Det skjer mye i kulissene her tror jeg… få på litt mer volum her nå så kommer den inn på Coinmarket cap. De jobber også om listing på en større exchange (jeg tipper KuCoin).
Siste nytt fra CEO’en.
Det skjer mye i kulissene her tror jeg… få på litt mer volum her nå så kommer den inn på Coinmarket cap. De jobber også om listing på en større exchange (jeg tipper KuCoin).
Siste nytt fra CEO’en.
@Nocturne da har jeg omsider fått tatt meg et lodd jeg også. Snittkurs på ca. 0.00013 ETH.
Blir spennende å følge med på hva som skjer her
Velkommen ombord! Da har du lavere snitt enn meg! Jeg har veldig tro på denne. Flip token implementeres i platformen ila. denne måneden og så regner jeg med vi også skal få noe news om partnere…
Håper dette blir gull for dere!
Tenkte å kjøre meg inn her ved å selge noe Nano med overskudd, men weeeell…
Nano lambo moon som ungdommen sier.
Men game flip også
Det der skjønte jeg null av
kursen to the moon også kjøper man lamborghini lizzorm
Har du noen lodd her?
Da er de ute med ny update + demo av Flip-wallet !
Virker også som de har hørt på community på Telegram. Jeg chatta litt med CEO på priv - hyggelig fyr. Hadde forståelse for at marketing ikke var on par, men forklarte det med at all fokus nå var på å få Flip integrert i platformen. Hintet om at markedsføringstiltak kommer og det står det da vitterlig om også i Medium artikkelen.
I tillegg har de flere partnerships på gang + de har fått med en dude til salg i Asia markedet.
I motsetning til hva naysay’erne lenger oppe sier tror jeg dette blir enormt bra
FLIP Monthly Progress Report — March 2018
Dear FLIP Community,
We thank you for your ongoing support and community growth efforts. Below is a summary of our project progress. Moving forward, we will update you through these monthly reports as well as regular press releases to the gaming and crypto public.
We are making good development progress with the FLP wallet and FLP payment within the Gameflip platform. On our internal test environment, testers are actively testing transactions using FLP. Our platform will allow sellers to choose whether he wants to be paid in USD, FLP, or combination of both. When both are selected, buyers can purchase from both FLP and USD wallets, not having to worry about having insufficient balance in each individual wallet. This design choice requires more development effort from our engineering team, but we believe the flexibility is important for users to adopt FLP.
The bulk of the development is now complete. Additional testing and bug fixes are still needed and some work still remains before we can roll it out live to our community. Over the month of March, we expect to polish the web UI to improve usability and to add more support to onboard users who are unfamiliar with the FLP crypto-token and blockchain.
In preparation for the large marketing campaign scheduled for the summer timeframe to promote FLP, we are localizing the Gameflip website and mobile apps to the following languages: Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese, Russian, Polish, German, French, Portuguese and Spanish.
(min utheving)
In addition to seeding our FLP token among the 3M+ dedicated users on Gameflip, we’ve been busy lining up some exciting partnerships to bring FLP into the gaming ecosystem. We can’t disclose the names of the companies we’re currently speaking with due to NDAs governing our discussions. However, we believe our community should receive as much information as possible regarding potential partnerships. Over the coming months, we’ll make announcements to keep the FLP community updated on our progress including the following:
• Publishers — Company A: European mobile RTS and MMO game developer, Company B: global European based PC MMO game developer, Company C: global Asian based PC and mobile RPG and MMO game developer, Company D: global European based mobile RPG and RTS game developer
• eSports platforms — Company E: one of the largest competitive gaming platforms in the world, Company F: one of the fasting growing tournament platforms in Europe and Asia
• Gamer communities and services — Company G: major online MMO gaming community, Company H: leading gaming hardware and gamer services company
• Esports teams — Company I: top worldwide CSGO team, Company J: top worldwide Rocket League team
Xiang Wang, Head of Partnerships for Asia
Xiang Wang is one of our advisors and provided substantial support for our project during the token sale. We’re very excited to announce that he has formally joined our team as a consultant to develop key partnerships for FLP throughout Asia.
