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Desert Control Group - Småprat 1

For en uke dette kan bli.
Først CNN, så OKS imorgen. Og deretter avslutning expo2020.
“Stay tuned”


Liten tvil om det


Roadshow for DSRT på CNN, hvordan ser frøkna ut teknisk @savepig @Hpbjorn? Dere som har litt peil🦸


Så lenge den trader mellom 200 og 50 dagers glidende snitt er det vanlig konsolidering etter en volatil periode, om den begynner å trade over 50 dagers snitt er det mer bullish sentiment

(Fra mobilen)


Ingenting egentlig endret fra mitt forrige tekniske innlegg. Egentlig repeat av det @Savepig sier - under 25 (MA200) er not so good - over 29-31 (MA50 + MA100) er super nice. :slight_smile: Og som alltid - vi liker best bevegelser som er understøttet av VOLUM.

EDIT: Med det fundamentale som “racker” seg opp her nå må jeg innrømme at det ser veldig spennende ut… nesten så jeg føler jeg har litt for lite DSRT på kontoen (selv om nåværende beholdning er dobbelt av hva jeg så for meg ved entry :cowboy_hat_face: )


Trenger vi si mer? :stuck_out_tongue:

Du får komme med en post @Aaleby hvis du kommer over noe tidspunkt for cnn reportasjen. Det er jo et must see :partying_face:

Soleklart :ok_hand: Programmet går hver ukedag fra kl 14.00. Blir spennende å se når det popper opp :popcorn:


Dubai , “The place to be”…
Alle sendinger fra CNN dreier seg om…Mat, klima, løsninger og Expo2020.
(Og litt Will Smith og Chris Rock).



Charlie Granfelt is an experienced international sales- and marketing executive.
He joins on 1 July 2022, coming from Skretting, the world-leading aquafeed
producer, where he has held senior commercial leadership positions in Norway and
France for over 12 years. Charlie started his career in Electrolux in Hong Kong
at the end of the 1980s and has worked in global industrial companies such as
Norske Skog/Alloc and Kverneland Group. Charlie is a Swedish national who moved
to Norway in 1994 after graduating from the London School of Economics.

Ordin Husa has extensive experience streamlining worldwide operations, designing
and implementing effective processes, procedures, and strategies. He joins from
RESMAN AS, an industry leader in wireless reservoir surveillance, serving as
Chief Operating Officer. Ordin has previously held executive leadership
positions in Siemens Subsea, Roxar Software Solutions, Roxar Flow Measurement,
and Heli-One. He joins Desert Control on 1 July 2022.

We proudly welcome Charlie and Ordin to our team, says Ole Kristian Sivertsen,
Chief Executive Officer of Desert Control. I am inspired by seeing the level of
talent Desert Control is attracting to our mission. This year our focus is to
commercialize in the UAE, validate in the U.S., and build the team to ensure a
robust and effective organization to drive the continued transition from
start-up to scale-up. We are making progress in all areas and strengthening the
organization further with the new appointments to our leadership team.

Velkommen skal de være.


Carlie Granfelt er ny kommersiell direktør (CCO) i Desert Control, mens Ordin Husa er ny driftsdirektør (COO), opplyses det i en børsmelding.
Og en fin, fin børsdag…
OKS, er dermed klar for salg igjen……


Rise to the agri challenge

That is why we are launching the second edition of the FoodTech Challenge here in the UAE. Our aim is simple: We want to activate and support the best and brightest scientists, innovators, and entrepreneurs who are developing out-of-the-box ideas that can improve lives and livelihoods and, ultimately, change global food systems to more sustainable ones.

The challenges we are trying to tackle will be insurmountable without a cross-border, cross-societal response. To be successful, we must harness the power of global collaboration to find new solutions that can ensure the resilience and longevity of our food systems.

To create meaningful change, we need to identify and invest in the next wave of technology innovations that have the potential to transform agricultural systems as we currently know them. The FoodTech Challenge provides an ecosystem that can nurture the breakthrough solutions we seek and accelerate their adoption.

I know that the stakes are high, and the task is daunting. But, as society’s needs escalate, innovation and human ingenuity will move at pace. I am confident that we, as individuals and communities, can mobilize our resources, voices, and passion to address this common cause.

I invite you to join our challenge, share your winning ideas, and collaborate with us to build a food-secure world.

Nevnes dsrt i denne planen noe sted?

Ingen selskap nevnes spesifikt noen plass.

Klart DC er med i planene. Ferskvann er ikke overskuddsvare der nede.

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Ellers nydelig med litt volum så man får vasket ut gammelt flass og skeptikere :+1:


Nå er faktisk volumet litt aber i dag skal sies, ift hvor stor bevegelsen er:

Omsetning kl 13:55 er 3 344 646 - burde helst vært ca 10 mill for en så stor bevegelse

Nok til alle på 28,480 ser det ut som