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Episurf Medical (EPIS-B)

Episurf Medical (Nasdaq: EPIS B) today announces that the first Episealer Talus surgery in Scandinavia was performed earlier today at the Arcademy Clinic at Sophiahemmet, Stockholm, Sweden. The surgery was performed by Dr Jouko Kivioja and his team, supported by Prof. Niek van Dijk from the FIFA Medical Center of Excellence, Madrid, Spain.

Arcademy is a center of excellence at Sophiahemmet hospital with a vision to lead and improve surgery and healthcare. Performing the first Episealer Talus surgery in Scandinavia today is an example of how we constantly strive for excellence. The patient has suffered for a long time due to a large injury in his ankle joint, which we today have resolved with an Episealer Talus implant, says Dr Jouko Kivioja.

We are very pleased with the cooperation with the team at the Arcademy Clinic, leading up to this first Episealer Talus surgery in Scandinavia. We look forward to continued cooperation, and we hope to offer this implant solution to many more patients in Sweden and other countries. I also want to congratulate Dr Kivioja and his team on a successful surgery, says Pål Ryfors, CEO Episurf Medical.

We are proud of Dr Jouko Kivioja, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at the Arcademy clinic, Sophiahemmet. Today, he has performed the first surgery in Scandinavia for a large lesion in an ankle, for which an individualised implant, an Episealer Talus implant, has been used to repair the lesion, says Dr Elisabet Hagert, CEO Arcademy Clinic.

For more information, please contact:

Pål Ryfors, CEO, Episurf Medical


Episurf Medical (Nasdaq: EPIS B) today announces that the first Episealer surgery in Scotland was performed earlier today at BMI Albyn Hospital, in Aberdeen, Scotland. The surgery was performed by orthopaedic surgeon Mr. Bidwell and his team.

I want to congratulate Mr. Bidwell and his team on a successful surgery this morning. The first Episealer surgery in Scotland is a great milestone for us, says Pål Ryfors, CEO Episurf Medical.


Hmm blå dag her idag, har vi satt bunnen?


Lå drøyt 200k på kjøp til 2,01 :blush:

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Rettet emisjon på kurs 1,80. Får inn ca 66 mill.

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Episurf Medical carries out a directed share issue and raises proceeds of SEK 66 million (Cision)

2020-11-26 19:30

This press release may not be made public, published or distributed, directly or indirectly, within or to the United States, Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, Canada, New Zealand, Switzerland, Singapore, South Africa or any other jurisdiction where such action would be unlawful or subject to legal restrictions.

The Board of Directors of Episurf Medical AB (publ) (”Episurf Medical” or the ”Company”) has, based on the authorisation granted by the Annual General Meeting on 2 April 2020, resolved on a directed issue of 36,811,000 shares of series B at an issue price of SEK 1.80 per share (the “Share Issue”). The Company will thereby receive proceeds of SEK 66,259,800 before transaction costs. The issue price corresponds to a discount of 9 percent in relation to the volume-weighted average price for the Company’s share during the last 5 trading days up to and including 26 November 2020. The Share Issue is directed mainly to strategic and institutional investors who have undertaken to subscribe for and pay all shares in the Share Issue, among others Andra AP-fonden, Fjärde AP-fonden, Nyenburgh Holding, Primas Invest, Rhenman & Partners, Strand Kapitalförvaltning, Tredje AP-fonden and Unionen.

Through the share issue, we assess that our financial needs are secured at least until mid-2023, by which time we expect to have achieved several additional commercial and clinical milestones. We are now increasing our commercial focus towards key markets in Europe and certain markets outside of Europe, including a focus on marketing, regulatory work, and reimbursement. We are also taking an important step in our development, as the company’s institutional shareholding increases significantly. I want to take the opportunity to thank all the investors for their support in this transaction ”, says Pål Ryfors, CEO of Episurf Medical.

