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Gjensidige forsikring (GJF)

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La oss starte diskusjonen! @Kenero @Phsykes88 @Tesch @vesa @Henfri @kumamon @Joersk @embargo @silverado @Aksjer888 @ryen @nistemann @mikromidas @Tobben10 @Opelcorsa @Atlebassen @ekd @Grevling @Oiv @pdx

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Gjensidige Forsikring: Capital Markets Day 27 November 2018 - save the date

Gjensidige Forsikring (OSE:GJF) will host a Capital Markets Day in London on 27
November 2018. Please note the change of date from earlier announcements. Save
the date.

For further information on the event, please see the attachment to this

Contact person, Gjensidige Forsikring ASA:
Head of Investor Relations, Mitra Hagen Negård, tel. +47 957 93 631

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=456871

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Finansiell kalender

Finansiell kalender for Gjensidige Forsikring ASA


25.10.2018 - Kvartalsrapport - Q3
24.01.2019 - Kvartalsrapport - Q4

27.11.2018 - Kapitalmarkedsdag


25.04.2019 - Kvartalsrapport - Q1
12.07.2019 - Halvårsrapport
23.10.2019 - Kvartalsrapport - Q3

28.03.2019 - Ordinær generalforsamling

Denne informasjonen offentliggjøres i henhold til kravene i Løpende

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=456940

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Changes in Gjensidige’s Group management

Gjensidige Forsikring ASA will make changes in its Group Management effective 1.
September 2018.
Sigurd Austin, who is in charge of Claims and Sweden, will assume the position
as EVP Private. Hege Yli Melhus Ask, who is in charge of Private today, will
assume the position as EVP Claims. The responsibility for Sweden will be
transferred to a new position in Group Management, to be assumed by Aysegul Cin,
who is director of CRM and digital distribution in the Commercial segment. Mats
C. Gottschalk, who is in charge of Commercial, will become EVP Denmark. The
present EVP Denmark, Kim Rud-Petersen, will leave the Group Management and the
company. Lars Gøran Bjerklund, who is COO Sweden and director of Motor Claims,
will become EVP Commercial. Other positions in the Group Management will
continue with unchanged responsibilities, with the exception that the Chair
responsibility for Baltics will be transferred from Technology and Development
to Claims.

-The changes will make important contributions to organisational renewal and
dynamics, to be able to better meet the rapid changes we face around us, says
CEO Helge Leiro Baastad.

Gjensidige’s Group Management will consist of:

· Helge Leiro Baastad, CEO
· Jostein Amdal, CFO
· Sigurd Austin, EVP Private
· Lars Gøran Bjerklund, EVP Commercial
· Catharina Hellerud, EVP Analytics, Product and Price
· Hege Yli Melhus Ask, EVP Claims
· Aysegul Cin, EVP Sweden
· Mats C. Gottschalk, EVP Denmark
· Janne Merethe Flessum, EVP Communication and Shared Services
· Jørgen Ringdal, EVP Organisation, HR and Security
· Kaare Østgaard, EVP Technology and Development
Head of Communication Øystein Thoresen. Tel: 47 952 33 382
Head of Investor Relations Mitra Hagen Negård. Tel: 47 957 93 631
Gjensidige is a leading Nordic insurance group listed on the Oslo Stock
Exchange. We have about 3,800 employees and offer insurance products in Norway,
Denmark, Sweden and the Baltic states. In Norway, we also offer banking, pension
and savings. Operating income was NOK 27 billion in 2017, while total assets
were NO

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=457549

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EVP Hege Yli Melhus Ask leaves Gjensidige

EVP Hege Yli Melhus Ask has decided to leave Gjensidige Forsikring ASA to take
up a position as CEO of NHST Media Group. Melhus Ask has been EVP in Gjensidige
since 2011.

-I want to thank Hege for her long and valuable work for the company. I regret
that she has decided to leave us, but I can very well understand that she grasps
this exciting opportunity, says CEO Helge Leiro Baastad.