Xiang Wang has over 15 years of experience with software design and development in Silicon Valley and China, specializing in authentication, data encryption and blockchain technologies. As co-founder and co-organizer, he led the effort at planning, promoting and organizing the 2018 Global (Shanghai) Blockchain and DAPP Startup Competition with support of the Chinese government. This event aimed to boost awareness of blockchain technology in sectors ranging from infrastructure to public policy and to discover innovative ways major industries can harness the power of blockchain technology.
Hoho, flip er billigere enn ever og de har akkurat annonsert første partner
First Early Access Game Publisher Partners with Gameflip
SAN JOSE, CA — After its oversubscribed FLP token sale, leading digital goods marketplace Gameflip has reached its next major milestone: forging its first early access partnership with global game publisher & developer Frozen Donkey Software.
The exclusive partnership gives a few innovative publishers the opportunity to expand their business onto the blockchain. Participating publishers receive:
FLP tokens to distribute to their gaming community for transacting digital goods in the Gameflip marketplace.
Exclusive early access to the FLP SDK. This enables publishers to place digital goods on the blockchain for fraud-free transactions. They will receive a commission for every FLP transaction of their digital goods.
The Frozen Donkey team has more than thirty years of combined experience developing games at top global publishers including Bigpoint, Ubisoft and WHOW Games. Before Frozen Donkey, the team worked on projects such as Ubisoft’s Rainbow Six Siege and UPlay PC platform, along with Bigpoint’s Seafight, Darkorbit and Farmerama. The team is currently developing core and casual games, including an upcoming item trading game.
“Frozen Donkey has a strong track record developing extremely successful midcore and core games around the free-to-play mechanic. We’re looking forward to working closely with this team to develop and implement our FLP SDK in their upcoming titles.” said Gameflip CEO JT Nguyen.
“We’re excited to be partnering with Gameflip. We’ve known the core team for nearly a decade and know they have a deep understanding of the frustrations of both game publishers and gamers around transacting digital gaming goods,” said Frozen Donkey CEO Torben Ludwig.”
About Gameflip
Ijji, Inc. (doing business as “Gameflip”) is a corporation based in San Jose, California, USA, and funded by venture funds in Silicon Valley. The management team has decades of combined experience in gaming both as developers and publishers, and now as digital goods marketplace operators. The Gameflip digital goods marketplace has more than 3 million registered users and 500k monthly actives. Learn more about Gameflip, its FLP crypto-token and its expert team.
About Frozen Donkey
Frozen Donkey is a German-based development studio that creates games and hardware prototypes. Founded by gaming industry veterans, the company collaborates with top publishers like Ubisoft, Whow Games and Spil Games. Their projects include REWE Digital, Kurt König Digital Services and the 300,000 subscriber-strong YouTube Project “Kliemannsland”. Learn more about Frozen Donkey.
Media Contact:
Steve Caracappa
E-sport liga annonsert. De kjører en $10.000 give-away i form av fliptokens til gamere. Blir spennende å se når disse tar platformen og token i bruk!
På telegram står det at noen dumpa 130000flp…
Weird. Prisen falt en del gitt
Jeg sikler på å øke om vi får den til 0.05 cent
Med dagens ETH kurs så er vi nesten der
Så er flp operativt og volumet øker og prisen er stabil tross markedet. Blir spennende å se fremtiden.
Yes, absolutt. Har ikke glemt denne, og det er nå vi får se hvor mye adoption token får!
Hva tenker du nå da? Jeg er tålmodig jeg, men troen er litt borte
Nei, er vel ikke så mye mer å si enn at man bare må vente til vi kommer ut av beartrenden. Så lenge vi ikke har hypen tror jeg heller ikke denne eller andre alts vil stige noe særlig.
Jeg hadde nok snittet ned i noen alts om jeg trodde vi var ferdige med bjørnetrenden. Desverre tror jeg ikke det, men ila. neste år en gang tror jeg tålmodigheten vil lønne seg!
Ja, etter at jeg posta så gikk jeg på telegram og fant nyhetsbrevet for september. Det var forsåvidt mer positivt. Det er litt handel med flp ser det ut til
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