Så videoen i artikkelen, han sier rett ut at det blir flere rettede emisjoner. Så her tar det det mange år før de går i break even på ca 150mill i inntekt årlig. Sorgen… Og det blir tilnærmet umulig å komme seg ut og etter avnotering fra NOTC, samt du blir vannet ut om du ikke blir med på fremtidige emisjoner, som igjen forfordeler de på toppen med den absurde preferanseaksjeordningen. Lett å være positive her i forumet, men her er det mange av oss “ferskinger” som får oss en alvorlig lærepenge er jeg redd, meg selv inkludert da jeg kjøpte tidlig basert på børsnotering og gen 2. Vurderer kaste inn resten på billig salg. Sukk!
Får håpe på noe konkret iløpet av Q3
Lurer på hvor du har vært under de siste presentasjonene om du ikke er kjent med kapitalbehovet. De har vært tydelig på at de ser for seg en eller flere strategiske investorer, noe som kommer klart frem i intervjuet når Uthus referer til industrielle investorer. Han presiserer forøvrig at du finner ikke de investorene på hotell Continental, noe som kan tyde på at vi skal utaskjærs. Også kan vi bare spekulere i om det blir helt eller delvis oppkjøp, eller kun kapitalutvidelse.
– De seneste rundene har vi kapital fra eksisterende aksjonærer, som har vært veldig støttende. Samtidig er vi alltid åpne for å endre eiersits, og bevisste på at vi ønsker å nå ut til nye investorer, sier Uthus.
Ja får håpe de klarer å lande det. Det er det alt står og faller på nå slik jeg ser det. De er jo tomme for cash hvis det ikke skjer
Innen 31 oktober må det skje noe.
De har en plan på videre løp, og de industrielle (strategiske) investorene er nok klare. Om ikke hadde de hentet et større beløp i emisjonen og ikke begrenset det til kortsiktig finansiering. De tillot heller ikke overtegning, noe som medførte at de hentet mindre kapital enn det som var mulig.
CrayoNano in a Norwegian finance newspaper stating “Ready for stock exchange” (the headline among several used).
For me its unclear if the company is actually IPOing, since its not being mentioned, not a timeline either. What is the purpose of the PR, its not clear, and its shallow and teasing. Is it ready for stock exchange, or is it actually IPOing? In other international newspapers, you never see cryptic/teasing articles like this, is this typical for Norwegian media?
If the company is now soon to IPO, then it is clear the company is not being acquired, regardless of underlying reason. It also means that previously mentioned possibilities for companies like Osram could be an examples of strategic investor, is not very likely. Companies like Osram acquire companies to control them because they want the tech, brand or assets, they do not participate in speculative IPOs for financial reasons.
So if this PR articles actually means strategic investors are onboard and IPO is soon upcoming, I would bet the investors are not from the industry.
Hvor og når er denne «klar for børs» overskriften fra ?
@Bingo123 It is on the frontpage of the newspaper Finansavisen.
It is still there with “Ready for stock exchange”, but slightly adjusted again with negative underline. Is this also typical Norwegian media, adjusting the angle after making an article?
Its very unclear to me whats the purpose of this PR, and who is actually controlling it because it must be voluntarily.
This is typical Finansavisen at least. Not very refined imho.
Another aspect, in the article the chairman states “they behave like a listed company with Q-updates”.
They have been doing that, however a major change on the webpages recently, the financial schedule for Q-updates is actually canceled this year, and the only stated upcoming update is the annual update for 2024, being delivered 12 feb 2025.
The company was supposed to delist from NOTC, but its still listed, but the company is obviously preparing for no Q-updates.
Additional major change, the company has removed all PDF files of the previous Q-updates and presentations, including the QA-updates usually followed after Q-updates. The PDFs are removed from the “Files” sections and the links in the textual Q-update are not working.
The prospect in conjunction with the repair emission disclosed that the CTO and CFO has made a deal with the new CEO to leave their positions, most likely severance package to leave.
Previous CFO Kielland is now taken out of the “About”-section on the webpage.
Being a deep tech semiconductor company with unique global patents to disruptive the market, and now stating ready for stock exchange without having a CTO and CFO is very confusing.
A deep tech company must have a CTO, especially if doing an IPO.
It is very hard to grasp, but something is cooking.
But they are not ready for stock exchange
My bet is that the successors of these roles will be announced within the next few weeks.
Anything else is bearish as h.
Why do they need these roles if they plan to sell their technology and already are talking with some industrial companies
I believe the headline is based on the journalist’s assumption since they were planing an IPO back in 2021.
I think one of the last things that will happen now is recruitment
If someone buys the whole company its a legit question - but if they get a new minority (strategic) investor, I still think it would be cruicial to have these roles in place.
Exactly, the new CEO, fast removal of the veteran CTO (newly hired) in Taiwan and CFO, and delisting from NOTC while raising intentionally limited short-term funding when also working with “strategic industry investors for long-term funding”, clearly goes in favor of being acquired.
They stated this spring that strategic investors are preferable compared to IPO, so based on this PR article claiming/teasing we are “opportunistic on timing of IPO” - the conclusion is very hard to draw.
Maybe they are obfuscating by intention, but doing this PR article would never happen if under exclusive term sheet. So maybe everything is in place and completed, and now they are just playing with PR. Really hard to say at this point, new level of non-graspable.
Anyhow, I would say either IPO or acquisition is both possible.
Philips bør jo kjenne sin besøkelsestid… https://www.finansavisen.no/finans/2024/07/29/8160021/philips-stiger-over-13-prosent-etter-sterkt-andre-kvartal