Anne Mari Kalager, who today is in charge of controlling in the Tehcnology and
Development area, has been appointed acting EVP of Claims as of 1 September.
Kalager has ample operational experience from key positions in the company,
including the areas of Private, Commercial and Claims. She started her career in
Gjensidige in 1991.
Head of Communication Øystein Thoresen. Tel: 47 952 33 382
Head of Investor Relations Mitra Hagen Negård. Tel: 47 957 93 6

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=458125

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Invitation to Gjensidige Forsikring’s Capital Markets Day, 27 November 2018

Gjensidige Forsikring (OSE:GJF) will host a Capital Markets Day in London on 27
November, 2018. Please find attached the invitation to the event.

Contact person, Gjensidige Forsikring ASA:
Head of Investor Relations, Mitra Hagen Negård, tel. +47 957 93 631

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=459190

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Ny rente

Se vedlegg på www.newsweb.no

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=460368

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Invitation to the presentation of Gjensidige’s results for the 3rd quarter 2018

Gjensidige Forsikring Group (OSE:GJF) will publish the results for the 3rd
quarter 2018 on 25 October at 7.00 CET.

25 October (Oslo)

9.00 CET

CEO Helge Leiro Baastad and CFO Jostein Amdal will present the results in a
combined webcast and conference call. The presentation and following Q&A session
will be held in English. The webcast can be viewed live on www.gjensidige.no/ir.

Participants who would like to ask questions should dial in using one of the
telephone numbers below. The full presentation can also be listened to live,
using the same dial-in details.

Dial-in details:

Confirmation code: 4788472

Norway: +47 800 51084 UK/ Europe: +44 (0) 800 358 6377 USA: +1 800-239-9838
Other locations: Please choose one of the above

A replay of the presentation and Q&A session will be made available from 25
October at approximately 12.00 CET.

Replay phone number: +47 23 50 00 77 Replay passcode: 4788472

11.00 CET

CEO Helge Leiro Baastad and CFO Jostein Amdal will be available for a Q&A
session for investors and sell-side analysts at Gjensidige’s head office,
Schweigaards gate 21 in Oslo. Investors and sell-side analysts who wish to
attend are requested to register by e-mail to [email protected] by end of
business 23 October.

26 October

Deutsche Bank will organise investor meetings in Frankfurt.

Danske Bank will organise investor meetings in Copenhagen.

Contact persons, Gjensidige Forsikring ASA:
Head of Investor Relations: Mitra Hagen Negård, tel.: +47 957 93 631
Head of Communication: Øystein Thoresen, tel.: +47 952 33 382

For more information about Gjensidige, please visit www.gjensidige.no/group.

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=460731

Nyheten er levert av OBI.


Gjensidige Forsikring ASA - Provisions in the third quarter of 2018

Gjensidige Forsikring ASA will record provisions of approximately NOK 160
million in the third quarter of 2018 related to ongoing restructuring measures,
and expected claims for damaged agricultural crops in Norway.

As a result of continuing focus on improved distribution efficiency, Gjensidige
will close eight branch offices in Norway, involving staff reduction and
termination of property lease contracts. In addition, the Group has reduced the
staff in Sweden and Denmark. Gjensidige will record a restructuring provision of
approximately NOK 80 million in the third quarter of 2018. The provision will be
recognised in the Corporate Center.

The hot and dry weather this summer has resulted in significant damages on
agricultural crops in Norway. Damages on crops in Norway related to drought are
to a large extent covered by the Norwegian Government. However, Gjensidige
covers parts of the damages, beyond compensation from the Government. Due to the
particular process where Government compensation is a prerequisite for
forwarding claims to Gjensidige, and the fact that the deadline for applications
to the Government is 31 October, there is limited visibility on the outcome for
Gjensidige at this point of time. Based on current best estimate, Gjensidige
will record claims provisions of NOK 80 million, related to crop damages, in the
third quarter of 2018. The provision will be recognised in the Commercial

Contact persons, Gjensidige Forsikring ASA:
Head of Investor Relations: Mitra Hagen Negård, tel.: +47 957 93 631
Head of Communication: Øystein Thoresen, tel.: +47 952 33 382

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=461056

Nyheten er levert av OBI.


