Av alle aksjer jeg har, så er vel Episurf den mest volatile. De har et sinnsykt potensiale (mcap for knee implants ~100 milliarder SEK). De har penger til og med forventet break-even og rundt 18 mnd før de er der. Mao, selskapet er veldig vanskelig å verdsette og blir derfor tradet som bare det.
Tipper de blir kjøpt opp av en amerikansk kjempe
Spania også:
Episurf Medical (Nasdaq: EPIS B) today announces that the first surgery with the ankle implant Episealer Talus in Spain has been scheduled.
We are continuing to execute on our international strategy, and I am pleased with having the first Episealer Talus surgery in Spain scheduled. This also means that during 2021, we have had customers in 15 countries globally. Given that we are still early on our development curve, I believe that says something about our level om ambition, says Pål Ryfors, CEO Episurf Medical.
Weekly blir nok også bruddet bekreftet. I første omgang blir det opp og teste highs, og så får vi se hva som skjer derfra. Får den litt moment tror jeg vi kan se 5kr+ innen året er omme.
The company announced on 2 September that the 5-7-year follow-up data for the first trial with the Episealer system has been accepted for publication. We view this as important (even though it is a small trial) as it should validate the long-term outcome of Episealer treatment. We understand there have been no revisions for five years and the patients feel as well as after the 2-year follow-up. We reiterate our fair value of SEK2.7-8.2.
Long-term follow-up data of first Episealer patients to be published. The company announced on 2 September that the long-term follow-up data for the first trial with 10 patients treated with the Episealer implant system has been approved for publication. As of now, we do not know the full outcome, but the company mentioned in the press release that the data shows no revisions for the 5-7 years of follow-up. This looks to be a very good result and to confirm the data seen after two years of follow-up.
Long-term follow-ups needed for market success. Even though the trial is small, it confirms the outcomes of larger, but shorter trials of the implant system, and we believe this data should be supportive of the companys sales efforts. The 2-year follow-up data for these patients presented in 2017 showed (besides no implant revisions) a clear improvement in the patients knee and pain (measured by the KOOS and VAS scales). We are hopeful that the KOOS and VAS results will be in line with the data presented previously. In general terms, this type of documentation is needed to secure a strong market position in this patient group in our view, with several other implant systems and alternative treatments launched historically that indicated short-term beneficial outcomes but failed to provide the patients with a long-term solution to their knee injuries.
Launch of Talus implant progressing as planned. The new implant solution for injuries in the ankle - the Talus implant - is being rolled out gradually. The company was clear that the first step of the launch would take place in a controlled fashion, with only selected clients being approached. However, it has already reported the first planned and conducted procedures in, among others, Hong Kong, Spain and Estonia.
Fair value of SEK2.7-8.2 reiterated. We believe the company is moving in the right direction, with growth in its clinical documentation set to continue into 2022. The new patella implant product could add revenues earlier than previously forecast and allow entry into the US market sooner than with the Episealer implant system. We believe its financial position is stable, and its cash should take it into 2023.
Click here to view full report (https://www.dnb.no/seg-fundamental/fundamentalweb/GetReports.aspx?file=CMPSP_181080.pdf&Sid=1-7XT0MIJ)
Best regards
Patrik Ling | DNB Markets | Equity Research | Senior Analyst Healthcare
Litt av et sprik i fair value range! Jeg er ikke så informert om selskapet, men vanskelig å vurdere da tydeligvis?
Dette er vel standard bear-bull price range fra DnB.
De er først beregnet break even i 2023, så vanskelig å spå noe med sikkerhet så langt fram. Vil si oppsiden er mye, mye høyere, men umulig å si før man har mer data.
Nå ser det ikke like dust ut å holde på 4kr og kjøpe mer på 3,6. Er moden for en skikkelig oppgang nå. Pent volum på bruddet på trenden, tar det ut forrige high også?
Rykker litt igjen Går ganske fine volumer omkring 4kr nå
Episurf over 4 kr
Legger denne her. Virker som om det har gått under radaren at en konkurrent til Epi er blitt oppkjøpt.
Ferdig med en 3 måneder lang konsolidering nå?
Har du noen kommentarer til dette? Var konkurrente børsnotert? Høy budpremie?
Ikke børsnotert så vidt jeg vet, så det er vanskelig å si noe om premie eller ikke. Prisen for selskapet ble ihvertfall 500musd, noe som tilsvarer rundt 5x mcap til EPI pdd.
Blir spennende å se om dette er den “vanlige” trader-effekten i aksjen som vi har sett x ganger før og det er rett ned etter at trigger har vært.
Episealer Knee implant patients will be presented by Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Clemens Kösters at the 38[th] annual AGA Congress in Innsbruck, Austria, which will take place on September 9-11.
Synes det ser helt nydelig ut!
Bruddet opp av trekanten kan indikere bevegelsen nå opp til 4,50ish som også sammenfaller med tidligere topper/bunner.
Forrige topp var på 4,12, kursen nå er 4,11. Klarer den å etablere seg over 4,12, så er det mer sannsynlig med en kraftig økning nå (muligens etter en kortere konsolidering).