Diskusjon Triggere PortefĂžljer AksjonĂŠrlister


Blir dpennande frrmover

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Tegnet meg for 48214 aksjer i emisjonen, fikk 375. Hipp, hipp hurra!

Ikke bruk alt pÄ ett sted.De fleste fikk det samme som deg.Var 30 ganger overtegnet.

Austevoll-rederiet Dof har sin fÞrste dag pÄ Oslo BÞrs torsdag.

Dermed er rederiet igjen klare for bĂžrsnotering etter Ă„revis med gjeldsforhandlinger, aksjonĂŠropprĂžr og konkurs.

Selskapet har nĂŠr 4000 nye aksjonĂŠrer, ifĂžlge en bĂžrsmelding.

Mandag varslet oljeserviceselskapet Subsea 7 at det ikke kom til Ä endre sitt bud pÄ selskapet, dersom ikke styret utrykker villighet til Ä gÄ inn i en konstruktiv dialog.

I forrige uke kom Subsea 7 med et bud pÄ «nye» Dof pÄ 35 kroner per aksje. Det ble senere avvist av styret i Dof.

@pdx Kan vi fÄ koblet denne trÄden til den nye tickeren DOFG eller mÄ det lages ny trÄd?

SĂ„nn? :slight_smile:

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Sprek start i dag, opp over 35%. Retail investorer fÄr ikke aksjene pÄ konto fÞr pÄ mandag om jeg har forstÄtt det rett, sÄ ikke mulig Ä ta gevinst i dag.

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Da mangler vi bare aksjekursen :wink:

Kommer etter hvert :slight_smile:

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Jeg har Pareto og solgte i Äpningen. Ingen vits Ä sitte med det lave antallet, og vil ikke kjÞpe flere pÄ 37-38-39

Av ren nysgjerrighet: hvordan klarte du Ä selge? Blir ikke aksjene tilgjengelig fÞrst pÄ mandag (gitt at du ikke er en av de institusjonelle)?

Vil tippe at det er forskjell mellom bankene nÄr de blir tilgjengelig?

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Notification of major holdings

Rettelse: Det ble beskrevet i prospektet pÄ eller rundt 26. Fikk mine pÄ konto i dag. Hvorfor noen retail kunne selge i gÄr lurer jeg og pÄ.

Pareto: Expected settlement (institutional tranche): 23 June 2023.

Settlement (oppgjĂžr) 23.juni innebĂŠrer levering 21. Juni. Har du da oppgjĂžr 26. juni blir levering da 22. Juni.

Pareto forventer oppgjÞr for begge transjer 23. juni sÄ det er nok det at de er mer effektive enn DNB og de andre.

Oversikt over gjelden i DOFG

8.13 Financing
The Group’s material borrowings consist of the Bonds, debt to credit institutions and lease debt. Following the Restructuring (see Section 5.2.2 above), the Group’s capital structure was reconstructed. As at 31 March, 2023 the Bonds of NOK 699 million was outstanding, the debt to credit institutions of NOK 13,193 million was outstanding and the lease debt of NOK 510 million was outstanding.
The Group’s borrowings include financial covenants. The main terms and covenants are described below:
The NOK 675 million bond loan
In accordance with the Restructuring Agreement, an amount of NOK 675 million outstanding under three previous bonds issuances was reinstated into the DOF Subsea AS’s senior unsecured convertible NOK 675 million bonds, with ISIN NO0012753666. The Bonds mature in full on 17 December 2027 and the Group will have the option to settle the Bonds in cash or by the issue to the bondholders of Ordinary Shares in the Company. The Bonds is deemed to have accrued interest from 30 June 2022 at a rate of the aggregate of NIBOR and 2% p.a. payable by issuance of additional bonds (payments-in-kind) under the same ISIN. The Bonds are unsecured, but guaranteed by DOF PLSV Investments AS, a direct wholly owned subsidiary of the Company which owns 50% of the shares in DOFCON JV. As the date of the Prospectus, NOK 699 million is outstanding under the Bonds.

Debt to credit institutions
The Group’s debt to credit institutions comprises of an overdraft facility of NOK 25 million, whereby NOK 10 million is drawn at the date of the Prospectus, and maritime mortgages. The maritime mortgages include a combination of commercial bank financing and export credit facilities. There is generally one loan facility financing each vessel or a fleet of vessels, secured by, inter alia, a mortgage and other security interests relating to the relevant vessel(s). The Group’s debt to credit institutions bear interest at variable rates plus a margin, whereas certain export credit financing incurs a fixed interest rate. The Group’s overdraft facility bears interest at a variable rate plus a margin.