Resultat påvirket av ekstraordinære værforhold

Gjensidige Forsikring konsern fikk et resultat før skatt på 964,0 millioner
kroner (1 578,1) i kvartalet. Resultatet inkluderer ikke overskudd fra
Gjensidige Bank, som er klassifisert som avviklet virksomhet. Resultatet fra
skadeforsikringsvirksomheten, målt ved forsikringsresultatet, ble 573,4
millioner kroner (1 150,2), tilsvarende en combined ratio på 90,6 (81,0).
Justert for avsetning knyttet til restrukturering på 80 millioner kroner ble
resultatet på 653,4 millioner kroner. Finansavkastningen ble 0,8 prosent (0,9),
tilsvarende 426,5 millioner kroner (477,3). Resultat etter skatt fra løpende
drift og avviklet virksomhet ble 873,1 millioner kroner (1 312,7), tilsvarende
1,75 kroner (2,63) per aksje.

  • Resultatet er betydelig preget av skader som følge av ekstremvær som fortsatte
    inn i tredje kvartal, i tillegg til forventet svekkelse i lønnsomheten for
    motorvogn i Norge. Vi er derimot godt fornøyde med den positive
    resultatutviklingen i vår virksomhet utenfor Norge. Fremover vil vi legge sterk
    vekt på å øke lønnsomheten gjennom prisjusteringer, kostnadseffektiv drift, og
    de beste kundeopplevelsene i det nordiske markedet, sier konsernsjef Helge Leiro

  • Jeg er svært godt fornøyd med hvordan vi har fulgt opp kundene i denne
    situasjonen med ekstraordinært mange skader. Dette har gitt oss anledningen til
    å vise at skadehåndtering er et konkurransefortrinn for oss, sier Baastad.
    Nedgangen i forsikringsresultatet var drevet av en premievekst på 1,0 prosent,
    som ble motvirket av en vesentlig værrelatert økning i frekvensskadenivået,
    hovedsakelig for bolig- og landbruksforsikringer i Norge, samt utviklingen i den
    underliggende skadeinflasjonen for motorvognforsikring i Norge. Avviket i
    værrelaterte frekvensskader innen bolig og landbruk for tredje kvartal, sett i
    forhold til historiske gjennomsnittsnivåer, anslås til ca. 130-160 millioner
    kroner. Dette inkluderer en avsetning på 80 millioner kroner knyttet til
    forventede krav om erstatning for avlingsskade. Storskadeinnslaget økte, delvis
    på grunn av værforholdene, og ble noe høyere enn forventet. Avviklingsgevinster
    økte og var også noe høyere enn forventet.
    Pensjonssegmentet ga rekordoverskudd dette kvartalet, drevet av kundevekst og
    vekst i forvaltningskapitalen.
    Finansavkastningen i kvartalet var lavere enn i samme periode i fjor, på grunn
    av lavere bidrag fra obligasjoner og omløpsaksjer.
    Banken rapporterte et lavere resultat sammenlignet med tilsvarende kvartal i
    fjor, grunnet høyre drifts- og salgskostnader samt lavere avkastning på
    finansielle instrumenter.
    Hittil i år har konsernet et resultat før skatt på 2 603,9 millioner kroner (4
    221,3). Resultatet inkluderer ikke overskudd fra Gjensidige Bank. Resultatet fra
    skadeforsikringsvirksomheten, målt ved forsikringsresultatet, ble 1 691,4
    millioner kroner (2 854,7), tilsvarende en combined ratio på 90,6 (83,6).
    Finansavkastningen var 2,0 prosent (2,8), tilsvarende 1 052,0 millioner kroner
    (1 513,4). Resultat etter skatt fra løpende drift og avviklet virksomhet ble 2
    412,2 millioner kroner (3 517,2), tilsvarende 4,83 kroner (7,04) per aksje.
    Hovedpunkter tredje kvartal 2018 (tredje kvartal 2017)

