interview was actually about what they deliver, what are typical customers, how the industry works and they have great support from existing investors and are working with international new owners.


Enig med deg @SuperTechInfo :blush:

Har også sett intervjuet, og tenker din oppsummering er veldig spot on.

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Some new changes to employees observed and the conclusion is the same, that the deep tech related and employees with highest education are being kept. Application Engineering is related to computer simulations software and last years one other position in this field ended.

1: Group Controller now taking role as Finance Director (the new temp CFO?)

2: Application Engineering Manager is now “opentowork” (position probably ended and just got a recommendation from other employee which is typical).

3: Business Analyst quitting (position probably ended, older employees expressing relief of new job).

4: The new CEO has the following job description stating responsibility for a lot including specifically attaching “investor relations” and “restructuring” as skills for the Crayonano position.

Full balance sheet responsibility for early stage revenue tech scale-up with ~35 head counts and reporting line to the board of directors. Direct responsibility for finance, investor relations / capital raising / equity story as well as technology development, having direct reports for operations and sales&marketing.

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Takk for oppsummering og deling.


:+1:Record high, hva vil det si egentlig ?

Iallfall mer enn i mai, og da ble denne meldt: https://crayonano.com/news/crayonano-announces-volume-delivery-to-a-key-uv-c-led-water-disinfection-customer

Men ikke noe tall å forholde seg til

Det er nok salg til Hergy eller AquiSense, eller begge. Håper de blir fast leverandør til AquiSense, de ser ut til å ha noe bra på gang.

Why is the company posting updates of the small capital raise on LinkedIn profile?
This communication is something a proud young startup would publish, and if its important to inform about this small raise shouldnt they already be in discussions with the long-term investors?

Additionally, its unclear if this is the repair emission or a new “secured capital raise” referring to. If its new it should be informed in the proper channels:

We have confirmed buy-in from major investors who have already signed their participation.

This is clearly a change of communications, and I really do not like this.

Just the last weeks, its been article in Norwegian newspaper giving no new info, updates about record delivery without numbers and sudden starting publishing finance updates on the LinkedIn-profile which is a context for partners and customers.

The next few months will be the real fundamental explorations and cards folding, if they are able to get industrial long-term investors or being acquired at all. The touted revolutionary aspect of the technology in the industry should be a no-brainer to acquire if its a reality. I really want to see it through, but this communication unfortunately make me unsure.

They should be bought a long time ago, and an acquirer would of course demand seeing the nanowires+graphene in practice, which is a part thats been almost a non-topic the last two years.

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It looks like they are increasing the buzz, at the same time, when stated they are in processes with industrial strategic long-term investors.

It might be parallel buzz/marketing when in negotiations with new investors, however they wont be able to negotiate without exclusive term sheet, and that term sheet also restricts what can be published.

I would see increased buzz as not a good sign when communicating the company being in process with securing long-term capital from strategic industrial investors. If the discussion are progressing great, no buzz needed.

If this is a play before IPOing, could be, but unlikely.

1 159 261 preference shares a 14,- = 16,2 MNOK

This financing round positions us to implement our commercial strategies effectively and prepare for the next funding round at a valuation no less than the previous one.

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Some complain when there are no buzz, some complain when there is buzz :man_shrugging:

I really cannot se anything wrong with this tweet that is barely stating facts we all knew before.

Det er berettiget å stille spørsmål om denne meldingen på linkedin, når informasjonen er ca 2 måneder gammel. For meg er det useriøst å skrive om gammelt info på nytt