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CrayoNano AS

  1. februar: As I said in the presentation, we are targeting to launch a UV-C LED with a 50% reduction in the priceperformance parameter in Q4 this year. The first priority is our internal EPI wafer and template technology for cost down and yield increases. We are contacting and starting qualification and early design-in activities with selected customers and partners for an early involvement with early designin activities from the middle of this year. The next step would include an implementation of our nanowire structure design to drive further cost down and performance increase.

Det er vel denne de viste til på EGF som neste produkt. I det minste ser det ut til at det ikke er noen endring i fremdrift her siden svaret i februar.

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This section is exactly what is confusing. The good thing is that whats stated in February about the launch of a new product in Q4 with 50% reduction in the price performance parameter, also reiterated in May QA, and lastly at yesterdays general assembly.

However seen in connection with the visual tech roadmap from Feb 2023 showing the ongoing development of both gen2 and gen3 on full nanowire platform, where gen2, if following same logic as the box for CrayoLED H-series, is indicated to be launched early 2024. Some months later is no huge deal.

So now, back to the update from 15 February:

As I said in the presentation, we are targeting to launch a UV-C LED with a 50% reduction in the price performance parameter in Q4 this year. The first priority is our internal EPI wafer and template technology for cost down and yield increases. We are contacting and starting qualification and early design-in activities with selected customers and partners for an early involvement with early design-in activities from the middle of this year. The next step would include an implementation of our nanowire structure design to drive further cost down and performance increase.

The question is is “next step” with nanowires after the release of the 50%-product or is it including it?

Is the 50% new product launch as a result of only internal EPI wafer and template technology for cost down and yield increases. or is it including next step would include an implementation of our nanowire structure design to drive further cost down and performance increase.

If its including the nanowires the tech roadmap is okey, under doubt.
If new product is without nanowires, the tech roadmap is not viable.

How do you interpret it?

Investormiljøene jeg har snakket med i dag forventer at det kommer en ny pref aksje emisjon på et tidspunkt

Men det kan jo hende at de bruker samme pref klasse som i dag, og ikke introduserer enda en

I find it pretty obvious (and have so for a long time) that the long promised product launch within Q4 is NOT including nanowires, etc.
This product update is merely introducing significant price reduction, and absolutely a progress to notice, however not any near Gen 2.
Also, in contradiction to some reactions here; looking back at historical presentations and promises, I still claim that Jo Uthus is not the person to blame; Rune Rinnan has throughout been the key to all euphoria.

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Det var jo bra :blush:

Ja, enda en sånn raring med.noen få ansatte og en hjemmeside som ser ut som er laget i 1998😀
Men er jo livstegn

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Hadde vert noe om de landet noen med 5000+ ansatte og en solid omsetning

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Det er vel ikke uten grunn at deres kunder er dårlige betalere og til og med går konk; dette ligner amatører

Hadde vert fint om de/selskapet kunne oppdatere markedet på at de har sikret finans/penger til xx.dato.


Selskapet svarer ikke på henvendelser om det

hopper… på lavt volum…

Noen som kjøpte 25 000 aksjer nå

Så det. Meget bra

2 5 500 08/10-24
2 19 500 08/10-24
2 500 08/10-24

Ja. Litt mer volum da :hugs:

Det er vel kun tidsspørsmål før UVC er standard på alle biler. Ikke minst på luftrensing. https://youtu.be/i7ISxLDX1wA

Lurer på hvorfor de ikke melder at bridge funding er på plass

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so what’s the plan now? wait for the emisjon ? seize the “opportunity” to lower the GAV? I guess most of us are like around -80% or more…

Hvis det er andre mulige løsninger på bordet så kan det være at det ikke er avgjort hva de havner på.

Men de sa jo på GF at de hadde klart lån for drift ut året, sånn at det kunne de vel meldt uansett, om det skulle komme bedre nyheter sigende, så er det vel bare bra.

Mye av kurs havariet er etter mitt syn ledelsen sin skyld. Burde vert mulig å ha litt mer kommunikasjon i en så kritisk fase som de selv omtaler det til.

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