    · Resultat før skatt: 964,0 millioner kroner (1 578,1)
    · Resultat per aksje: 1,75 kroner (2,63)
    · Premieinntekter: 6 118,1 millioner kroner (6 056,4)
    · Forsikringsresultat: 573,4 millioner kroner (1 150,2)
    · Combined ratio: 90,6 (81,0)
    · Kostnadsandel: 15,6 (14,7)
    · Finansresultat: 426,5 millioner kroner (477,3)

Hovedpunkter hittil i år 2018 (hittil i år 2017)

· Resultat før skatt: 2 603,9 millioner kroner (4 221,3)
· Resultat per aksje: 4,83 kroner (7,04)
· Premieinntekter: 17 971,6 millioner kroner (17 428,8)
· Forsikringsresultat: 1 691,4 millioner kroner (2 854,7)
· Combined ratio: 90,6 (83,6)
· Kostnadsandel: 15,3 (15,2)
· Finansresultat: 1 052,0 millioner kroner (1 513,4)

Denne meldingen er informasjonspliktig etter verdipapirhandelloven §5-12.
Kommunikasjonsdirektør Øystein Thoresen. Tlf: 47 952 33 382
IR-direktør Mitra Hagen Negård Tlf: 47 957 93 631
Gjensidige er et ledende nordisk skadeforsikringsselskap notert på Oslo Børs. Vi
har om lag 3.800 medarbeidere og tilbyr skadeforsikring i Norge, Danmark,
Sverige og Baltikum. I Norge tilbyr vi også bank, pensjon og sparing.
Driftsinntektene var 27 milliarder kroner i 2017, mens forvaltningskapitalen
utgjorde 149

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=461940

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Results impacted by extraordinary weather conditions

Gjensidige Forsikring Group recorded a profit before tax of NOK 964.0 million
(1,578.1) for the quarter. The result does not include the profit from
Gjensidige Bank, as this now is recorded as a discontinued operation. The profit
from general insurance operations measured by the underwriting result was NOK
573.4 million (1,150.2), corresponding to a combined ratio of 90.6 (81.0).
Adjusted for the NOK 80.0 million restructuring provision, the result was NOK
653.4 million. The return on financial assets was 0.8 per cent (0.9), or NOK
426.5 million (477.3). The profit after tax from continuing and discontinued
operations was NOK 873.1 million (1,312.7) and the corresponding earnings per
share were NOK 1.75 (2.63).

  • Results were significantly impacted by claims following the extreme weather,
    which continued into the third quarter, in addition to the expected
    deterioration of profitability in our Norwegian motor insurance line. However,
    we are very pleased with the positive development outside Norway. Going forward
    we will strengthen our efforts to improve profitability through price
    adjustments, cost-efficient operations and the best customer experiences in the
    Nordic market, CEO Helge Leiro Baastad says.
  • I am very pleased with our handling of the customers in this situation with an
    extraordinary claims volume. This has provided us with an opportunity to show
    that claims handling is a competitive advantage, Baastad says.
    The decline in the underwriting result was driven by 1.0 per cent growth in
    premiums, offset by a significant weather-related increase in frequency claims,
    primarily for property and agriculture insurance lines in Norway as well as the
    underlying claims inflation for Norwegian motor insurance. The deviation in
    weather-related frequency for property and agricultural claims for the third
    quarter, considering historical average levels, is estimated to ~ NOK 130-160
    million. This includes NOK 80 million relating to estimated claims for damages
    to crops. Large losses increased, partly related to weather, and were somewhat
    higher than the expectation level. Run-off gains increased and were somewhat
    higher than anticipated.
    The Pension segment generated record profits for the quarter, driven by customer
    growth and an increase in assets under management.
    The financial return in the quarter was lower than in the same period last year,
    with lower contributions from bonds and current equities.
    The Retail Bank recorded a lower result compared with the same quarter last
    year, due to higher operating expenses, increased acquisition costs and lower
    gains on financial instruments.
    Year to date the Group recorded a profit before tax of NOK 2,603.9 million
    (4,221.3). The result does not include the profit from Gjensidige Bank. The
    profit from general insurance operations measured by the underwriting result was
    NOK 1,691.4 million (2,854.7), corresponding to a combined ratio of 90.6 (83.6).
    The return on financial assets was 2.0 per cent (2.8) or NOK 1,052.0 million
    (1,513.4). The profit after tax from continuing and discontinued operations was
    NOK 2,412.2 million (3,517.2) and the corresponding earnings per share were NOK
    4.83 (7.04).

