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Desert Control Group - Småprat 1

Fra i dag!

Desert Control and Mawarid Extend Agreement and Prepare Strategic Partnership

Norwegian AgTech Company Desert Control has developed a liquid natural clay that can turn desert into arable land and reduce water usage for agriculture, forests, and green landscapes. The company entered an agreement and launched a pilot project with Mawarid Holding Inv. and Barari Natural Resources in UAE. Based on positive interim results from the pilot, the parties extend the agreement with additional strategic initiatives. Further, the parties announce the intention to move forward to prepare a strategic partnership to accelerate deployment of Liquid Natural Clay (LNC) for large scale operations in the United Arab Emirates.

Desert Control and Mawarid Holding Inv. reports positive development of the pilot project for initiatives to strengthen food security while reducing water requirement for agriculture, forest and green landscapes. Based on the positive interim results and successful cooperation, the agreement is being extended to include more strategic crops and applications of LNC that can further expand business opportunities. Both parties’ express commitment to move forward towards a strategic partnership for accelerated deployment of LNC within the United Arab Emirates and the wider Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.

“Mawarid and Barari create value at the forefront of innovations and sustainable practices that improve the environment while driving profitable growth,” says Mawarid Holding Investment CEO Ayman El Gayar. “In partnership with Desert Control, we can save water, reduce fertilizer usage, improve desert soils, fight desertification, and reduce costs for our operation as well as for our clients. The partnership we aim to build will have a tremendous environmental impact in the UAE and the wider MENA region."

Desert Control has a global market for its LNC, and the agreement with Mawarid targets an exclusive partnership for the United Arab Emirates as the foundation for further expansion across the MENA region.

“The foundation for any successful partnership is a united culture built on shared values with transparency that foster strong relationships and trust. Through these principles, we achieve excellent execution and solid value creation in our collaboration. Working together as partners during the initial pilot proves that we are successfully building this foundation between Mawarid and Desert Control, says CEO Ole Kristian Sivertsen.”

The partnership targets launch in the United Arab Emirates. The potential, however, is much bigger and can contribute significantly to projects such as KSA and Middle East Green Initiative to plant 50 billion trees, equal to restore 200 million hectares of degraded land, and reducing global carbon emission levels by 2,5%.

“By extending the agreement between Mawarid and Desert Control, we demonstrate commitment to develop a strategic long-term partnership with global impact.” says Chairman of Mawarid, H.E. Abdul Jaleel Alblouki. “The results of the pilot strengthen our belief that the Liquid Natural Clay innovation aligns with our goals to maintain the legacy of His Highness, the late Sheikh Zayed, by greening the desert and securing food security resources. These initiatives further align with the vision of our president H.H. Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan and Crown Prince H.H. Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan. The pilot has already demonstrated ability to reduce water demand for growing food, protecting our natural resources and safeguarding the biodiversity and climate of our ecosystems.”

The parties emphasizes that the pilot project is extended, and therefore not completed. Final results are expected during the second half of November and may differ from preliminary results.

Mawarid holding Investment and SupPlant have jointly initiated a project to demonstrate an artificial intelligence based irrigation technology that is being used for the first time in Region, this technology aims to optimize the usage of water in the agricultural industry to boost the performance and outcome of the dates farming process, that also supports Mawarid’s Corporate Responsibility, Vision and Mission in being a pioneer in the Natural Resources management and adheres to the sustainability agenda of UAE.


Spørsmålet er vel ikke om, men hvor stor kontrakten blir :rocket:

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Jepp. Her er det bare å holde på aksjene!

(I hvert fall i det lange løp).

I dag er faktisk den tredje største omsetningen i kroner noen sinne i DSRT og den nest største hvis vi ser bort fra millionen med aksjer som gitt utenom børs (?) forrige uke. Og dagen er ikke ferdig. Markedet ser ut til å ta fint i mot aksjene som noen insisterer på at skal ut på disse kursene.


Blir ikke mer bull enn dette:

“The results of the pilot strengthen our belief that the Liquid Natural Clay innovation aligns with our goals to maintain the legacy of His Highness, the late Sheikh Zayed, by greening the desert and securing food security resources. These initiatives further align with the vision of our president H.H. Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan and Crown Prince H.H. Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan. The pilot has already demonstrated ability to reduce water demand for growing food, protecting our natural resources and safeguarding the biodiversity and climate of our ecosystems.””


''The partnership we aim to build will have a tremendous environmental impact in the UAE and the wider MENA region."

Stålbull så det holder


Kult. Tipset TDN.

Men er vel egentlig det samme som DSRT la ut selv 21. oktober?


Dobblet akkurat Sivertsen ambisjonene!?
Jeg må kjøpe meg ny kalkulator! :sweat_smile:

Dette når nok litt lenger enn en pressemelding.

Al Bawaba bills itself as "the largest independent producer and distributor of content in the Middle East… [with] a full-time staff of journalists and editors covering the Middle East and North Africa region’s events and news.




Frederic da!

Her har han tydelivs tråkket feil, eller så er DC med på dette?

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Drivhus kan brukes til å dyrke grønnsaker, men det stopper ikke ørkenspredning eller binder CO2.
Man kan ikke bygge drivhus over enorme arealer med f.eks korn eller mais.
Dette er absolutt ingen konkurrent.


Bellona og DC har samarbeida før har eg lest i TU, men her ser det ikkje ut til at DC er involvert. Sjå s. 23 her

Nei, det gjør de absolutt ikke, det er der jeg mener Frederic har tråkket feil / valgt feil hest.
Og dette har han tydeligvis også fått staten med på.

Dette er utrolig ressurskrevende, og grønnsakene vil bli for dyre for det lokale markedet.
Og hvorfor skal Bama importere dette, det gjør jo bare grønnsakene enda dyrere og mer utilgjengelige for de lokale som trenger dem.


Én etter én faller brikkene på plass…

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos will join the Prince of Wales at a Cop26 event promoting the greening of north Africa, Clarence House has confirmed.


Sivertsen fra 2:0:00


Fra klimatoppmøtet nå:

Flere nordiske og britiske pensjonsfond har annonsert at de vil forplikte seg til å investere 130 milliarder dollar i fornybar energi og klimaløsninger innen 2030.

DC er vel i aller høyeste grad en klimaløsning. :innocent:


Ja super ide å bruke opp fremtidens pensjoner på grønne prosjekter, ettersom jeg tror at veeeldig mye av dette grønne ender i konkurs. Ikke sikkert fremtidens pensjonister blir fornøyd med avkortet pensjon etter at myndighetene har kastet milliarder etter grønne prosjekter uten rot i virkeligheten…

PS: Her snakker jeg IKKE om Desert Control, som har rot i virkelighetens verden.

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Uten grønt skifte har vi en tsunami av problemer i vente

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Regner med at de vet hva de holder på med og at de har en plan bak det. De kommer ikke til å sette pengene i hva som helst, men solide og sterke selskaper, som forhåpentligvis Desert er ila 2030.

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