In connection with the Share Issue, the Company’s board of directors and management team have undertaken towards Zonda Partners, who is the Sole Bookrunner of the Share Issue, subject to customary exceptions, not to, without Zonda Partners’ consent, sell their shares in the Company during a period of 180 days from the Board of Directors’ resolution regarding the Share Issue.

The purpose of the Share Issue is to satisfy the Company’s capital needs in order to create additional financial capacity to realise the Company’s business plan and thereby create shareholder value. The reason for deviating from the pre-emptive rights of existing shareholders is to broaden the institutional shareholder base and at the same time implement the capital raising in a time- and cost-efficient manner.

As a result of the Share Issue, the total number of shares in the Company will increase from 185,029,787 shares to 221,840,787 shares, divided on 971,024 shares of series A and 220,869,763 shares of series B, and the Company’s share capital increases from SEK 55,555,921.25 to SEK 66,608,568.77. The Share Issue entails a dilution of approximately 16.59 percent and 16.45 percent in relation to the total number of issued shares and votes in the Company, respectively, after the Share Issue.

In connection with the Share Issue, Zonda Partners AB was appointed as Sole Bookrunner and Hannes Snellman Attorneys Ltd as legal advisor. Aktieinvest FK AB is settlement agent for the Share Issue.

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Jeg er overrasket, det burde jeg kanskje ikke være, selskapet har vel historie for å slite med å hente penger. Så når fondene liner opp og ber om å få være med, så ser vel ledelsen det som 2 fluer i en smekk å sette en rettet emisjon.

Jeg sa jeg var overrasket; på grunn av mitt eget regnestykke som sier at det er ei stund til neste emisjon. Jeg mente det var kontanter for 7 kvartaler fremover. Ut sommer 2022. Jeg forventet derfor emisjon først i 2021 Q3.


Dette er en solid derisking av caset. Jeg har hatt litt magefølelse på at det fort kunne komme så har ikke turt å sitte for tungt inne, men det blir aktuelt å vekte litt opp igjen nå.

Hadde jo et lite håp om at denne skulle kunne settes til et premium istedet for rabatt, men de trenger vel akkurat litt mer pondus først.


Ser spesialinvestoren stiller opp også her kjent fra pcib og andre norske biotech. De har ikke brukt å være de mest langsiktige.

Helt meningsløs aktør

Kan du utdype?

Stiller opp i emisjoner ja men selger seg ut eller ned like etterpå er min erfaring blant annet fra pcib. Trvx nano har de også vært med på emisjoner nyenburgh

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Så da har man kanskje mulighet til å få noen flere aksjer på en dipp ned mot emisjonskurs? Spørsmålet er hvor mange aksjer de har tegnet, det er jo mange andre fond også med.

Ja ser man på kursutvikling i trvx og nano der jeg tror det var med i sist emisjon så er også under emisjonskurs mulig. Dette er en proff emisjonsaktør somjeg mistenker bruker hele verktøykassa for å tjene penger uansett kursutvikling.

De var visst med på forrige emisjon her også

Av gammel biotek-vane satte jeg kjøp rett under emisjonskurs, men enda morsommere når det går opp :wink:


Hadde også håpet på en liten dupp her, men får vel nøye meg med det jeg har

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Da var vi tilbake på snittet mitt. Kan ikke si jeg traff helt bra her med kjøpet, men har jo egentlig flere år som perspektiv her. Litt overrasket over at de kjørte emisjonen når de gjorde, ville jo trodd de kunne fått til en bedre emisjon om et år, med tanke på resultatene de mest sannsynlig kommer til å legge fram de neste 12 månedene.


Det er godt mulig noen ikke er veldig langsiktige i denne emisjonen her. Så det skal du ikke utelukke helt. Ennå håp.
I sverige kan vi se meglerstatistikk, ser bare på 100k eller over.:

Foreløpig ser det bra ut kursmessig, redeye er også positive!