Highlights third quarter 2018 (third quarter 2017)

· Profit/loss before tax: NOK 964.0 million (1,578.1)
· Earnings per share: NOK 1.75 (2.63)
· Earned premiums: NOK 6,118.1 million (6,056.4)
· Underwriting result: NOK 573.4 million (1,150.2)
· Combined ratio: 90.6 (81.0)
· Cost ratio: 15.6 (14.7)
· Financial result: NOK 426.5 million (477.3)

Highlights year to date 2018 (year to date 2017)

· Profit/loss before tax: NOK 2,603.9 million (4,221.3)
· Earnings per share: NOK 4.83 (7.04)
· Earned premiums: NOK 17,971.6 million (17,428.8)
· Underwriting result: NOK 1,691.4 million (2,854.7)
· Combined ratio: 90.6 (83.6)
· Cost ratio: 15.3 (15.2)
· Financial result: NOK 1,052.0 million (1,513.4)

This information is subject to disclosure under the Norwegian Securities Act
section §5-12.
Head of Communication Øystein Thoresen. Tel: 47 952 33 382
Head of Investor Relations Mitra Hagen Negård. Tel: 47 957 93 631
Gjensidige is a leading Nordic insurance group listed on the Oslo Stock
Exchange. We have about 3,800 employees and offer insurance products in Norway,
Denmark, Sweden and the Baltic states. In Norway, we also offer banking, pension
and savings. Operating income was NOK 27 billion in 2017, while total assets

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=461941

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Acquisition of own shares / primary insider trades ***

On behalf of Gjensidige (OSE:GJF), DNB has on 26 October 2018 acquired 74,408
shares. The shares have been acquired at an average price of NOK 124,4482 per
59,772 shares have been sold to employees, at a price of NOK 124,4482 per share,
as part of the Gjensidige share savings scheme 2018.
Acquisition of shares for the share savings scheme for the third quarter 2018 is
now completed.
A total of 8,095 bonus shares are allocated to employees pursuant to the terms
of previous years’ share savings scheme. Bonus shares are allocated without
further consideration.
Gjensidige now owns 31.371 own shares.
Shares sold or allocated to primary insider employees are disclosed in the
attachment to this disclosure.
For a description of the share savings scheme, see stock exchange release dated
19 December 2017.

This information is subject to disclosure under the Norwegian Securities Act
section §5-12.

Investor Relations Officer, Mitra Hagen Negård, Tel +47 957 93 631
Head of Communication: Øystein Thoresen, Tel: +47 952 33 38

Ekstern link: https://newsweb.oslobors.no/message/462258

Nyheten er levert av OBI.


23/11-2018 11:04:29: (GJF) Reminder - Invitation to Gjensidige Forsikring’s Capital Markets Day, 27 November 2018

27/11-2018 13:00:08: (GJF) Gjensidige Forsikring Capital Markets Day 2018: Excel today - Empower for tomorrow

06/12-2018 14:28:08: (GJF) Ny rente

19/12-2018 17:22:44: (GJF) Share savings scheme 2019 for employees of the Gjensidige Group and subscription from primary insider employees

28/12-2018 13:43:17: (GJF) Ny rente

07/01-2019 14:16:36: (GJF) Invitation to the presentation of Gjensidige’s results for the 4th quarter 2018

24/01-2019 07:00:16: (GJF) Et år sterkt preget av ekstraordinære værforhold og høye avviklingsgevinster - Styret foreslår et utbytte på 7,10 kroner per aksje