Forbudet gjelder 30 dager før finansiell rapportering. Så det åpnes vel et vindu nå for de insidere som ønsker det.
Det gjelder også hvis de sitter på kursdrivende innsideinformasjon, for eksempel kjennskap til lansering med ny OEM
This regards phones only, not for PC, as far as I did understand. There were several cell phone expansion contracts during Q1.
Innsiderne i dette selskapet er ikke kjent for annet enn å selge aksjer utenom tidligere styreleder. Husker at tidligere styreleder kjøpte (sist for 2 år siden på kurs 20-tallet).
Hadde ikke gjort noe å bytte ut de to kvinnene i styret nå med noen andre.
CFO kjøpte sist høst
Hjemmesiden tilsier at de hvertfall kommer i lenovo AMD
Ser ut som den inngår i de 13 som har vært nevnt i år?
Synes rapporten denne gangen var mer betryggende med tanke på en potensiell emisjon. Men det var et spørsmål jeg prøvde å stille i presentasjonen, men det virka som at de bare prøvde å komme seg vekk asap. Men tenkte å høre med dere som kan dette her litt bedre. Når seamless funksjonen er oppe å går, er dette noe som kan også bli implementert i mobiltelefoner slik at man får betalt for dette per enhet, eller er det kun for laptops segmentet?
I såfall, kan jo inntektene øke betydlig mye mer? Sitter igjen med inntrykk at det er kun gjennom laptops det kommer til å generere inntekter.
My current understanding is that the software would need to be in both connected devices to make it work.
This creates an unbelievable opportunity and explains to me how Lenovo alone could provide that 500m nok in revenues as Laila has said.
- my estimate is around 0.5€ per device for Seamless (around 0.4€ for HPD alone)
- lenovo sells 60mil laptops and 10 mil tablets annually
- 70mil devices x 0.5€/device makes up to 35mil. € or >400mil. Nok
This is a rough illustrative example. As we dont know the maximum potential revenue from Lenovo there is uncertainty in this estimate. And there is difference in pricing models due to contracts, but I’m talking about a rough average.
Potentially having HPD+Seamless in all laptops and Seamless in all tablets could create e.g.:
- Laptops/pc: 60mil x 0.9€ = 54mil.€
- tablets: 10mil x 0.5€ = 5mil.€
Yeah its impossible to know anything for certain. However hoping per unit prices are more. Interesting times ahead, Thanks for your input.
Jeg stilte meg det samme spørsmålet etter presentasjonen. Antar jo at seamless bare virker mot mobil som også har aktivert lisens. Mulig det ikke er så interessant for Lenovo å gå så bredt ut før seamless da også støttes av et større antall mobil modeller i tillegg?
Men OM det en gang i fremtiden blir den nye standarden, så er jo potensialet enormt…!
Eier ikke Lenovo, Motorola? Selv om det ikke er et enormt markedet (Motorola) kan synerigene bli enorme. Naturlig at de putter software i både Lenovo og Motorola først for å vise verden hvor godt de snakker sammen.
Motorola slapp vel en type Seamless i sine mobiltelefoner for en stund siden?, men det var kkke Elabs tech. Har denne softwaren blitt en suksess?
Må vel være noe annet enn Elabs, virker ikke være 100% seamless
I’m just speculating, but looking at the short Q&A without answers to 2nd OEM launch etc. combined with the upcoming CMD in two months… there is a good chance that either the 2nd OEM or Seamless sensor is launched before the upcoming CMD event. Could also be both as they are in integration phase of the Seamless products.
And the latest comments regarding 2nd OEM were given at 20:00 mark of the Q4/2023 webcast. I.e. launch in 2024.
I think the main idea of CMD is to raise attention among institutional investors. The business case would be much more compelling for them after the products are on markets with 2 PC OEMs vs. just one.
What do you think? I mean if they present there with just one PC OEM launched and cannot give any exact near-term guidance etc. then its a little waste of time? Or the message towards institutions is not as compelling and launching the 2nd OEM only afterwards would not be best timing for a CMD.
In case 2nd OEM has not been launched, then I’m expecting them to update their financial targets in the CMD.
I have had the same thoughts and also believe that we before CMD will see the launch of either the seamless sensor or a new OME - hopefully both. And its not necessarily certain that Lenovo is the seamless customer (even though everybody think so - including DNB future waves that expressed in the podcast that they were confident about this). Considering that we are now entering the «back to school» sales period, it also makes sense that a launch will happen right after the summer.
From Q1 presentation, i remember Laila saying that They are allowed to do a «big news splash» when the new customer to be announced. The CMD event could be the platform for this «big news splash».
In my eyes the thing here was that the Seamless itself will be the «big news splash» in the OEMs marketing campaigns, not just Elabs bragging about it.
my bet is that the Seamless has been announced - with its big marketing jippo from the customer - shortly ahead of the cmd. So buckle up. This is the big and visible news…a first PC order from a 2nd laptop manufacturer is good, great, but not so visible. What would also be interesting to know regarding Seamless is whether it could be installed in phones as an app. I.e., both in Android and Apple phones. If so, Seamless could gain more speed. I have tried to ask this question to Elabs, but as always, silence…
Noen som har det klart for seg hvilke store fordeler Seamless tilbyr (i funksjonalitet) utover hva som presenteres for Smart Connect?
I have included my own notes that it can be provided to almost any existing device as an OTA update. As its it my notes I have checked it to be a fact. I just cannot remember what webcast it was, but it was likely some webcast Q/A session from 2023.
My understanding is that this was for any of the software sensors as it shouldn’t matter which one is provided as an OTA update. They all use the same HW of any device etc.