Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

CrayoNano AS

It is on time to say that that previous CEO and now chairman Jo Uthus has held both positions over a long time and his behavior stands today to disgrace. His take on these roles are very disappointing, especially combined with his personality. It he is condescending towards shareholders, even today when he is put in the spotlight. I understand companies must guard their very inner workings on trade secrets and some details around strategies, but in this case we have seen a blatant refusal to comment on the tech and product roadmap over several year (also called guiding), and the outcome is just to disregard any comments and state it will take a couple of years more.

The company identity is still very visible and built around the patented deep-tech that no competitors are close to, and we are not saying it doesnt exists, but in which form is not possible to obtain information.

If the plan is to obtain new competent and professional investors they will demand information and status on the core technology. They would need waterproof NDAs to be even able to enter such discussions. This means potential investors will get more information about the tech than shareholders, and thats the irony, but however how it works.

There has been some speculation earlier if the company even are actually reaching out to industry investors or competitors, with the the speculation on the story around the tech. If they are not willing to approach such investors to show the status, they will need to approach broader investor base that dont ask such questions. Hence, it will be very interesting to what kind of investors who might join, because it will be a tell tell sign.

The story about the prospects of the two investor-processes and the possible Nasdaq-merge, especially if the latter if true, could be a very good indicator however, but impossible to verify. In light of the still reluctance of informing about the main story, the main marketing, the main identity, which is the main novel patented technology. As long as we dont hear anything about it, we cannot do anything.

They delivered pretty detailed info in 2022, saying release in 2023-2024, and the investor presentation with the roadmap from April 2023 also restated gen2 “full nanowire” towards 2024. Now given zero reasons and 2-3 years needed tech development.

Crayonano has gotten so much PR/media and talk the last 12 years, it is really hard to understand, if this is just tactics.

I would say its highly possible the company might be sold anytime if the offer is okey.
Remember most investors have 14-16 per share based on previous capital raises.

If you are investor (or wondering) in Ascenium where Jo Uthus is CEO, you should follow closely to what kind of investors who would join. A tell tell sign are Norwegian companies only raising capital from rich individuals with very limited understanding of the cases, the same crowd and then hypetrain.


Helt på linje med det som er skrevet. Kjenner på en følelse jeg ikke har kjent på med noen andre investeringer. Utrolig provoserende å bli lurt og den stilen Jo Uthus inntar her er nesten ikke til å holde ut. Han har ikke ønsket å gå i dialog på lang tid, lar Rune Rinnan tar seg av det heller. Jo Uthus har slik jeg ser det basert seg på løgn og bedrag over lang tid nå. Finnes det en måte dette kan då følger på for han ?

I have very strong indications that the technology platform is very unique with a lot of future potential. That standing point protected by patents is valuable for many actors. Remember they have patents for the process of growing any semiconductor on graphene, for these UV-C LEDs its mainly use of layers of GaN and AlGaN, GaN is super popular in power devices and many other uses and is taking off.

The company will be sold if the technology is shown.

When it comes to Jo Uthus, he deserves negative reactions in both PR/media and from authorities. However, as a shareholder you dont want to reduce the chances of the company being sold by introducing a lot of bad PR about persons. That the complexity unfortunately, and its hard to prove fraud, you have the burden default, but if you manage to convince the court, they will start digging and turn the evidence burden around. However nobody win anything on that. If the tech is great, lets focus on selling it for its worth.

All you an do is recommend people dont buy into his engagements, and you could challenge him non-stop with questions on anything he do on LinkedIn. He is obviously a poser, loving crafting tagging-fueld posts putting him in the spotlight, but shows easy-going-behaviour, but will go great length in obscuring.

I think he probably will be leaving the roles as chairman to build trust and Dobbertin will provide somebody from his network.

I just have one scenario that could explain why no info is given on the tech roadmap, and that is because of secret ongoing negotiations with a potential buyer they are not able to talk about before its done deal. A buyer could demand the board is not making the case interesting for other investors. That is the only reason I can argue, however that is a long shot.

Det virker som vi har fått på plass riktig mann som daglig leder, dog ikke mye å dømme han på enda. Jeg vil ha flere fagfolk som han i styre og ledelse.

Er det ikke feil å ha tidligere CEO som styreleder? I tillegg til å glatte over de feilene som er gjort, vil han potensielt kunne frata ny CEO mulighet til å uttale seg fritt om feiltrinn som er gjort tidligere.

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Tired of this non straight communication, with smokescreening and obfusicating.
It is hard for the reputation. They really need to publish something, numbers, results, whatever.