Financial covenants
After implementation of the Restructuring Agreement in March 2023, the Group’s financing agreements include the following financial covenants (the proportionate consolidation method of accounting is applied for the joint ventures): DOF Subsea Group (excluding DOF Subsea Brazil Ltda.)  The DOF Subsea Group shall have available cash of at least NOK 600 million on each testing date.  DOF Subsea Group shall have positive working capital, (current assets less current liabilities excluded current portion of debt to credit institutions), on each testing date.
 DOF Subsea Group`s interest coverage ratio (EBITDA / interest payable in period) shall be no less than the level set out that period. The interest coverage ratios are the following: From June 2023 to December 2023, 2.0x, from March 2024 to December 2024, 2,50x and from March 2025 December to 2025, 3.25x.  Fair value (based on 2 brokers valuations) for the vessels shall be at least 100% of the total outstanding loans related to the vessels.
Testing date is set to be the last day in each quarter.

The DOF Subsea Group has further the following financial covenants as guarantor for two facilities in the joint venture with TechnipFMC:DOF GROUP ASA – REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 86
 The DOF Subsea Group shall have value adjusted equity to value adjusted assets of at least 30%.
 The DOF Subsea Group shall have a minimum book equity of NOK 3,000 million.
 The DOF Subsea Group shall have positive working capital at all times, excl. current portion of debt to credit institutions.
 The DOF Subsea Group shall have free cash of minimum NOK 500 million.
The DOF Subsea Group is in compliance with all covenants as per 31 March 2023.
DOF Rederi AS
 DOF Rederi AS shall have available cash of at least 175 million.
 DOF Rederi AS shall have positive working capital, (current assets less current liabilities excluded current portion of debt to credit institutions), on each testing date.
 DOF Rederi AS interest coverage ratio (EBITDA / interest payable in period) shall be no less than the level set out that period. The interest coverage ratios are the following: From June 2023 to December 2023, 2.50x, from March 2024 to December 2024, 3.50x and from March 2025 to December 2025, 5.0x.
 Fair value (based on 2 brokers valuations) for the vessels shall be at least 100% of the total outstanding loans related to the vessels.
 In the event of a sale of a non-core vessel (as defined in the existing facilities agreement), the proceeds received shall be paid as a fee to the relevant lenders and shall not constitute a prepayment of the facility.
Testing date is set to be the last day in each quarter.

Norskan Offshore Ltda.
 Norskan Offshore shall have available cash of at least USD 1.5 million until June 2023, USD 3.5 million until September 2023, USD 7 million until December 2023 and from January 2024 USD 16 million.
 Norskan interest coverage ratio (EBITDA / interest payable in period) shall be no less than the level set out that period. The interest coverage ratios are the following: From June 2023 to
December 2024 1.25x, from March 2025 to June 2025,
1.5x and from June 2025 to December 2025, 1.75x.
 Fair value (based on 2 brokers valuations) for the vessels shall be at least in range of 63% to 77% of the total outstandingloans related to the vessels. Testing date is set to be the last day in each quarter.
In addition to the covenants there listed above the loan agreements include regulations with regards to cash sweeps. Cash sweeps thresholds in different silos are the following:
 Norskan Offshore: USD 30 million
 DOF Rederi: NOK 275 million
 DOF Subsea (ex DOF Subsea Brasil and ex minority interests in DOF Installer ASA): NOK 1,075 million
 DOF Subsea Brasil: BRL 50 million
Cash balances are tested quarterly.
As of the date of the Registration Document, the Group is in compliance with all financial covenants.

Cash sweep avtale:
The loan agreements have also established cash sweep mechanisms for each silo (but not in the JV DOFCON silo), meaning that any additional cash (above a certain agreed cash sweep level – which again is set above the required financial covenant of the minimum cash level) from proceeds from sale of assets, higher revenues etc for the silo, is to be spent on additional repayment of
the loan to the entity. Hence, such additional cash repayments of loans through cash sweeps come in addition to the contractual quarterly loan instalments. As such the Company will not be able to use cash from one silo to repair any shortfall of cash (for the minimum cash covenant) in another silo, nor pay dividends to shareholders of the Group, as long as the current loan agreements are in place. The Group can also only spend a maximum of NOK 500 million of its operational cash flow on capital expenditures for M&A (over a three year period from date of the Restructuring). This limit of capital expenditures does not apply to ordinary maintenance capital expenditures, which are required for the vessels’ operations like drydocking

Forfallsprofil pÄ gjelden

9.6 The Group’s 2023 Outlook Summary

Item , . 
 . . 
2023 outlook
 NOK 4,200,000,000 – 4,700,000,000.
Interest cost 
 NOK ~1,000,000,000.
Scheduled repayments 
 NOK ~1,300,000,000.
Annual maintenance capex 
NOK 800,000,000 – 1,000,000,000.

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Tidewater var opp 10 % i usa pĂ„ fredag, markedet er stramt om dagen for denne bransjen. Subsea 7 sitt bud er forstĂ„elig, de Ăžnsket Ă„ snappe opp selskapet “billig” da de har behov for flere bĂ„ter. Smart av DOFG Ă„ takke nei, da potensialet i kursen er mye hĂžyere i tiden fremover enn de skarve 35 kr budet var pĂ„.

DOF Group ASA – End of stabilisation and exercise of greenshoe option

DOF Group ASA – Resolution to increase the share capital

DOF Group ASA: Registration of share capital increase