On a sidenote with the former R&D and program lead, she wrote about:

> Successfully led the NPI program for AlGaN nanowire-based UVC LEDs, securing research funding and enhancing product development through strategic partnerships.

In the semiconductor industry, NPI stand for New Product Introduction and she says it was successfully, and further she states:

> Led technical projects that contributed to a twofold increase in efficiency of AlGaN semiconductor LEDs.

So there is something about the tech, and its hard to conclude what is the real reason for no information on roadmap.

Jeg tenker det vi ihvertfall kan gjøre hver og en av oss er å sende Dobbertin en mail med sterke anbefalinger om å få på plass en ny styreleder.

Only way Dobbertin can “demand” it, is to threaten to leave the position if chairman is not stepping down. This is something either the investors or the sitting board must demand.

Vel hvis mange sender en mail til både Uthus og Dobbertin så kanskje han(Jo) skjønner det selv.

Mange sånne emails gjør nok noe med lysten til å fortsette. Min mail skal handle om villedende løgnaktig guiding og unnvikelse.

Skal også høre med et par ganske store aksjonærer om de også kan foreta seg noe.

Styre og styreleder velges av aksjonærer, ikke CEO. Styret ansetter CEO, og derfor min kommentarer over. Det blir de største aksjonærene sitt ansvar å eventuelt stille krav om det.

Han har vel lov til å gå av av fri vilje ? Det med guidingen osv, havariet pga det bla(masse i den historien) må være noe for pressen også

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Ønsketenkning, ingen blir straffet for slikt i norge. Dukker nok snart opp i styre og stell i et nytt selskap med nye millionlønninger.

Hvis man har misledet markedet og sagt at banebrytende teknologi er rett rundt hjørnet, mens det i virkelighet er langt unna så mener du det ikke skal få konsekvenser. Det er flere eksempler på toppsjefer som har blitt straffet hardt for sånt. Bla Trevor Milton i Nikola.

Og Nikola var i norge…?

Nå må vi ikke miste gangsynet her. Drøye påstander som stiller stor krav til bevisbyrde.

Poenget er at selskapet må gjenskape tillit, til investorer og ikke minst kunder. Derfor er det kanskje på sin plass å vurdere styret.

Vi har jo svart på hvitt roadmapen og quoten fra tidligere hvor han sa gen2 skulle introduseres i Q4. Er ikke det bra nok bevis ?

Ingen er strafferettslig ansvarlig for en forsinkelse med mindre markedet er misledet med overlegg. Den quoten er jeg usikker på hvor du har ifra, den har jeg ikke sett.

Hvordan kunne de i Q2 si at gen2 skulle bli klar for intro i Q4, når det viser seg at den er minst 15 mill USD og langt unna. Ingen aner hvor de egentlig er i løypa.
Er ikke det løgn og bedrag da ? Det er på en helt annen planet enn forsinkelser @OzSurfer
Jeg tror det er der alt røk med de store aktørene de sier de nesten hadde kroken også og det er alvorlig. Jeg tror de oppdaget at roadmapen ikke hadde rot i virkeligheten og dermed mistet tillit/respekt

Jeg har ikke sett referanse til gen. 2 i q2. Kan du dele den?

Jeg er helt enig i at selskapet skulle har vært mye mer åpne med hensyn på status på gen. 2. Det hadde skapt mye mer tillit. Kanskje håpet de at kun de som potensielt skulle kjøpe selskapet skulle bli kjent med forsinkelsen.

De store aktørene har naturligvis gjennomført DD, og er allerede kjent med status på gen.2

@VincentFreeman do you have that ?

Actually we got some really bad statements.


– Er det mulig å komme i gang med produksjonen tidligere?

– En måned eller to er maks, og selv det vil koste penger. Vi må passere flere milepæler før vi kommer i produksjon, og de kan ikke skyves på, svarer Peil.


– Vi kommer til å levere teknologien til de første kundene allerede i desember i år, sier Rune Rinnan.

Its confusing already here, the article from April 2020 states chips for sale in June 2021.
Then a couple of months later in September 2020, suddenly the technology will be delivered even earlier, in December 2020, in 3 months.

Then, when December 2020 is due the messages instead from Uthus is as follows:

As part of the downtime in the R&D supply-chain, CrayoNano has experienced significant reduction of availability and access to equipment and resources. The company has therefore not taped-out the product demonstrator of our UV-C LED chip to strategic customers in December 2020 as previously planned

Everything changes right after listing on NOTC.